Regulations on the rating of students' achievements | ХАІ
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Regulations on rating assessment of student achievements
at National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»

Approved by:
Academic Council
of National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»
Protocol No. 6 of December 19, 2018

Entered into force by order No. 199 of April 9, 2019


СУЯ ХАІ-НАВ-П/003:2018

Date of introduction: September 1, 2019

Edition No.

1. General regulations

1.1 Regulations on the rating of student achievement (hereinafter, the Regulations) at National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» (hereinafter, the University) was developed in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine "On Education" dated 05.09.2017 № 2145-VIII, "On Higher Education" dated 01.07.2014 № 1556-VII, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “On introduction of the European credit transfer system in higher educational institutions of Ukraine” dated 16.10.2009 №943 and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Some issues of scholarship provision” (as amended) dated December 28, 2016 № 1050.

1.2 Terms in the Regulations are used in the following meaning:

Rating assessment of student achievementis a system of measuring learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and practical skills) of the student in the study of the discipline in the relevant semester in accordance with the curriculum.

Content module (hereinafter, the module) is a logically complete part of the study material for a particular discipline, provided in the work program of the discipline.

Modular control is assessment of mastering of the educational material of the content module, which is verified by means of the appropriate test control planned in the work program of the discipline.

Current control is assessment of students' work in practical, laboratory, seminar and other classes and during the performance of individual tasks planned in the work program of the discipline. The full list of elements subject to current control and their assessment in points is set by the developer of the work program, approved by the project team leader for each discipline or the chairman of the branch educational and methodical commission (EMC), if the discipline belongs to a block of disciplines common to the field, and are brought to the notice of students.

Modular assessment is the number of points obtained by the applicant for higher education during the modular control.

The final modular assessment is the sum of points of modular assessments and the results of current control, which is formed before the beginning of the semester control.

Assessment of semester controlis the number of points obtained during the control evaluation of semester control, provided in the curriculum.

Semester assessment is a final modular assessment or assessment of the results of semester control. The grades are put in the consolidated statement by the staff of the dean's office.

1.3 Rating assessment of student achievement is used to:

- increase students' interest in the educational process;

- stimulate systematic and independent work of students;

- increase the objectivity in student knowledgeassessment;

- identify and disclosestudents’ aptitudes;

- increase the efficiency of research and teaching staff.

1.4 Rating assessment of student achievement does not include mandatory control measures during the semester control for all students. With the consent of the student who scored from 60 to 100 points of the final modular control, he is considered to have passed the semester control. The grade and the number of points in this case are put in the credit book. If the student scored more than 60 points according to the results of the final modular control and did not come to the semester control assessment, he is considered to have agreed with the results of the final modular control.

1.5 Modular control is carried out during the academic semester during lectures, practical, laboratory, seminar classes according to the schedule provided in the work program. The teacher gets the load for assessing modular control in the second part of the day.

1.6 For successful certification the student should receive a final modular grade of at least 60 points and perform all laboratory work, practical tasks, calculation, graphics and calculation work provided in the work program of the discipline.

1.7 Students who after the end of the academic weeks of the semester, i.e. before the start of the semester control week, received less than 60 points, are certified as "unsatisfactory" and are considered to have academic debt and are required to undergo semester control in order to eliminate academic debt during the semester control and holidays, i.e. until the beginning of the next semester. In this case, students who study under the state order are not included in the rating for getting academic scholarship.

1.8 Semester control can also be passed by students who want to increase the final modular grade.

1.9 Assessment of knowledge during the semester control is carried out on a 100-point scale. This approach is also used to determine the final modular assessment.

1.10 The cumulative system uses the sum of points, taking into account all types of work performed in each discipline during the semester: lectures, laboratory, practical, seminar, individual tasks, independent work, etc., planned in the work program of the discipline.

2. The main components of rating assessment of student achievement 

Rating assessment of student achievement is introduced in order to increase their motivation to work systematically when mastering the course material to get relevant competencies both during the semester and throughout the study period.

2.1 Arrangement of modular control

2.1.1 Modular control is carried out when the curriculum of the course provides an exam, grading test or test, except for practice (introductory, educational, industrial, undergraduate).

2.1.2 Modular control is carried out on the studying material related to the relevant content modules in accordance with the work program.

Modular control is carried out by performing written tests, including the use of modern information technology,at lectures, laboratory, practical classes as planned in the work program of the course. The schedule of modular control for the current semester and the duration of each control assessmentare determined by the developer of the work program and approved by the head of the project team or the head of the branch EMC.

