Regulations on the organization of the educational process | ХАІ
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Regulations on the organization of the educational process
at National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»

Academic Council
of National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»
protocol No.11 from May 27,  2020

Entered into force:order No.254 of May 28, 2020


СУЯ ХАІ-НМВ-П/002:2020

Date of introduction: May 28, 2020

Editorial No.3 

1. Generalregulations

1.1 National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» (hereinafter - the University) has the status of a national institution of higher education and operates on the basis of autonomy and self-government.

1.2. The regulations on the organization of the educational process (hereinafter - the Regulations) at the University is the main regulatory document governing the organization and conduct of educational activities at the University and developed in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", taking into account the requirements of the Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Professional Pre-Higher Education", "On General Secondary Education", "On Extracurricular Education", "On Vocational Education", "On Professional Development of Employees" and others, Decrees of the President of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Statute of the University, the development strategy of the University, other normative legal acts in the field of higher education, employment and social and labor relations, as well as recommendations and standards defined by the documents used in the single European educational space by countries participating in the Bologna process and recognized by Ukraine.

The list of internal normative documents is given in Appendix A.

1.3 The language of the educational process at the University is the state language. The educational process in foreign languages is carried out in accordance with the law.

2. Main terms and definitions 

This Regulation contains terms in the following meanings:

Academic recognition - enrollment of educational components (learning outcomes), qualifications or diplomas of one (Ukrainian or foreign) institution of higher education by another institution with certain goals.

Academic leave- a break in education in accordance with the circumstances that make it impossible to perform an educational (scientific) program (for health reasons, in connection with conscription for military service in case of loss of the right to defer it, due to family circumstances, training or internships in other educational and scientific institutions (including foreign countries), etc.).

Academic houris the minimum accounting unit of study time, which is the basis for planning and accounting for study sessions.

Academic integrityis a set of ethical principles and rules defined by law that should guide participants in the educational process during education, teaching and conducting scientific / creative activities in order to ensure trust in the results of learning and / or scientific / creative achievements.

Academic debt - the presence of disciplines, practices, etc., for which the applicant for higher education was not credited.

- during the academic semester before the beginning of the current semester control, determined by the curriculum, a person from any educational component (discipline, practice, coursework) scored less points than the limit of unsatisfactory studying defined at the University;

- during semester control of any educational component (discipline, practice, coursework), the student received less points than the limit of unsatisfactory studying defined in the educational institution.

Academic mobility- the ability of participants in the educational process to study, teach, train or conduct scientific activities in another institution of higher education (scientific institution) on the territory of Ukraine or abroad.

Academic difference - the presence of disciplines, practices, etc., provided for by the mandatory part of the curriculum of the relevant educational program, for which the student was not credited credits at the time of transfer (renewal).

Academic plagiarism - publication (partially or fully) of scientific results obtained by other persons as the results of their own research and / or reproduction of published texts of other authors without specifying authorship.

Academic dishonestyis the most immaculate performance by the applicant for higher education examination, scoring, control, coursework, individual tasks, write-off, use of educational and reference materials prohibited at the control event, reproduction of other people's published results (texts) in their writings without proper reference to the author, falsification and fabrication of results.

Certification- is the establishment of compliance of the results of education (scientific work) of higher education students with the requirements of the educational (scientific) program and / or the requirements of the program of the unified state qualification exam.

Expulsion -termination of the status of the applicant for higher education, the rights to  obtain higher education.

The field of knowledge is harmonized with the International Standard Classification of Education, a wide subject area of education and science, including a group of related specialties.

Specialty support group is a group of pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and/or scientific workers for whom the educational institution is the main place of work and who are responsible for the implementation of educational programs in the specialty at certain levels of higher and professional pre-higher education, postgraduate education for persons with higher education and persons with educational qualification level of a junior specialist, personally participate in the educational process and meet the qualification requirements defined by the current Licensing conditions.

Agreement/Agreement on study- an agreement concluded by the parties involved in the educational process (including academic mobility programs): the student and higher education institutions (institutions / organizations), institutions / persons who send to study and pay for it (if education is carried out at the expense of legal entities or individuals).

Distance educationis an individualized process of education, which takes place mainly due to the indirect interaction of participants in the educational process remote from each other in a specialized environment that operates on the basis of modern psychological, pedagogical and information-communication technologies.

Dual form of education is a way of obtaining full-time education by full-time students, which involves studying in the workplace at enterprises, in institutions and organizations for acquiring a certain qualification in the amount of 25 percent to 60 percent of the total amount of the educational program.

The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a system of transfer and credit accumulation used in the European Higher Education Area to provide, recognize, confirm qualifications and educational components and promotes academic mobility of higher education students.

General competencies -competencies that are formed by the student during studying under a certain educational program, they are universal in nature and are important for the personal development of the student, his successful socialization and professional growth.

Part-time form of higher educationis a way of organizing the education of higher education students by combining training sessions and control measures during short-term sessions and self-mastering the educational program in the period between them.

Students - persons who are educated in any type and form of education.

Obtaining (assigning) ECTS credits -recognition by the University of the fact of mastering a certain educational component (achieving the relevant competencies / results of education).

Individual educational way -personal path of realization of personal potential of the student, which is formed taking into account his abilities, interests, needs, motivation, opportunities and experience, is based on the choice of the student of education types, forms and pace of education, subjects of educational activity and their proposed educational programs / educational components, academic disciplines and the level of their complexity, methods and means of education.

An individual study schedule is a document that determines the procedure for organizing person's education according to the individual curriculum, for which the schedule of education differs from the generally determined at the University.

Individual curriculumis a document that determines the consistency, form and pace of assimilation by the student of the educational components of the educational program in order to implement its individual educational trajectory and which is developed by the educational institution in cooperation with the student in the presence of the necessary resources.

Inclusive learningis a system of educational services that are guaranteed by the state, based on the principle of non-discrimination, taking into account the diversity of a person, effective involvement and inclusion of all its participants in the educational process.

Informative education (self-education) is an education that involves a person's self-organized acquisition of certain competencies, in particular during daily activities related to professional, public or other activities, family or leisure.

Qualification -standardized set of competencies and / or study results obtained by a person, which are recognized as an authorized subject and certified by the relevant document. Qualifications are divided into educational and professional.

Educational qualification is the official result of assessment and recognition, which was obtained when the authorized subject, according to the relevant procedure, determined that the person had achieved competencies (learning outcomes) in accordance with the standards of education certified by the relevant education document.

Professional qualification is a recognized qualification center based on the results of a specialized (in accordance with the evaluation standard) inspection of a set of competencies obtained by a person, determined by the relevant professional standard, allowing you to perform a certain type of work or carry out professional activities and certified by the relevant document.

Partial qualification isa qualification that indicates that a person has gained a part of the competencies that correspond to a certain level of the National Qualifications Framework and are determined by the relevant professional standard.

Competence is a dynamic combination of knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, views, values, other personal qualities, which determines the ability of a person to successfully socialize, conduct professional and / or further educational activities.

ECTS creditis a unit for measuring the educational load of the applicant for higher education, required to achieve the defined (expected) results of education.

The educational moduleis a structured part of the educational program that ensures the formation of certain competencies (learning outcomes) within the module.

The student's workload is the time necessary to achieve certain defined (expected) competencies (learning outcomes) and which includes all types of his work: classroom, independent, laboratory, research, training and production practices, control measures, certification, etc.

Study sessions - lecture; laboratory, practical, seminar, individual classes; consultation.

Curriculumis a normative document of a higher education institution, which is drawn up on the basis of an educational and professional program and a structural and logical scheme of education and determines the list and scope of normative and selective disciplines, the sequence of their study, the specific study forms and the scope, the schedule of the educational process, the forms and means of current and final control.

Educational and methodical complex in discipline (EMCD (Ukrainian - NMKD) -a set of documents describing the integral educational process in a certain discipline, contains a set of didactic, methodological and organizational materials aimed at obtaining the planned results of education, taking into account the characteristics of this discipline.

a) mandatory component:

- working program of the discipline;

- a summary of lectures or an extended plan of lectures, textbooks (textbooks), including in electronic form, which in content fully correspond to the working program of the discipline;

- guidelines and recommendations for the implementation of coursework and projects, calculation and calculation and graphic works, laboratory and practical work, as well as recommendations for self-preparation;

- topics of individual tasks;

- examples of solving typical tasks or performing typical tasks;

- questions, tests for control measures;

- catalogues of information resources;

b) additional component (if necessary):

- collections of situational tasks (cases);

- computer presentations;

- illustrative materials (posters, tables, etc.).

Certain parts of the NMKD are methodical publications (methodological publications) and intellectual property of the teacher (staff of teachers).

The National Repository of Academic Textsis a nationwide distributed electronic database in which academic texts are accumulated, stored and systematized.

Unbiased assessment - deliberate overstatement or understatement of the assessment of the results of education students.

Non-formaleducation is an education that is usually obtained under educational programs and does not provide for the award of state-recognized educational qualifications at the levels of education, but may end with the assignment of professional and / or awarding partial educational qualifications.

The educational processis an intellectual, creative activity in the field of higher education and science, carried out at the University through a system of scientific, methodological and pedagogical activities and aimed at transmitting, assimilating, multiplying and using knowledge, skills and other competencies in persons studying, as well as the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

Educational activities - the activities of the University are aimed at organizing, ensuring and implementing the educational process in formal and / or informal education.

Educational service - a complex, determined by law, educational program and / or agreement of actions of the educational entity, which has a certain cost and is aimed at achieving the expected results of education by the student.

Educational (educational, professional, educational and scientific) program- a single set of educational components (disciplines, individual tasks, practices, control measures, etc.) aimed at achieving the results of education provided by such a program, which entitles you to receive a certain educational or educational and professional (qualifications). At the levels of higher education, the educational program determines the requirements for the level of education of persons who can start studying under this program, the list of educational components and the logical sequence of their study, the number of ECTS credits necessary for the implementation of this program, as well as the expected program results of education (competence) that the student of the appropriate degree of higher education must master.

