Regulations on postgraduate teaching practice | ХАІ
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Regulation on the pedagogical practice of postgraduate students
of National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»

Approved by:
Academic Council
of National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»
protocol No.4 from November 20, 2019

СУЯ ХАІ-ВАД-П/002:2019

Date of introduction:  November 21, 2019

Edition No.1

1. General regulation

1.1 Regulation on pedagogical practice of postgraduate students (hereinafter - the Regulation) was developed in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from March 23, 2016 No. 261 "On approval of the Procedure for training applicants for higher education degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Sciences in higher educational institutions (scientific institutions)" and other normative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The regulation was approved by the Academic Council of the National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» (hereinafter referred to as the University), acts temporarily until the introduction of standards of higher education training of doctors of philosophy.

1.2 Pedagogical practice is an integral part of studying in full-time and part-time postgraduate study for vocational training for scientific and pedagogical activities of Doctor of Philosophy in high school.

1.3 Regulation on pedagogical practice of postgraduate students of the University regulates the procedure for pedagogical practice by postgraduate students, tasks and methodological support of pedagogical practice of postgraduate students, report on the results of pedagogical practice.

1.4 The organizer of pedagogical practice of postgraduate students and the basis for pedagogical practice is the department, which is assigned to the postgraduate student. A postgraduate student can practice at other departments of the University and at similar departments of other higher education institutions (hereinafter - higher education).

1.5 Pedagogical practice is carried out, as a rule, at the 111th and IV postgraduate courses after mastering the program of discipline "Didactics of Higher School" and is mandatory for all postgraduate students of full-time and part-time education.

2. The purpose and objectives of pedagogical practice of postgraduate students

2.1 The purpose of pedagogical practice is to consolidate theoretical knowledge, practical skills and skills of the teacher of higher education institutions. Practice involves solving the following tasks:

- formation and development of vocational skills and skills of a higher school teacher, in particular, mastering by postgraduate students communicative competencies necessary for high-quality lectures, conducting seminars and practical classes, applying the latest learning technologies and modern equipment;

- education of postgraduate students of creative, experimental approach to pedagogical activity;

- formation of postgraduate students needs to improve their scientific and scientific-pedagogical qualifications;

- mastering the skills and ability to perform educational and methodical work of a university teacher.

3. Content and organization of pedagogical practice

3.1 The content of the pedagogical practice of the postgraduate student provides:

- attending seminars, practical classes and lectures of experienced teachers of the department or university;

- carrying out educational and methodical work (writing lecture notes, textbooks, learning guides and other educational materials);

- conducting laboratory, seminar, practical classes, lectures or fragments of them.

3.2 The specific content of pedagogical practice of the postgraduate student is determined by the department taking into account the experience and experience gained by the postgraduate student in higher education and the direct tasks of the department.

3.3 The responsibility for the organization of the practice of the postgraduate student is given to his supervisor within the hours provided for by the scientific guidance. The academic load performed by the postgraduate student during pedagogical practice is credited to the teacher who teaches a certain course and controls the quality of his teaching by a postgraduate student (the presence of the teacher in the classroom is required).

3.4 Terms of internship and its program are determined individually by the postgraduate student, approved by the supervisor and the head of the department, to which the postgraduate student is attached.

4. Forms and methods of control over the practice of postgraduate students

4.1 Direct control over the pedagogical practice of the postgraduate student is carried out by his supervisor and lecturer in the discipline in which the practice takes place.

4.2 According to the results of pedagogical practice, the postgraduate student submits to the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies a report on each type of work of pedagogical practice, signed by the head of the department, supervisor or lecturer in the discipline under which the practice took place (Annex 1), (Annex 2).

4.3 The assessment for pedagogical practice is set by the supervisor and lecturer in the discipline in which the practice took place, and approved by the head of the department.

4.4 Postgraduate students who perform educational, educational and methodological work under the employment agreement within the University submit to the postgraduate study a report on the passage of pedagogical practice in accordance with the educational, educational and methodological work performed at the department (University). Reports should be signed by the scientific supervisor and the head of the department on which the postgraduate student performs the workload. The assessment is based on the results of control of individual classes conducted by the postgraduate student, according to the plan of the head of the department.

4.5 The number of hours for all types of work performed by a postgraduate student in the time of pedagogical practice is at least 1 hour for educational work and working hours for educational and methodical work, but not more than 200 hours for all types of work. The number of hours for each type of work must comply with the Regulation "Norms of time for planning and accounting of the work of scientific and pedagogical workers", which operates at the University.

4.6 Postgraduate students who, for good reasons, could not pass pedagogical practice within the scheduled time, must pass it at another time determined by the department.

5. Rights and obligations of an intern

5.1 The postgraduate student has the right to receive consultations from the supervisor, teachers of the department on all issues of pedagogical practice.

5.2 Postgraduate student is obliged to:

- conscientiously perform the tasks of pedagogical practice, determined by the department; to show high responsibility, diligence, creative initiative, organization, discipline, pedagogical delicacy;

- to comply with the Statute of the University, the Internal Regulation of the University, the order of the Dean, the decision of the department;

- timely submit to the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies report "On stages of pedagogical practice."

5.3 A postgraduate student suspended from practice or whose work in practice is considered unsatisfactory, is considered to have not fulfilled an individual plan, and in accordance with the Procedure for training applicants for higher education degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Sciences in higher education institutions (scientific institutions), approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 23, 2016, is subject to deduction.

6. Final regulation

6.1 The regulation is approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by the order of the Rector of the University.

6.2 Control over the implementation of the Regulation is carried out by officials of the University within its powers established in the official instructions.

6.3 Amendments and additions to the Regulation are considered and approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by the order of the Rector of the University.


Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Предметні олімпіади у форматі НМТ