Current control depends on the content of modular control. Its components and their evaluation in points are determined by the developer of the work program, which is written in it, and approved by the head of the project team or the head of the branch EMC.

Allthe material subject to current control and assessment in points are established by the work program developer, are approved by the project team leader for each discipline and brought to the notice of students.

2.1.3 Distribution of educational material into meaningful modules, identifying types of control and assessment criteria, as well as mandatory tasks for getting admission to the semester control are carried out by the developer of the work program. Criteria for evaluating modular control tasks, as well as laboratory, practical work, seminars, individual tasks are included in the work program. The information of the work program is brought to the attention of students during the first lesson of the current semester. Control tasks are approved by the project team leader.

2.1.4 The number of modular controls is equal to the number of content modules provided in the work program. The time and place of modular controls are determined by the developer of the work program. Modular control is carried outduring the classes as stated in the work program of the discipline.

2.1.5. The student is always allowed to take modular tests.

2.1.6 A student is considered to have taken the modular control if he came to the control assessment and received a control task.

2.1.7 Each student performs control tasks independently. The control assessmentis performed in compliance with the principles of academic integrity. In case of violations of the principles of academic integrity or the established procedure for modular control, the student is dismissed from takingthe control assessment. The fact of violation is recorded in a written form before the end of the control assessment.

2.1.8 If a student failed to come to the control assessment,it is evaluated by zero points.

2.1.9 In case of disagreement with the assessment, the student has the right to appeal.

2.1.10 The student may not retake the module control.

2.1.11 A student who, for a good reason, did not come for the modular control and provided supporting documents, has the right to extend the terms of the control assessment as stated in the curriculum and work program, in accordance with the existing procedure.

2.1.12 The results of the final assessment of the student's work (during the academic semester, i.e. before the beginning of the semester control) are written in the statement of the final modular control (Appendix B), which is submitted to the dean's office and the department for safekeeping.

2.1.13 Responsible employees of the dean's officeenter students’ performanceinto the electronic system PILOT according to the statements, which are the basis for determining studentswith academic debts. For students studying under the state order, such data become the basis for making a rating list of students’ performance for the accrual of academic scholarships.

2.2Arrangement of semester control

2.2.1 Semester control (the procedure of conducting semester control assessment in the form of a semester exam, grading test or test in the amount of study material defined in the work program of the discipline) is carried out in all disciplines included in the curriculum, according to the educational process schedule.

2.2.2 A student who has completed all types of compulsory work (laboratory, practical, calculation-practical or calculation work, abstracts, etc.) planned for in the work program is admitted to the semester control of the course.

2.2.3 A student who has passed all modular tests (is successfully certified by their results, i.e. received a final modular score of 60 points or more), as well as completed all types of compulsory work, is considered to have passed the semester control, and is certified with his consent by the final modular grade as a semester control assessment. A student who is certified "unsatisfactory" (paragraph 1.7) is required to pass a semester control. The only condition for admission to the semester control is the performance of all types of compulsory work planned in the work program.

2.2.4 Semester control can be done by students who want to increase the final modular grade. The best result is credited.

2.2.5 Students have the right to re-take the control assessment of the current semester control, and applicants who study under the state order, withdraw from the scholarship rating and lose the right to receive an academic scholarship.

2.2.6 The semester grade in the discipline for which the grading credit is provided is the total grade for the performance of compulsory work planned in the work program, which is calculated on a 100-point scale.

2.2.7 If the courseis evaluated by credit, it is put “credited”and the number of points scored (60 or more)in the credit book and the statement. Otherwise, itis put“not credited” in the statement.

2.2.8 Students who have not completed the compulsory work planned in the work program, perform this work in the period allotted for semester control.

2.2.9 The deadline for elimination of academic debt is the start date of the next semester. In special cases, the rector may extend the period of elimination of academic debt.

2.2.10 The results of the semester control are recorded in the individual performance statement.

2.2.11 Over the period of semester control the schedule of consultations and control assessments on disciplines is made. There is also a schedule for the elimination of academic debts in all disciplines taught during the semester (at the rate of at least 4 academic hours per week in each discipline). The schedule is made by the dispatching service of the University taking into account offers from departments.

2.2.12 A satisfactory semester grade in the discipline is the basis for transition to the next year.

2.2.13 For students studying under the state order, the semester grade becomes the basis for participation in the rating for the appointment of an academic scholarship if such students did not have academic debts or did not increase their grades in accordance with paragraph 2.2.5.