A person with special educational needsis a person who needs additional constant or temporary support in the educational process in order to ensure his/her right to education.

Evaluation -any quantitative or qualitative measure on the basis of certain criteria that are used to determine the level of mastered learning outcomes of a particular academic discipline or educational program as a whole.

Evaluation of students -a formalized process for determining the level of mastery of the student's planned (expected) learning outcomes.

Full-time (evening) form of higher educationis a way of organizing studying for higher education students, which involves conducting study sessions and practical studying for at least 30 weeks during the academic year.

Pedagogical activity - intellectual, creative activity of a pedagogical (scientific-pedagogical) employee or a self-employed person in formal and / or informal education, which is aimed at training, education and development of the individual, its general cultural, civil and / or professional competencies.

Transfer -changes in the rights and obligations of the person obtaining higher education, caused by the change of higher education institution and / or specialty (specialization, educational (scientific) program), and / or forms of education, and / or sources of funding without termination of the status of the applicant for higher education.

Recharging/transferring creditsis the process of recognizing credits assigned to another institution of higher education for the purpose of obtaining qualifications. Credits assigned to participants within the same educational program of a particular educational institution can be transferred for accumulation in another program offered by the same or another educational institution, since the results of training meet some or all of the requirements of a particular program, part of it or qualifications.

Postgraduate educationis a specialized improvement of a person's education and vocational training by deepening, expanding and updating his/her professional knowledge, skills and abilities or obtaining another profession, specialty based on the previously acquired educational level and practical experience.

The policy of ensuring the quality of educational activities and higher education at the university is a set of standards, regulations, recommendations and decisions adopted and implemented at the University in accordance with the principles of ensuring the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education defined in the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education".

Renewal - restoration of the status of the applicant for higher education, rights and duties of the person obtaining higher education.

Awarding a degree / educational qualification-  act of providing the student with a certain degree of higher education / educational qualification based on the results of the successful implementation of the relevant educational program and passing the certification in accordance with the requirements of the educational standard.

Program competencies are the most important competencies that determine the specifics of the program and are included in the program profile.

Program results of studying - a coordinated set of 15-20 statements that defines the material which the applicant for higher education should know, understand and be able to perform after the successful completion of the educational program.

The project group is a group of pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and/or scientific workers determined by the rector's order, who are responsible for the establishment of educational activities in the specialty at a certain level of higher education, professional pre-higher education and in the field of postgraduate education for persons with higher education and meet the approved qualification requirements.

The process of ensuring the quality of educational activities and higher education at the universityis a set of procedures aimed at introducing the principles of ensuring the quality of educational activities and higher education in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and the Regulation "On the System of Ensuring the Quality of Educational Activities and Higher Education".

Learning outcomes - knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, views, values, other personal qualities that can be identified, planned, evaluated and measured and which a person is able to demonstrate after the completion of the educational program (program results of education) or individual educational components.

The level of education is a completed stage of education, characterized by the level of complexity of the educational program, a set of competencies that are usually determined by the standard of education and correspond to a certain level of the National Qualifications Framework.

The working program of the disciplineis a normative document of the University, which contains the specific content of the discipline, consistency, organizational forms of its study and its scope, determines the forms and means of current and final control, evaluation criteria.

Self-plagiarism - publication (partially or fully) of their previously published scientific results as new scientific results.

Syllabusis a normative document of the University, which includes a description of the discipline, purpose and objectives, meaningful modules and names of topics of classes, tasks for independent work, teacher requirements, evaluation criteria, a list of used literature.

The system of internal quality assuranceis a system used by University for ensuring quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education, which provides for the implementation of the following procedures and measures:

- definition of principles and procedures for ensuring the quality of higher education;

- monitoring and periodic review of educational programs;

- annual evaluation of higher education students, scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions and regular publication of the results of such assessments on the official website of the institution of higher education, information stands and in any other way;

- ensuring the professional development of pedagogical, scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff;

- ensuring the availability of the necessary resources for the organization of the educational process, including the independent work of students, for each educational program;

- ensuring the availability of information systems for effective management of the educational process;

- ensuring publicity of information about educational programs, degrees of higher education and qualifications;

- ensuring the observance of academic integrity by university staff and higher education students, including the creation and provision of an effective system for preventing and detecting academic plagiarism;

- other procedures and measures.

Specialization is a component of the specialty, which can be determined by the institution of higher education and provides for one or more specialized educational programs of higher or postgraduate education.

Write-off - execution of written works with the involvement of external sources of information, except for those allowed for use, in particular, during the evaluation of studying results.

The higher education standard is a set of requirements for educational programs of higher education that are common to all educational programs within a certain level of higher education and specialty.

Internship -a period of experience outside the institution of higher education planned as part of the educational program in order to acquire practical skills, knowledge and skills by students.

Structural and logical scheme of studying -scientifically and methodically substantiated algorithm for the implementation of educational and professional (educational and scientific) programs for the formation of students general and professional competencies provided for in this program.

A student-centered approach is an approach characterized by innovative teaching methods aimed at promoting learning in the context of communication between teachers and students, and is based on the perception of students as active participants in their own learning, which develops general competencies, such as problem solving and critical thinking.

Degree - qualification of higher education, which is usually assigned after the successful completion of the educational program at a certain level of higher education.

Fabrication - inventing data or facts used in the educational process or scientific research.

Falsification is a conscious change or modification of existing data relating to the educational process or scientific research.

Professional (special, subject-specific) competencies are competencies that directly determine the specifics of the educational program and qualifications of the graduate and ensure the individuality of each educational program.

Formal educationis an education that is obtained according to educational programs in accordance with the levels of education, fields of knowledge, specialties (professions) determined by the legislation and provides for the achievement of the results of education determined by the standards of education of the relevant level of education and obtaining qualifications recognized by the state.

Bribery - provision (receipt) by the participant of the educational process or a proposal for the provision (receipt) of funds, property, services, benefits or any other benefits of a material or intangible nature in order to obtain an unlawful advantage in the educational process.

The quality of higher education is the compliance of the results of education with the requirements established by law, a certain standard of education and / or a contract for the provision of educational services.

3. Educational process 

3.1 Educational process at the University is an intellectual, creative activity in the field of higher education and science, carried out through a system of scientific, methodological and pedagogical activities and aimed at the transfer, assimilation, increase and use of knowledge, skills and other competencies in persons who study, as well as the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

3.2 The interaction of the University with public administration bodies in the field of higher education of Ukraine and other organizations is carried out on the basis of the principles of democracy and other universal human values.

3.3 The purpose of the educational process at the University is to train competent, highly qualified and competitive specialists in the national and international labor markets for aerospace and other industries and types of economic activity.

The educational process at the University is organized taking into account the existing scientific and pedagogical potential, educational, methodological, scientific and material and technical base using the capabilities of modern innovative technologies.

3.4 The educational process at the levels of higher education is carried out taking into account the mechanisms and procedures recognized in the European Higher Education Area (hereinafter - the EHEA) and the mechanisms and procedures recommended by the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System in compliance with the requirements of standards and recommendations for quality assurance in the EHEA.

3.5 The organization of the educational process is carried out on the basis of:

- humanism, democratism, patriotism, priority of universal spiritual values;

- independence of educational activities from any influence of political, public and religious organizations;

- development of autonomy and self-government of the University;

- academic freedom of participants in the educational process;

- integration of education with research work, innovative and industrial activities;

- national orientation (ensuring organic connection of education with national history, culture, traditions);

- balanced structure and scope of education of specialists with higher education, taking into account the needs of students, interests of the state, territorial communities and employers;

- unity and succession of the educational process (ensuring the unity of the structure of education and consistency of degrees and stages of the educational process);

- ensuring the quality of educational services and efficient use of human potential, material, financial and other resources;

- support and development of academic mobility;

- international integration of Ukrainian higher education system into the World and European Higher Education Area (subject to preservation and development of achievements and progressive traditions of national higher education);

- creation and provision of equal conditions for access to higher education, including persons with special educational needs;

- creation of conditions for personal development and creative self-realization of a person;

- student-centered learning, competent approach;

- implementation of the concept of life-long learning.

3.6 Main directions of the University:

- training of specialists of different degrees;

- training and attestation of scientific, scientific and pedagogical staff;

- research work;

- advanced training, retraining of personnel;

- cultural, educational, methodical, publishing, financial and economic, production and commercial work;

- international educational and scientific activities.

3.7 Additional directions of educational activities of the University:

- professional development and professional development of persons with higher education at all levels;

- provision of services for the acquisition of secondary education;

- provision of services for preparation for admission to study under the programs of professional pre-higher and higher education for citizens of Ukraine and other countries.

3.8 The main tasks of the educational process at the University:

- development of academic policy based on the analysis of labor market needs and forecasting the need for personnel in accordance with the requirements of the economy and society, taking into account the prospects for the development of relevant industries;

- continuation of the implementation of degree education through the creation of an integrated continuous system of selection and studying of specialists;

- conducting at a high level of educational activity, which ensures the receipt by persons of higher education of the appropriate degree in selected specialties;

- conducting educational activities on educational programs built using a competent approach and individual curriculum developed on their basis;

- integration of the University with educational institutions of various types, scientific institutions;

- introduction of innovative methodological and pedagogical technologies aimed at improving the effectiveness of transmission, assimilation, increase and use of knowledge, skills and other competencies by students of education;

- ensuring an organic combination in the educational process of educational, scientific and innovative activities;

- individualization and differentiation of education of gifted youth, creation of new opportunities for students by planning and implementing an individual educational trajectory;

- ensuring independent and objective certification of educational students and promoting their professional qualifications;

- creating the necessary conditions for the participants to realize their abilities and talents by participants in the educational process;

- preservation and increase of moral, cultural, patriotic, scientific values and achievements of society;

- ensuring equality and access to educational programs of the University of those groups of persons who need special support to realize their educational potential (support is needed under personal, social, cultural or economic circumstances);

- involvement of the entire academic community of the University and employers in ensuring the educational activities of the University, as well as in measures to ensure the quality of educational programs;

- active involvement in the educational process and research work of leading scientists.

3.9 Scientific and innovative activities are an integral and priority component of the University' activities. Integration of scientific, educational and production activities contributes to the implementation of modern scientific and technological achievements in the educational process, continuous improvement of qualifications of scientific, pedagogical and scientific workers, increasing the level of professional training of specialists, ensuring the competitiveness of the University in the market of educational and research services.

3.10. The University conducts educational activities under educational programs developed on the basis of higher education standards. Educational programs are implemented, modernized and updated in accordance with the Regulation "On the Development and Modernization of Educational Programs".

3.11 Direct management of the educational program at the levels of higher education is carried out by the guarantor of the educational program, which is appointed by the order of the Rector. One scientific and pedagogical worker can be the guarantor of only one educational program. The guarantor of the educational program is personally responsible for ensuring the quality of education under the educational program. The guarantor of the educational program is obliged to constantly monitor the compliance of the program with the standards of higher education of Ukraine, the interests of the main stakeholders, the results of training achieved planned, as well as to provide information to the University management on its competitiveness in the educational services market. According to the results of monitoring the educational program, the guarantor of the educational program, if necessary, should initiate the process of adjusting the program or the learning process under the program.

To ensure the quality of teaching and learning in the educational program, groups of support of the educational program are formed, which consist of scientific and pedagogical staff (usually members of the working group who have developed the project of the program), representatives of applicants for higher education and employers (by agreement).

3.12 Standards of higher education in each specialty are developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, taking into account the proposals of industry state bodies, which include higher education institutions and industry associations of employers' organizations and approve them in agreement with the National Agency for the Quality Assurance of Higher Education.

Higher education standards are developed for each level of higher education within each specialty in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework and are used to determine and evaluate the quality of the content and results of educational activities of higher education institutions.

3.13 The Standard of Higher Education defines the following requirements for the educational program:

- the amount of ECTS credits required for obtaining an appropriate degree of higher education;

- requirements to the level of education of persons who can start studying under this program and the results of their training;

- list of mandatory competencies of the graduate;

- normative content of training of higher education students, formulated in terms of learning outcomes;

- forms of certification of higher education students;

- requirements for the creation of educational training programs in the field of knowledge, two branches of knowledge or a group of specialties (in junior bachelor's level standards), interdisciplinary educational and scientific programs (in master's and doctoral standards);

- requirements of professional standards (if any).

One of the main components of the educational program is a structural and logical scheme, which is provided in the form of a logical sequence of studying disciplines and their connections with each other.

Specializations can be introduced by the University within the program of specialty.

3.14 Participants in the educational process at the University are:

- scientific, pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical staff;

- higher education students and other persons studying at the University;

- practitioners who are involved in the educational process according to the relevant educational and professional programs;

- other employees of the University.

3.15. The University trains and retrains specialists with higher education in relevant educational and professional (educational and scientific) programs at the following levels of higher education:

- entry level;

- the first (bachelor's);

- the second (master's);

- the third (educational and scientific).

3.16 Obtaining higher education at each of its levels involves the successful implementation of the relevant educational (educational, professional or educational-scientific) program and certification, which is the basis for awarding the appropriate degree of higher education:

- Junior Bachelor (basic level);

- Bachelor's degree (the first level);

- Master's degree (the second level);

-  Doctor of Philosophy (the fourth level).

3.17 Postgraduate education, advanced training at the University.

Postgraduate education consists in obtaining the second (next) higher education - obtaining bachelor's (master's) degree in another specialty on the basis of higher education not lower than bachelor's degree and practical experience.

Postgraduate education at the University is carried out by the relevant structural units - departments, postgraduate and doctoral studies departments, retraining and advanced training units of personnel and others according to the educational programs developed and approved in the prescribed manner.

If training is carried out on the basis of organizations and enterprises, then the content of educational programs is determined by the contract between the customer and the University.

According to the results of mastering educational programs, appropriate certification is carried out and a document of the established sample is issued.

The organization of postgraduate education is regulated by the relevant provision.

3.18 The relevant structural subdivisions are responsible for organizing the educational process at the University.

3.18.1 Structural subdivisions of the University are formed in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine and the main tasks of the University and function in accordance with certain provisions approved by the Academic Council and put into effect by the orders of the Rector of the University.

3.18.2 The main structural subdivisions of the University, which are directly involved in the organization of the educational process, are:

- departments;

- faculties.

3.18.3 The Department is the basic structural unit of the University, which conducts educational, methodological and / or scientific activities in a certain specialty (specialization) or intersection group of specialties. The department consists of at least five scientific and pedagogical staff, for which the department is the main place of work, and at least three of them have a scientific degree or academic (honorary) title.

The main tasks and functions of the department are determined by the regulations on the department, which is approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by the order of the Rector.

The department is supervised by the head of the department in accordance with the job description approved by the Rector of the University.

3.18.4 Faculty is a structural unit of the University, which unites at least three departments and / or laboratories and provides training for at least 200 full-time students. The Faculty is the main organizational and educational and scientific structural unit of the University, on the basis of which specialists with higher education in one or more related specialties are trained, management of educational and methodological, research work of departments directly subordinated to the Faculty, as well as coordination of actions of other departments of the University to ensure the educational process at the faculty.

The main tasks and functions, as well as the organization of management of the faculty is carried out in accordance with the regulations on the faculty, which is approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by the order of the Rector.

Management of the faculty is carried out by the dean of the faculty in accordance with the job description approved by the rector.

3.19 The status and functions of structural units, as well as the procedures for interaction between them are determined by the Statute of the University and the regulations on the relevant structural units, which are approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by the rector's order. The list of the main provisions of the University regulating the organization and content of the educational process is given in Appendix A.

3.20 For the implementation of educational activities in the specialization, if such is determined by the University in a certain specialty, an educational, professional or educational-scientific program for the training of students for higher and postgraduate education is necessarily provided, which is approved by the decision of the Academic Council of the University.

3.21 The scope of educational training programs for the relevant degrees is:

- junior bachelor - 120 ECTS credits;

- bachelor's degree on the basis of complete general secondary education - 240 ECTS credits;

- bachelor's degree on the basis of the degree of junior bachelor (junior specialist) - 120-180 credits ECTS;

- Master's degree - 90-120 ECTS credits;

- Doctor of Philosophy - 30-60 ECTS credits - the amount of the educational component determined by the standard.

3.22 Curriculum

3.22.1 The curriculum is developed by the guarantor of the relevant educational program.

3.22.2 The general/joint part of the curriculum for a group of related specialties is considered and agreed at meetings of branch scientific and methodological commissions (hereinafter - SMC).

3.22.3 Control over the development of curricula for the preparation of Doctor of Philosophy is carried out by the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies of the University.

3.22.4 The curriculum is developed for the entire normative period of study, approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by the order of the Rector.

3.22.5 The curriculum should contain information about:

- field of knowledge;

- specialty and educational program;

- educational or educational and scientific degree;

- qualification;

- normative training period;

- schedule of the educational process;

- list and scope of academic disciplines in ESC credits and academic hours in the sections of theoretical, practical training, on blocks of compulsory and selective academic disciplines;

- sequence of academic disciplines (academic semesters, courses, practices);

- forms of training and their scope, as well as the distribution of the budget of classroom training time according to certain forms of classes in each academic discipline and for the entire period of study in general;

- data on the number and forms of current and final control, certification in the examination commission;

- the total budget of the training time for the entire normative period of study and its division into classroom academic time and time allotted for independent educational work.

The curriculum is part of the documentation of the educational program and is approved by the Academic Council of the University in accordance with the procedure established by the University. The Academic Council of the University can delegate powers to consider the curriculum under the already approved educational program to the academic councils of faculties. Curricula are put into effect by the relevant order of the Rector of the University.

The examination of curricula before signing them is carried out by the branch SMC and the educational and methodological department of the University.

3.22.6 The structure of the curricula separates the mandatory and selective components.

3.22.7 The mandatory component of the curriculum for higher education programs should be no more than 75% of the scope (in ESTS credits) of the curriculum and contain academic disciplines, qualification / diploma works / projects, practices and other types of educational workload of the student aimed at achieving the results of training, which are determined by the educational program. At the same time, at least 50% of the amount of the curriculum should be allocated to achieve the results of training, which are determined by the standard of education in the specialty, the remaining amount of the mandatory educational workload is allocated for unique components of the educational program.

3.22.8 The mandatory component of the curriculum should contain all components, the mastery of which is provided by the educational program for assigning students with the appropriate qualification.

3.22.9 The selective component of the master's plan is designed to provide the opportunity for the student to deepen professional knowledge within the selected educational program and /or gain additional competencies and must be at least 25% of the educational program load. Within the scope of the selective component, the student has the right to choose educational components independently from the proposed ones. Due to the selective component, specialized (profiled) blocks of disciplines (Minor) were introduced in the curricula, including those aimed at obtaining appropriate professional qualifications (full or partial).

3.22.10. When forming a list of disciplines and practices, the requirements of approved standards of higher education and relevant educational programs are taken into account. At the same time, training practices (internships) as a training cycle are part of academic disciplines. The volume of academic disciplines should be a multiple of 0.5 ECTS credits. Academic disciplines and training practices, internships (mandatory and selective) are planned in the amount of, as a rule, three or more ECTS credits, and the number of forms of control for the academic year should not exceed sixteen.

3.22.11 Coursework (project), which has an interdisciplinary nature, can be allocated as a separate position in the curriculum (approximate volume - two ECTS credits) and included in the calculation of the number of forms of control for the academic year.