2.3 Registration of results of modular and semester control

2.3.1 The university uses a table for conversionof rating scores into the traditional scale (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1. Conversion of rating scores into the traditional scale


Score on a traditional scale

Exam, gradingtest


90 - 100



75 - 89


60 - 74


0 - 59



2.3.2 During the modular control, the person conducting it must fill in the statement (Appendix A), where he/ she indicates the number of points scored, as well as the date of the assessment. The statement must be kept at the department for the duration of the curriculum.

2.3.3 The teacher records the results of the current control in the journal of attendance and performance of students of academic groups in numerical form in two digits: 09, 25, etc. If the student failed to come to the modular control, the teacher writes “0” in the column "Modular assessment".

2.3.4 The statement of the final modular control (Appendix B) is filled in before the beginning of the semester control. The final modular assessment is entered here. The statement must be returned to the dean's office before the beginning of the semester control.

2.3.5 Semester grades in the discipline are entered in a summary statement, which is formed and kept in the dean's office. The dataof the summary statementare entered into the PILOT electronic system. For students who study at the state order, they are the basis for the formation of a student performanceratingfor the accrual of academic scholarships.

3. Organization of rating assessment of student achievements at the department 

3.1 To assess the student's work during the semester, the discipline is divided into content modules. Each module evaluates all the main elements of the student's educational work (work in practical, laboratory and seminar classes, performance of calculation and graphic work, individual, control and homework and their defense, participation in student conferences, olympiads, defense of abstracts, etc.).

3.2 The main elements of educational work (current control) and control assessments (modular control) are evaluated by a system of points, which is stated in the work program and cannot be changed during studying. The distribution of points is carried out by the developer of the work program. The specified number of points may be different for different disciplines. In each case, the importance of the type of work, its importance for the discipline is taken into account.

A complete list of elements to be monitored and their evaluation in points are set in the work program for each discipline and brought to the noticeof students. It is allowed to assign points for other activities related to the discipline.

An example of pointsdistribution for disciplines is given in Appendix B.

3.3 Scores by the type of control assessmentshould be distributed in such a way that the student, having passed all the planned modular controls, was not able to get the final modular grade "satisfactory" as well as by the results of the current control. The student shouldgetthe required number of points to beconverted into a grade of "satisfactory", "good" and "excellent" through systematic work during classes, timely completion of individual work and homework, as well as the successful result of modular tests.

3.4 Students who have not completed all types of compulsory work planned in the work program of the courseto be allowed to the semester control must complete them.

4. Documents of rating assessment of student achievement 

4.1 The department should have the following documentation for each academic discipline for a separate educational program:

- awork program of the discipline with distribution into meaningful modules;

- a reference list required to master the discipline;

- alist of control questions and test tasks;

- resource materials, which provide topics for independent work with control questions to them;

- performancestatements;

- modularassessment statements;

- modularpapers of students.

4.2 Dean's offices must have:

- ajournal of current performance control and attendance;

- statements of final modular control and individual performance statements;

- schedules of independent work;

- summarystatements of students’ performance.

5. Special conditions

Cases not stated in this Regulation, special circumstances and situations on the basis of the student's application and a substantiated submission of the dean are considered and decided by the rector or vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work.

6. Final regulations

6.1 The regulations are approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by order of the Rector of the University.

6.2 Control over the implementation of the Regulationis exercised by the officials of the University within the limits of their powers established by their job descriptions.

6.3 Changes and additions to the Regulationare considered and approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by order of the Rector of the University.



Modular controlstatement




Final modular controlstatement



Example of pointsdistributionin the discipline

(The distribution given in the example is not a recommendation, each developer of the work program has the right to personally distribute points by types of work)

Work on lectures, practical, laboratory and seminar classes ...

0 - 3

Performance and defense of laboratory work

0 - 6

Performance and defense of one task

0 - 10

Performance and defense of calculation and graphic work

0 - 15

Performance and defense of a graphic task

0 - 6

Performance and defense of an individual task (one)

0 - 10

Performanceand defense of a semester task

0 - 20


0 - 15


0 - 15

Passing modular control (one)

0 - 25

Participation in the second round of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in the relevant field

0 - 20

Giving a speech at a student conference on the discipline

0 - 20

Table C.1. Example of distribution of points by elements of the module





Module 1

Performance and defense of the task

0 - 10


0 - 10


0 - 25


0 - 25

Work on practical, laboratory and seminar classes

0 - 3


0 - 3

Performance and defense of laboratory work

0 - 6


0 - 6

Performance and defense of a graphic task

0 - 6


0 - 6

Module 2


0 - 15


0 - 15


0 - 25


0 - 25

Performance and defense of an individual task (one)

0 - 10


0 - 10

Total points of the discipline



0 - 100

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