3.22.12 The study of all disciplines involves the following forms of control:

- scoring;

- differential scoring (as a rule, the implementation and protection of coursework/project is assessed);

- exam.

The total number of exams cannot be more than five per exam session.

3.22.13 To perform and protect the qualification work, students of the final course in the curriculum are given at least three ECTS credits depending on the requirements of the educational program.

The volume of educational workload for certification of educational students in the form of an exam (comprehensive exam) is determined in the educational program and transferred to the curriculum.

3.22.14 During the formation of the curriculum for a certain educational program for full-time education, it is planned that the classroom load should be from 33 to 50 percent of the total load.

3.22.15 Forms of training, their scope, as well as the distribution of the budget of classroom training time in certain forms of classes in each academic discipline establishes the guarantor of the educational program (at the meetings of sectoral SMС in cases specified in p. 3.22.2 of this Regulation).

3.22.16 The curriculum for a certain educational program for correspondence form of education in content and structure corresponds to the curriculum for full-time education. The percentage of reduction in the volume of classroom classes compared to the curriculum for full-time education should be proportional to all academic disciplines of the curriculum due to an increase in the number of hours for independent work. The list of mandatory educational components, their volumes in ECTS credits, the sequence of teaching and the forms of final control should coincide with the curriculum for full-time education.

3.22.17 Amendments to the approved curricula are carried out after the examination of the proposed changes for compliance with the approved educational program. Changes cannot affect program learning outcomes. If the changes are necessary and important, the educational program is reviewed in accordance with the procedure specified in the "On development and modernization of educational programs".

3.23 The individual curriculum is usually developed for the academic year, taking into account the personal educational and professional interests and needs of the student in accordance with the curriculum for a certain educational program and contains information about the list of mandatory and selective educational components, the sequence of studying disciplines and internships, the scope of educational workload (all types of educational activities), types of individual tasks (coursework and qualification work / projects), the results of evaluation (current and semester control of knowledge, attestation of the student. According to the individual curriculum, the student is trained.

3.23.1. The individual curriculum is made for each academic year, it is approved by the Dean of the Faculty before the beginning of the academic year. The individual curriculum is given to the student and to the dean's office.

3.23.2. The student is responsible for the implementation of the individual curriculum. Non-fulfillment of the individual curriculum by the student of education is the basis for his deduction from the University.

3.23.3 Control over the implementation of the individual curriculum of the student is carried out by the dean of the faculty.

3.23.4. The choice of disciplines for the formation of individual curriculum of students is carried out in accordance with the Regulation "On ensuring the right of students to choose disciplines" in the personal cabinets of the educational process support system named Pilot.

3.23.5. Faculties’ deans organize the choice of students of academic disciplines in the following terms according to the relevant curricula:

- for full-time education - within two weeks two months before the end of the academic terms;

- for external degree program - during the first week of the instructional and examination session.

3.23.6. The educational and analytical department together with the dispatch service of the University according to the information recorded in the personal offices of educational students, forms within the week educational groups for the study of a certain selective discipline in the next academic semester at the rate of at least 15 people in the study group. The dispatch service of the University makes adjustments to the schedule of classes and brings information to all participants of the educational process.

3.23.7. The deans of faculties after receiving information from the educational and analytical department within the week provide students of educational disciplines around whom the required number of people have not been grouped, the opportunity to re-elect selective disciplines for the study of which groups were formed, and at the end of this week inform the educational and analytical department of the University for the final formation of educational groups for the study of certain selective educational  disciplines for the next academic semester.

3.23.8 The end of the procedure for choosing disciplines is the basis for clarifying the educational load and the required number of staff units for the departments of the University.

3.24. The schedule of the educational process is a normative document of the University, which determines the calendar terms of theoretical training, practical training, semester control (examination sessions), preparation of qualification works, certification of students for education, holidays, research work, registration and defense of the thesis (for the third (educational and scientific) level). The schedule of the educational process is compiled for the academic year and approved by the Rector of the University.

3.24.1. The schedule of the educational process for full-time and distance forms of education is concluded taking into account the following features:

- the academic year, in addition to final courses, lasts 12 months and usually begins on September 1;

- the academic year is divided into two semesters (autumn and spring), theoretical training which ends with weeks of final and semester control (examination sessions). Academic debts are eliminated during semester control and holidays;

- the total duration of theoretical training, examination sessions and practices during the academic year (except final courses) is equal to forty-two working weeks without taking into account the holiday weeks and is usually distributed according to the following scheme: 8 + 8 academic weeks + 1 week of final control + 3 weeks of semester control in the autumn semester and 8 + 8 academic weeks + 1 week of final control + 3 weeks of semester control + 2 weeks of practice (for 1-3 courses) in the spring semester;

- the duration of the holidays cannot be less than eight weeks for the academic year (except for the last year of study under the relevant educational program);

- educational, study and production practices can be carried out both before and after the summer holidays, the time of their conduct is determined by orders for practice;

- to write and protect the qualification work in the schedule of the educational process provides at least 4 weeks for bachelor's degree and not less than 8 weeks for a master's degree.

Additional requirements necessary for the planning of the educational process can determine the educational, analytical and educational and methodological departments of the University.

3.25 The schedule of the educational process for the part-time education provides for studying at the following stages:

- instructional session - the period of full-time education, during which the educational process is carried out according to all types of training sessions provided for by the curriculum (lectures, laboratory works, practical, seminar classes, consultations), students get acquainted with the main tasks in academic disciplines, the schedule of their study, the system and evaluation criteria, receive methodological material and general information, etc.;

- intersessional period - the period during which the students independently master the theoretical material, perform control tasks and send them to teachers;

- semester control period (examination session) - the period during which the students of education protect the tasks performed in the intersessional period, attend semester control measures.

The total duration of the semester control period (together with the instruction session) in the part-time form of education is up to 30 calendar days per year in the 1st-2nd courses on the bachelor's degree; up to 40 calendar days a year - in senior courses on educational degrees of bachelor's and master's degrees.

When organizing semester control over the part-time form of education, organizers take into account that training sessions can be planned no more than six days a week and no more than eight hours a day. At the same time, the time for tests (not less than two hours for the academic group) and exams (not less than four hours for the exam for the academic group) is distinguished.

3.26 Semester Curriculum

3.26.1 Semester curriculum is formed by the educational and analytical department of the University on the basis of the approved curriculum for each educational program and is used to set the planning of the educational process for each academic year. The formed semester plans are transferred to the deans and dispatch service of the University.

3.26.2 Semester curriculum for the preparation of Doctor of Philosophy under a certain educational program is supervised by the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies of the University.

3.27 Academic course working program

3.27.1 The working program of the discipline is developed in the form established at the University in accordance with the Regulations "On the formation of the working program of the discipline", on the basis of the requirements of the relevant educational program.

3.27.2 The working program of the discipline is developed by a teacher who teaches discipline or a group of teachers of different departments (in the case of teaching discipline at several departments) before the beginning of the current academic year. The teacher is obliged to familiarize the students with the working program before starting the study of the discipline.

3.27.3 The working program of the discipline is considered at the meeting of the department, which ensures its teaching, is signed by the developer (developers) of the program, the head of the department. The working program of the discipline is approved by the guarantor of the educational program / the head of the project group of the specialty or the head of the relevant SMC, if the discipline belongs to the general / common part of the curriculum for a group of related specialties.

3.27.4 The original of the working program of the discipline with all applications is stored at the department, and electronically it is transferred to the educational and methodical department of the University.

3.27.5 Copies of the working program of the discipline with all applications are stored at graduation departments.

3.27.6 The working program of the academic discipline is maintained until the completion of the training by the students who studied it.

3.28 For successful organization of the educational process and ensuring the study of academic disciplines, students develop EMCD (Ukrainian – NMKD) for each discipline.

Responsibility for its quality rests directly on the teacher who teaches the discipline, as well as the guarantor of the relevant educational program. NMKD is stored at the department, and its electronic version is placed on the electronic resources of the University. General control over the organization of teaching disciplines relies on the head of the department, which is assigned discipline. Each element of the NMKD is developed in accordance with the requirements defined by individual regulations or other normative documents.

4. Organization of educational process  

4.1 Forms of education at the University:

- full-time;

- remote;

- external study mode (part time);

- dual.

Forms of education can be combined.

4.1.1 Full-time (full-time, evening) form of education - a way of organizing training of students, which involves their direct participation in the educational process.

4.1.2 Distance education is an individualized process of education, which takes place mainly due to the indirect interaction of participants in the educational process remotely from each other in a specialized environment that operates on the basis of modern psychological, pedagogical and informational-communicational technologies.

4.1.3 Correspondence form of education is a way of organizing education for students by combining full-time education during short-term sessions and independent mastery of the educational program in the interval between them.

4.1.4 The dual form of education involves the combination of education of persons in educational institutions (in other educational subjects) with training in workplaces in enterprises, institutions and organizations for acquiring a certain qualification usually on the basis of an agreement. Features of the organization of training in dual form are determined by a separate provision.

4.2 Forms of organization of educational process at the University, types of training and control.

4.2.1 Educational process at the University is carried out in the following forms:

- study sessions;

- independent work;

- practical sessions;

- research work;

- control measures.

4.2.2 The main types of study at the University are:

- lecture;

- laboratory lessons;

- practical sessions;

- seminar classes;

- individual lessons;

- consultation.

The University has the right to establish other forms of educational process and types of training sessions (training, round table, colloquium, etc.) depending on the need by the decision of the department that teaches discipline.

4.2.3. The lectureis a logically completed, scientifically based and systematized presentation of a certain scientific or scientific-methodical issue, illustrated, if necessary, by means of clarity with the demonstration of the results of experiments.

The lecture is usually an element of the course of lectures, which covers the main theoretical material of a separate or several topics of the course. The scope and content of the lecture course is determined by the requirements of the educational program and the curriculum.

Lectures are held in appropriately equipped premises - classrooms - for one or more groups of students, or in remote form using multimedia equipment based on specialized web-resources.

Lecture flows are usually formed from students of a certain course of one specialty. If necessary, several lecture flows can be combined into one or, conversely, large streams can be divided into smaller ones.

Lectures are given by experienced teachers, namely: professors and associate professors, as well as, in some cases, other highly qualified specialists who have considerable experience in scientific, scientific-methodical and practical activities.

The lecturer should have a wide scientific worldview, solid knowledge and practical experience in the relevant field, be able to systematically, reasonably, at the proper scientific, pedagogical and methodological level to transmit relevant educational information.

The lecturer, who gives a course of lectures, is obliged to prepare NMKD (educational and methodical complex in discipline)before the beginning of the academic year, for which the discipline is planned to be taught.

The lecturer, who teaches the course of lectures for the first time, the head of the department / guarantor of the educational program may oblige to conduct trial lectures with the participation of qualified scientific and pedagogical staff.

The lecturer is obliged to adhere to the working program of the academic discipline. The lecturer may not be limited in matters of interpretation of educational material, forms and means of bringing it to students.

The head of the department and the lecturer are fully responsible both for the thorough preparation of the lecture in content, and for the methodology and quality of its conduct.

The lecture usually consists of the following elements:

- introduction, which provides motivation for learning, a clear wording of the topic of the lecture and the setting of the task;

- presentation in the logical sequence of individual parts of the lecture;

- conclusions that make it possible to comprehend the lecture as a whole and highlight the main idea;

- a specific task for independent work;

- answers to questions.

4.2.4. Laboratory session - a type of training, where students under the guidance of a scientific and pedagogical worker independently conduct full-time or imitation experiments, experiments in order to practically confirm certain theoretical provisions   of a particular academic discipline, acquire practical skills in working with laboratory equipment, computing equipment, measuring equipment, experimental research methodology in a particular subject area.

The scope, list of topics and content of laboratory classes are defined in the working program of the discipline in accordance with the curriculum.

Laboratory classes are carried out in specially equipped educational laboratories using equipment adapted to the conditions of the educational process (laboratory layouts, installations, etc.). In some cases, laboratory classes can be conducted in a real professional environment (for example, in production, in scientific laboratories, etc.).

Laboratory training with students of one study group (up to 30 people) is conducted by two teaching staff. If the training group is less than 20 people, the laboratory class is conducted by one scientific and pedagogical worker. In some cases (life safety requirements, a limited number of jobs, etc.) laboratory classes with fewer students are allowed. Laboratory work students can perform individually or collectively.

Mandatory performance of laboratory works by the student is determined by the working program of the discipline.

Laboratory classes consist of carrying out the current control of the students' preparedness for specific laboratory work, performing the tasks of the topic of the class, issuing an individual report on the work performed and its protection in front of the scientific and pedagogical staff.

Assessments received by students for laboratory work are referred to the current control of the relevant academic discipline.

Laboratory sessions involve the following stages:

- preliminary control of students' preparedness for specific laboratory work;

- fulfillment of specific tasks in accordance with the proposed topics;

- execution of an individual report;

- teacher's assessment of the results of the student's work.

Laboratory training consists of the following stages:

- organizational - setting a goal and updating knowledge, answering questions;

- briefing, laboratory work;

- evaluation and execution of observation results;

- written or oral report of the student on the performance of the task;

- determination of homework.

Scientific and pedagogical staff, who are instructed to conduct laboratory classes, are obliged to consult with the lecturer before the beginning of the relevant semester.

4.2.5 Practical class - a type of training, where the scientific and pedagogical worker organizes a detailed consideration by students of certain theoretical provisions of the discipline in order to expand, deepen and detail the theoretical knowledge obtained by students at lectures and in the process of independent work and aimed at improving the level of assimilation of educational material, instilling skills, developing scientific thinking and oral speech of students by the process of individual fulfilment of respectively set tasks.

The scope, list of topics and content of practical classes are determined by the working program of the discipline in accordance with the requirements of the educational program.

Practical classes are conducted in classrooms or educational laboratories equipped with the necessary technical means of training, computer equipment, training complexes, real objects, etc.

Practical class is conducted with students of one study group (up to 30 people). Also, practical classes can be held remotely using multimedia equipment based on specialized web-resources. From separate academic disciplines, based on the peculiarities of their study, it is allowed to divide the educational group into two subgroups. In this case, two scientific and pedagogical staff are involved in the practical training.

To conduct a practical session, the necessary methodological materials and didactic means are pre-prepared - tests, variants of tasks of varying complexity, models of problem situations that are offered to solve them by students in the classroom.

The quality of preparation of students for classes and their participation in solving practical problems is evaluated by the teacher. Assessments received by students for separate practical classes are referred to the current control in the discipline.

The practical session consists of setting a general problem of the scientific and pedagogical staff and its discussion with the participation of students, solving tasks with their discussion and control tasks, performing control exercises, standards, processing documents, etc., their verification and evaluation by the teacher of the results of the students' work.

The practice session consists of the following stages:

- organizational: introduction with the topic and class plan;

- preparation of students for the work;

- self-fulfillment of tasks by students;

- analysis of the work of students, summarizing, defense of practical work or home completion of practical work, issuing a task for independent work.

Scientific and pedagogical staff, who are instructed to conduct practical classes, are obliged to consult with the lecturer before the beginning of the semester.

4.2.6 Seminar class- a type of training session, where the scientific and pedagogical worker organizes a discussion on topics predetermined by the working program of the discipline, to which the students prepare abstracts on the basis of individually executed tasks.

The scope, list of topics and content of seminars are determined by the working program of the discipline in accordance with the requirements of the educational program.

The list of topics (reports, abstracts, etc.) for discussion in the seminar class is brought to the attention of students usually during the lecture preceding the seminar class.

At each seminar, the scientific and pedagogical worker evaluates the abstracts prepared by the students, reports, their activity in the discussion, the ability to formulate and defend their position, etc.

The seminar session involves the mandatory summarizing of the discussion of the topic and the evaluation of students' participation in it.

Assessments received by students for seminar classes are referred to the current control in the discipline.

The seminar session consists of the following stages:

- organizational - notification of the topic, purpose and objectives of the seminar, creating a working atmosphere for the class, etc.;

- discussion of the problems presented for the seminar session;

- diagnostics of the correctness of assimilation by students of knowledge, summarizing, organization of independent work of students.

Scientific and pedagogical staff, who are instructed to conduct seminar classes, are obliged to consult with the lecturer before the beginning of the relevant semester.

4.2.7. Individual session - a type of study session, which is held with some students individually in order to increase the level of their training and promote the disclosure of their individual creative abilities.

Individual classes are usually held after hours, according to a separate schedule, compiled by the teacher and approved by the head of the department, taking into account the needs and capabilities of students. Individual classes can be held remotely using multimedia equipment based on specialized web-resources.

The organization and conduct of individual classes is entrusted to the most qualified teachers, taking into account the individual curriculum of the student. Individual classes can cover one or more topics from one or more disciplines, and in some cases - the full scope of training topics for a particular degree of higher education.

Individual classes in junior courses are directed mainly to in-depth study by students of individual disciplines, in senior courses individual classes are of a research nature and involve the direct participation of students in the implementation of scientific research and other creative tasks.

Types of individual training sessions, their scope, forms and methods of conducting is determined by the teacher in agreement with the guarantor of the educational program and approved by the head of the department.

4.2.8 Consultation - a type of educational training, where the student receives from the teacher answers to specific questions or explanations of certain theoretical provisions and aspects of their practical application or acquires / develops certain competencies, the presence of which requires an educational program under which he studies.

The consultation can be individual or carried out for the group (flow) of students depending on whether the scientific and pedagogical staff advises students on issues related to the implementation of individual tasks (course, diploma design, calculation and graphic works, abstracts, etc.), or on theoretical issues of academic discipline or certain aspects of their practical application. Also, consultations can be carried out remotely using multimedia equipment based on specialized web-resources.

The time allotted to scientific and pedagogical staff for consultations on a particular discipline is determined by the head of the department / guarantor of the educational program in accordance with the norms of the Regulation "Norms of time for planning and accounting the work of scientific and pedagogical workers."

Consultations are carried out by teachers who read the relevant academic discipline. Consultations are carried out during the semester, semester control and during the holidays according to the relevant schedule. The schedule is developed at the department and coordinated by the operations control centre of the University. The consultation schedule can be developed by the University operations control centre.

4.2.9 Independent work is one of the main forms of organization of educational process, in which the student independently acquires or deepens the relevant knowledge, skills and abilities provided for by the expected program results of training on a specific component of the educational program.

The student performs independent work on the assimilation of educational material in a particular academic discipline in "home" conditions, as well as in libraries, educational laboratories, computer classes of the University and other institutions.

During the organization of independent work of the student using complex equipment, complex systems of access to information (computer databases, automated design systems, etc.), it is assumed that you can get the necessary advice or assistance from a specialist.

Independent work of the student is provided by the system of educational and methodical means provided for the study of a particular discipline or a separate topic: textbooks, teaching materials, methodical materials, lecture courses, workshops, educational and laboratory equipment, electronic computing equipment, etc.

Methodical materials for the student's independent work should provide the possibility of self-control on the part of the student (self-control means - tests, a package of control tasks, etc.).

Appropriate scientific and professional monographic and periodic literature is also recommended for the independent work of the student.

The results of independent work are not evaluated for purpose, but detected during the diagnosis of knowledge in the discipline.

The relevant departments and departments of the University should create for the student all the conditions necessary for successful independent educational work, as well as to provide him or her with the necessary methodological means (educational literature, laboratory equipment, electronic computing equipment, etc.).

Independent work is carried out according to methodological recommendations developed by the relevant department.

4.2.10 Research work is a form of organization of scientific and research work of educational students, in which they are involved in active independent (or under the guidance of a teacher) research activities for the formation of scientific worldview, development of research skills, receiving skills of creative solution of practical problems;

Research work of students at the University takes place in three main areas:

- research work in the educational process;

- research work of students after hours;

- scientific and organizational events - conferences, competitions, olympiads, etc.

Research work during the study of academic disciplines is carried out under the conditions of optimal ratio of reproductive and creative tasks, individual and collective forms of organization of the learning process, maximum saturation of classes with situations of joint creative activity.

Research work of students after hours is an effective means of objective identification of gifted students, realization of its creative abilities, stimulation of the need for creative knowledge mastery, activation of educational and cognitive activities.

4.2.11 Individual task - one of the forms of organization of the educational process at the University, the purpose of which is to deepen, summarize and consolidate the knowledge that students receive in the process of study, as well as the application of this knowledge in practice.

The content of an individual task is a completed theoretical or practical work within the educational component, which is carried out on the basis of knowledge, skills acquired in the process of lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes, and covers several topics or fully discipline. Individual tasks include abstracts, calculation, graphic, course and qualification works, dissertations, etc.

Methodical materials (recommendations, instructions, etc.) on the implementation of an individual task are developed at the departments.

The student performs individual tasks independently under the guidance of teachers. Usually individual tasks are performed separately by each student. In cases where the tasks are complex, several students may be involved in their implementation, including those who study at different faculties and in different specialties.

Individual tasks at the University are performed within the terms stipulated by the curriculum and schedule of the educational process or the working program of the relevant academic discipline. Individual task in a certain academic discipline is an integral structural part of the discipline.

The individual task is evaluated according to the criteria specified in the working program of the discipline. Coursework (project) is one of the types of individual tasks of educational research, creative or design-constructive nature, the purpose of which is to apply knowledge in one or more academic disciplines when solving a specific professional task and acquiring the ability to independently work with educational and scientific literature, electronic computing equipment, laboratory equipment using modern information tools and technologies.

A specific number of course works (projects) is determined by an educational program in a certain specialty.

The coursework is usually limited to theoretical questions or experimental research.

The volume of the course project is usually bigger than the amount of term work.

The implementation of the course project is usually focused on the design and justification on its basis of the technical solution and involves the implementation of design developments, technological calculations, graphic part, etc.

For students of the first year of study for the bachelor's degree, coursework (projects) is not planned.

The topics of course works (projects), which are determined at the department in agreement with the guarantors of educational programs, must meet the requirements and direction of educational programs, be relevant and closely related to the solution of practical professional problems.

Discussion of the topics of term papers (projects) and the appointment of their heads is carried out at a meeting of the department before the beginning of the relevant academic year.

The student can choose the theme of work (project) from the list proposed by the department. The student can also offer his topic of coursework (project), the decision on its approval is made by the teacher in agreement with the guarantor of the educational program / head of the department.

Term works (projects) are carried out under the guidance of qualified scientific and pedagogical staff.

Course work (project) is evaluated according to the results of protection before the commission consisting of two or three scientific and pedagogical staff of the department (the composition of the commission is determined by the head of the department), including the head of the coursework (project), before the beginning of semester control.

Course works (projects) of theoretical and practical value, according to the decision of the department, are submitted to competitions of student scientific works, offered for implementation.

Term works (projects) are stored at the department for a year, then subject to destruction. Qualification work is a generalized name of the work, on the basis of which the certification of the student is carried out in order to identify theoretical and practical knowledge, the ability to apply them in the process of solving specific scientific, technical, economic, social and industrial problems. Qualification work can be performed in the form of a diploma work, diploma project, dissertation, etc. and is inherently an individual task of research, organizational, technical, creative or design-constructive character, which the student performs at the final stage of training.

The subject of qualification works is determined by the guarantor of the educational program / head of the graduating department, taking into account topical scientific and practical issues in the relevant field.

The student is given the right to choose the topic of qualification work determined by the graduating department, or to offer his own justification for the feasibility of its development. In such cases, preference is given to topics that are directly related to the place of future professional activity of the graduate.

Requirements for the content and the procedure for the qualification work are determined in the relevant methodical materials of the graduating department (recommendations, instructions, etc.).

The heads of qualification works appoint the most qualified scientific and pedagogical staff of the department.

The procedure for the protection of qualification works is defined in the Regulation "On the creation and organization of the work of the examination (attestation) commission".

Qualification works after their protection graduation departments are transferred to the library of the University, where they are stored for five years, and then subject to destruction.

4.2.12 Practical training of the student is one of the forms of organization of the educational process, which is a mandatory component of the educational program for obtaining a certain degree of higher education.

The purpose of practical training of the student is to summarize the theoretical and practical knowledge obtained, to acquire professional skills and abilities that form specialists with higher education of the appropriate degree and contribute to improving the quality of training of specialists.

The student carries out practical training by passing educational practice, internships at enterprises, institutions and organizations or in structural units of the University that provide practical training.

Practical training of the student should be continuous and consistent during training, which contributes to the entrenching of the relevant competencies of future specialists.

Types, scope and timing of educational practice, internships at the University are defined in the curriculum for a certain educational program. For all types of practical training (internship) working programs of practices are developed.

Pre-diploma practice, internships before attestation of the student are directly related to future professional activities.

The organization of practical training at the University is regulated by this Regulation and relevant statutory acts.

Educational and methodological management of practical training, implementation of the curriculum, internships are provided by the relevant departments.

The general organization of training practice, internships of students and control over its conduct are carried out by responsible persons / heads of educational practices in accordance with the orders of practice (internship).

Experienced university teachers and specialists working at the enterprise, in the organization, institution where training practice and internships are trained are involved in the management of the training practice.

4.2.13 Control measures are a form of organization of the educational process, which is a necessary element of feedback in the learning process.

Control measures are carried out in order to establish the level of assimilation of theoretical material by the student and to acquire practical skills provided for by the working programs of academic disciplines taught at the University.

All types of control measures and organization of the process of assessing the knowledge of educational students are defined in the Regulation "On rating evaluation of students' achievements".

4.2.14 Complexes of control works (comprehensive control work) - a separate control measure, which is usually carried out once an academic year, before its completion, and the purpose of which is to verify the acquisition by students of educational competencies (learning outcomes) provided for by a certain educational program.

This control measure is carried out by selecting control tasks in such a way that it is possible to check all the competencies (learning outcomes) provided by the structural and logical scheme of the educational program at the time of the inspection.

4.2.15 Certification of students

Certification of persons who receive Bachelor's or Master's degree is carried out by the examination commission, which may include representatives of employers and their associations.

On the basis of the decision of the examination commission, a person who has successfully completed the relevant educational program at a certain level of higher education and has passed certification is awarded an appropriate degree of higher education and relevant qualifications and a document on higher education is issued.

The form of certification of the student of higher education is determined by the educational program and is displayed in the relevant curriculum.

The tasks, procedure for the formation, organization and regulation of the examination commissions at the University are defined in the Regulation "On the creation and organization of the work of the examination (attestation) commission".

Certification of students for a Doctor of Philosophy degree is regulated by the relevant regulatory documents.

4.2.16 Documents on education

The document on higher education (scientific degree) is issued to a person who has successfully completed the relevant educational (scientific) program and passed certification.

In accordance with the obtained degrees of higher education, the University issues diplomas:

- Junior Bachelor;

- Bachelor's degree;

- Master's degree;

- Doctor of Philosophy.

The University may issue in the prescribed manner other types of documents on education, provided by law and separate contracts for the provision of educational services.

Requirements for the form and content of diplomas are determined by the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Samples of documents on higher education are published on the official website of the University.

An integral part of the diplomas of Junior Bachelor, Bachelor, Master, Doctor of Philosophy is an addition to a Diploma of the European model, containing structured information about completed training. The diploma appendix contains information about the results of the training of a person, consisting of information about the names of disciplines, the assessments received and the number of ECTS credits obtained, as well as information about the national system of higher education of Ukraine.

The University issues a document on higher education only under an accredited educational program.

Diplomas for persons studying by state order are made by the University and issued at the expense of the state budget, and for persons studying at the expense of individuals or legal entities, the cost of documents on higher education is included in the cost of education.

Information about issued diplomas is entered in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education.

4.2.17 Issuance of duplicate education documents

In case of loss, destruction or damage of the education document, the University issues its duplicate, the content of which corresponds to the previously issued education document according to the form in force at the time of issue. The duplicate is made at the expense of the person who receives it.

The production and issuance of a duplicate of the education document is carried out on the orders of the rector on the basis of a personal application of the person-owner of the qualification on the loss of the document on education (with information on the name of the document, the name of the educational institution and the date of its completion, the reasons for the loss, contact information, etc.) and archival certificate. To the application for the duplicate must be added:

- copy of the identity document;

- a copy of the card of an individual taxpayer;

- consent to the collection and processing of personal data;

- a copy of the passport for traveling abroad (if any);

- a copy of the document on previous education;

- a copy of the lost, destroyed or damaged education document (if available);

- a copy of the marriage or divorce certificate, change of name, surname and patronymic (if necessary).

4.2.18 Academic reference

A person enrolled from the University before completing his studies under the educational program receives an academic certificate containing information about the educational program, disciplines studied, protected coursework/ projects and reports on practice, assessments received, as well as the number of ECTS credits obtained.

The procedure for the preparation, issuance and accounting of an academic certificate, the requirements for its form and / or content is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

4.2.19 Cancellation of documents on education

An erroneously issued document on education must be canceled, withdrawn and, if necessary, replaced.

The basis for deciding to cancel the issued document on education is the act on erroneous formulation and / or issuance of the document on education or the established fact of violation of academic integrity.

The powers to decide on the abolition of the issued document on education belong to the Rector of the University.

4.3 Access to higher education, admission, deductions, interruption of studies, renewal and transfer of higher education applicants.

4.3.1 Admission to the University is carried out on a competitive basis in accordance with the Admission Rules of the National Aerospace University KhAI. Admission rules are developed in accordance with the Conditions of Admission for Higher Education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, are considered and approved by the Academic Council of the University and published on the official website of the University. The basis for enrollment of a person to study at the University is the decision of the Admission Committee, adopted on the basis of the enrollee’s compliance with the requirements of the Admission Rules to the National Aerospace University KhAI and the conclusion of an agreement on training between the University and the enrollee (with the participation of parents or legal representatives for the juvenile), which may detail the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the standard form approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. In case of enrollment at the expense of individuals (legal entities), an agreement is additionally concluded between the University and an individual (legal) person who orders a paid educational service for himself or herself or for another person, taking on financial obligations to pay for it.

4.3.2 Expulsion

The grounds for expulsion of the student are:

- completion of study under the relevant educational (scientific) program;

- own desire;

- transfer to another educational institution;

- non-fulfillment of the individual curriculum;

- violation of the terms of the contract concluded between the University and the student, or an individual (legal) person who pays for such training;

- other cases stipulated by law.

A person expelled from the University before completing his studies under the educational program receives an academic certificate of the established sample.

4.3.3 Interrupting education

The student has the right to a break in training due to circumstances that make it impossible to implement the educational (scientific) program (for health reasons, in connection with the conscription for military service in case of loss of the right to defer it, due to family circumstances, etc.). Such persons are granted academic leave in the prescribed manner. Studying or internships in educational and scientific institutions (including foreign countries) may be grounds for a break in sudying, unless otherwise provided by international acts or agreements between higher education institutions.

Students called up for military service in connection with the announcement of mobilization are guaranteed the preservation of the place of study and scholarship.

Students who exercise the right to academic mobility during their studies, internships or conducting scientific activities in another institution of higher education (scientific institution) on the territory of Ukraine or abroad are guaranteed the preservation of the place of study and the payment of scholarships in accordance with the provision on the procedure for exercising the right to academic mobility. Such persons are not expelled from the group of applicants for higher education.

4.3.4 Renewal and transfer of students

The student, expelled from the institution of higher education until graduation under the relevant educational program, has the right to renew to study within the licensed volume of the institution of higher education.

Renewal of training of persons expelled from the University or who have been granted academic leave, as well as the transfer of students are usually carried out during the holidays.

The procedure for expulsion, interruption of education, renewal and transfer of persons studying in higher education institutions, as well as the procedure for granting them academic leave are determined by the provision approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Renewal and transfer of students is carried out taking into account the requirements for entrants to the relevant educational programs.

5. The student's academic time, the accounting units of the study time of the applicant for higher education  

5.1 The education workload of the student is determined by the amount of ECTS credits necessary for obtaining the appropriate degree of higher education under a certain educational training program at a certain level of higher education, and contains classroom training, independent work, control measures, etc.

The accounting units of the student's study time are the ECTS credit, academic hour, academic day, academic week, academic semester, academic year, training course.

5.1.1 ECTS credit is a unit for measuring the amount of the student's training load required to achieve defined (expected) learning outcomes.

5.1.2  Academic hour is the minimum accounting unit of academic time. The duration of the academic hour at the University is 45 minutes. Two academic hours form a couple of academic hours (hereinafter - a couple).

5.1.3  Academic day is an integral part of the student's training load, which consists of classroom, independent work and practical training planned for one calendar day.

5.1.4 Academic week is an integral part of the student's educational workload, which is planned and performed during the calendar week in accordance with the schedule of the educational process, while the amount of classroom work should not exceed 28 academic hours per week for applicants for bachelor's degree, 20 academic hours per week for master's degree and 12 academic hours per week for applicants for a Doctor of Philosophy degree.

5.1.5. The academic semester is an integral part of the student's educational load, ending with semester control.

5.1.6. The study courseis the completed period of study of the student during the academic year. The duration of the student's stay on the course includes the time of educational semesters, final control (examination sessions, attestation) and holidays.

5.1.7 Academic year  is a calendar period that usually lasts 12 months (except graduation courses), during which the student performs the corresponding part of the educational load determined by the educational program and curriculum.

The full education load of one academic year in full-time education usually amounts to 60 ECTS credits.

5.1.8 The schedule of study sessions is a document of the University, which ensures the implementation of the curriculum in full on conducting classroom training sessions for a certain study group.

The schedule of study sessions indicates the name of the academic discipline, the academic degree and rank, the name and initials of the teacher, the audience, the date and time of their conduct.

The timing of other forms of organization of the educational process are regulated by exam schedules, the work of examination commissions, consultation schedules, etc.

The schedule of training sessions is compiled by the dispatch service of the University in accordance with the schedule of the educational process for each specialty (specialization) and the study group. The schedules of training sessions are approved by the Rector's assistant to ensure the quality of education.

The schedules of training sessions are approved and brought to the attention of applicants and teachers no later than a week before the start of the relevant academic semester.

Exam schedules are approved and brought to the attention of applicants and teachers no later than two weeks before their start.

Changes to the schedule of training sessions can be made in exceptional cases with the permission of the Rector's Assistant for Quality Assurance of Education.

Control over the schedule of training sessions during the academic semester is carried out by the leadership of the University, faculties, departments and educational departments of the University.

The electronic version of the schedule of training sessions is necessarily posted on the website of the University.

The schedule of current consultations on academic disciplines is compiled by the department, agrees with the dispatch service of the University, after which it is approved by the head of the department.

The schedule of consultations and the schedule of liquidation of academic debts during the weeks of final control are compiled by the University dispatch service.

Schedules of training sessions, exams, work of examination commissions, schedules of consultations and other relevant documents are stored in the prescribed manner.

5.1.9. Attendance of training sessions - lectures, seminars, practical, laboratory and other classroom classes - is mandatory for students.

It is forbidden to distract the studet from participation in training sessions and control activities planned and approved in the relevant schedules, except in cases stipulated by the current legislation.

5.2 Rights of students related to the organization of the educational process.

Students have the right to:

- choice of form of education;

- safe and harmless conditions of study, work and life;

- work activities after hours;

- free use of libraries, information funds, educational, scientific and sports bases of the University;

- free provision of information for training in available forms using technologies that take into account life restrictions due to health conditions (for persons with special educational needs);

- providing the dormitory and round-the-clock access to it for the duration of study in accordance with the procedure established by law;

- participation in scientific-research, research and designing works, conferences, symposiums, exhibitions, competitions, presentation of their works for publication;

- participation in events on educational, scientific, research, sports, artistic, public activities held in Ukraine and abroad, in accordance with the procedure established by law;

- participation in discussion and resolution of issues of improvement of educational process, research work, appointment of scholarships, organization of leisure, life, rehabilitation;

- making proposals on the conditions and amount of tuition fees;

- participation in the activities of public self-government bodies of the University, the Academic Council of the University, student self-government bodies;

- selection of disciplines within the limits provided for by the relevant educational program and curriculum, to the extent that constitutes at least 25 percent of the total number of ECTS credits provided for this level of higher education. At the same time, applicants of a certain level of higher education have the right to choose the disciplines offered for other levels of higher education, in agreement with the head of the relevant faculty or department;

- studying simultaneously for several educational programs, as well as in several higher education institutions, subject to obtaining only one higher education for each degree at the expense of the state (local) budget;

- academic mobility, including international mobility;

- academic leave or a break in study with the preservation of certain rights of the applicant for higher education, as well as for the renewal of training in accordance with the procedure established by the central executive body in the field of education and science;

- participation in the formation of an individual curriculum;

- protection against any form of exploitation, physical and mental violence;

- free practice at enterprises, establishments, institutions and organizations, as well as for remuneration during the performance of production functions in accordance with the law;

- vacation period lasting not less than eight calendar weeks for the academic year;

- appeal against the actions of the management bodies of the institution of higher education and their officials, pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical staff;

Students have other rights defined by Article 62 of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" and other normative documents.

5.3 Responsibilities of students

Persons studying at the University are obliged to:

- comply with the requirements of the legislation, the Statute and the internal regulations of the University;

- to comply with the requirements for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation, fire safety, provided for by the relevant rules and instructions;

- to fulfill the requirements of the educational (scientific) program and individual curriculum, observing the principles of academic integrity, and achieve the results of education determined for the appropriate level of higher education.

5.4 Adherence to academic integrity by students

Observance of academic integrity by students provides:

- independent implementation of educational tasks, tasks of current and final control of learning outcomes (for persons with special educational needs, this requirement is applied taking into account their individual needs and capabilities);

- links to sources of information in case of using ideas, developments, statements, information;

- compliance with copyright and related rights laws;

- providing reliable information about the results of their own educational (scientific, creative) activities, methods of research and sources of information.

All other definitions, requirements, procedures and consequences that come in case of violation of academic integrity are described in detail in the Regulation "On Academic Integrity".

5.5 Types of liability of students for non-fulfillment of duties and obligations

For non-performance or improper performance of duties, the following types of liability are provided:

- remarks;

- warning;

- reprimand;

- cancellation of the assessment results;

- deprivation of academic scholarship;

- deprivation of tuition fees provided by the University;

- deprivation of the right to live in a dormitory;

- expulsion from the University (for non-fulfillment of an individual curriculum, violation of the terms of the agreement/contract, academic integrity and in other cases stipulated by law);

- other types of liability approved by the Academic Council of the University in agreement with the self-government bodies of students.

The procedure for bringing students to justice is determined by the laws of Ukraine, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, regulatory acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Statute of the University and other regulatory legal acts of the University, as well as a contract/agreement on training.

5.6 Encouragement for success in learning

For conscientious attitude to study, active participation in research work and public life of the University, applicants can be morally and financially encouraged by:

- awarding scholarships established by the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (including nominal ones), as well as scholarships for special academic success;

- announcement of gratitude;

- provision of a monetary award;

- other types of encouragement in accordance with the decisions of the Academic Council of the University.

The basis for applying incentives to the applicant is a significant personal achievement and / or a high place in the academic ranking. The procedure for awarding scholarships is regulated by the Rules for assigning academic scholarships at the University and the regulations on relevant scholarships.

The procedure for nomination for incentives is regulated by special acts of the University.

5.7 Employment of graduates of higher education institutions

Graduates of higher education institutions are free to choose a place of work, except in cases stipulated by law.

The University is not obliged to employ graduates.

Employment monitoring of graduates of the University is carried out by the central executive body in the field of education and science.

6. Scientific and pedagogical staff  

6.1 The working time of scientific and pedagogical staff is 36 hours a week.

The working time of scientific and pedagogical staff consists of the time they perform educational, methodological, scientific, organizational work and other official duties.

The recommended list of types of educational, methodological, scientific, organizational work and the norm of educational work time for scientific and pedagogical staff is given in the Regulations "Norms of time for planning and accounting of the work of scientific and pedagogical workers".

The types and scope of educational work for the academic year of scientific and pedagogical staff in accordance with their positions is established by the head of the department.

The maximum educational load per rate of a scientific and pedagogical worker can not exceed 600 hours per academic year, while it is recommended to entrust the teacher with no more than four disciplines per year, and the number of hours of lectures - for more than 300 hours.

The minimum teaching load of the teacher is set by the department, but the load should not be less than 240 hours per academic year at one rate.

Involvement of scientific-pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers in work not provided for by the employment agreement (contract) can be carried out only with their consent or in cases stipulated by law.

6.2 The individual work plan of the scientific and pedagogical worker is the main document of the teacher, which determines his work through the planning and accounting of personal work for the academic year, based on the requirements for the implementation of the educational program, curriculum, job responsibilities of the teacher and the work plan of the department.

Individual work plans are approved by:

- head of the department for scientific and pedagogical staff;

- dean of the faculty for the head of the department;

- vice-rector of scientific and pedagogical work of the university for the dean of the faculty.

The form of the individual work plan of the scientific and pedagogical worker was approved by the order of the University.

The individual work plan of the teacher is considered at the meeting of the department and approved by the head of the department.

Each teacher reports on the implementation of an individual plan at a meeting of the department:

- for autumn academic semester - until February 1,

- for spring academic semester and academic year - until June 30.

The head of the department concludes about the implementation of an individual plan. The results of the implementation of individual plans of teachers are issued by the protocol of the meeting of the department.

A scientific and pedagogical worker who, without good reason, did not report on the implementation of an individual plan or in relation to the report of which the department adopted the conclusion of non-fulfillment without valid reasons of an individual plan, is considered to be negligent in fulfilling his\her official duties, and can be brought to disciplinary liability in accordance with the current legislation.

The amount of educational work entrusted to a particular teacher in accounting hours determines the teacher's training load.

In cases of production necessity, the teacher may be involved in conducting training sessions beyond the mandatory amount of educational workload determined by the individual work plan within his working hours.

The schedule of the teacher's working hours is determined by the schedule of training sessions, examination sessions, the work of examination commissions, consultation schedules and other types of work provided for by the individual work plan of the teacher.

The teacher is obliged to adhere to the established schedule of working hours.

It is forbidden to distract teachers from conducting training sessions and control measures provided for by the relevant schedules.

6.3 Rights of teaching staff

6.3.1. Scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical staff of the university has the right:

- for academic freedom, which is realized in the interests of the person, society and humanity in general;

- on academic mobility for professional activities;

- in defense of professional honor and dignity;

- to participate in the management of the University, including to elect and be elected delegate of the meeting of the labor collective;

- choose methods and means of training that ensure high quality of the educational process;

- to ensure the creation of appropriate working conditions, increase the professional level, organization of rest and life, established by law, the Statute of the University, the Collective Agreement between the administration and the labor collective, individual employment contract;

- use library, information resources, services of educational, scientific, sports, cultural and educational departments of higher education institution free of charge;

- for the protection of intellectual property rights;

- for advanced training and internship at least once every five years.

Scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical staff of the University also has other rights provided for by the legislation and the Statute of the University.

6.3.2. Scientific and pedagogical staff of the University is subject to all rights provided by law for researchers of scientific institutions.

6.4 Duties of teaching staff

6.4.1 Academic, scientific and pedagogical staff of the University is obliged to:

- to provide teaching at a high scientific, theoretical and methodological level of disciplines of relevant educational programs in specialties, to conduct scientific activities (for scientific and pedagogical staff);

- to improve professional level, pedagogical skills, scientific qualifications (for scientific and pedagogical staff);

- to adhere to the norms of pedagogical ethics, morality, to respect the dignity of students, to instill love for Ukraine, to educate them in the spirit of Ukrainian patriotism and respect for the Constitution of Ukraine and state symbols of Ukraine;

- to adhere to the educational process and scientific (creative) activities of academic integrity and ensure its observance by applicants of higher education;

- to develop independence, initiative, creative abilities of students;

- comply with internal regulations, comply with the requirements and regulations of the University, the Statute of the University, laws, other normative legal acts.

6.4.2 Curators (mentors) of academic groups

The main tasks of the curators of academic groups of students are to assist them in studying, scientific work, social activities, promoting the development of student self-government, educate in the spirit of patriotism, development of their creative abilities and the formation of organizational skills, etc.

Curators are appointed by the order of the dean of the relevant faculty at the beginning of the academic year.

The curators of academic groups are mainly scientific and pedagogical staff who teach in these groups.

The record of the performance of the functions of the curator is entered into the individual work plan of the scientific and pedagogical worker.

Details of the rights, responsibilities, appointment procedures, reporting rules of the curator of the academic student group are described in the Regulation "On the Curator of the Academic Group".

7. Management of the educational process   

7.1 Rector, vice-rectors and heads of structural units are responsible for the quality of the educational process at the University.

7.2 Rector of the University within the limits of the powers granted to him:

- solves the issue of educational activities of the University, is responsible for its implementation;

- issues orders and decrees on all questions of organization of the educational process, mandatory for execution by all heads of structural units and employees of the University;

- forms a contingent of persons studying at the University;

- enrolls, counts, transfers and renews to study persons studying at the University;

- carries out general control over the implementation of curricula and educational programs;

- monitors the quality of the work of scientific and pedagogical staff, the organization of the educational process and cultural and mass work, the state of physical education and health of students, organizes household services for participants of the educational process and other employees of the University;

- performs other duties in accordance with the Statute of the University, job description and current legislation of Ukraine.

7.3 The Academic Council of the University is a collegial governing body, the main tasks and functions of which are defined in the Regulations "On the Academic Council of the University".

The functions of the Academic Council of the University on the management of the educational process are:

- definition of strategy and perspective directions of development of educational, scientific and innovative activities of the University;

- development and submission to the higher collegial body of public self-government of the draft Statute of the University, as well as a decision on amendments to it;

- adoption of the financial plan and annual financial report of the University;

- determination of the system and approval of internal quality assurance procedures for higher education;

- adoption of a decision on the placement of own revenues in the territorial bodies of the central executive body in the field of treasury services of budget funds or in banking institutions;

- adoption on the proposal of the Rector of the University a decision on the formation, reorganization and liquidation of structural units;

- election by secret ballot for the positions of deans, heads of departments, professors and associate professors, library director, branch managers;

- approval of educational programs and curricula for each level of higher education of the relevant specialties;

- making a decision on the organization of the educational process, determining the timing of training at the appropriate levels;

- approval of the sample and the procedure for producing its own document on higher education, regulations on the procedure and grounds for its issuance to graduates;

- adoption of the main directions of scientific research and innovation activity;

- evaluation of scientific and pedagogical activity of structural units;

- conferring the titles of professor, associate professor and senior researcher and submitting relevant decisions for approval to the attestation board of the central executive body in the field of education and science;

- making final decisions on the recognition of foreign documents on higher education, scientific degrees and academic titles when hiring pedagogical, scientific, scientific-pedagogical and other employees, as well as on enrollment of entrants to study;

- submission on the withdrawal of the Rector of the University on the grounds provided for by law, the Statute of the University, the contract, which is considered by the highest collegial body of public self-government of the University;

- consideration and resolution of other issues of the University within its powers, determined by the Statute of the University and the relevant regulations.

8. The system of providing with the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education, carried out by the University   

8.1 The system of providing with the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education, carried out by the University, (internal quality assurance system) was created in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", normative documents and recommendations developed by the National Agency for the Quality Assurance of Higher Education and regulated by the Regulation "On the System of Quality Assurance of Educational Activities and Higher Education" of the University.

8.2 To ensure compliance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" regarding the main components of the internal system of ensuring the quality of educational services, the University introduced:

- defining the principles and procedures for ensuring the quality of educational services by developing, updating, publishing and implementing the relevant provisions posted on the University website at the link: https://khai .edu/en/university/normativna-baza/;

- constant monitoring of educational programs, consultations with employers of relevant industries, monitoring graduates' employment, development of professional standards (in some specialties), conducting an appropriate analysis, which results in periodic review and updating of educational programs and their components;

- annual evaluation of higher education applicants, scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical staff of the University and regular publication of the results of such assessments on the official website of the University, on information stands and in any other way (evaluation of scientific and pedagogical staff is carried out in accordance with the Regulations "On the rating system of evaluation of scientific and pedagogical staff" and the Regulations "On the certification of scientific and pedagogical workers");

- system of providing professional development of pedagogical, scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers;

- constant monitoring of the availability of necessary resources for the organization of the educational process, including the independent work of applicants, for each educational program, as well as their constant updating;

- own information systems for effective management of the educational process (Pilot, Education, Rating, Mentor, etc.);

- ensuring publicity of information about educational programs, degrees of higher education and qualifications through the publication of information on the University website and other information resources;

- an effective system for preventing academic plagiarism and identifying it in the scientific works of university staff and higher education applicants (the relevant provisions have been developed, the Unicheck system is used, its own database of academic texts is created);

- other procedures and activities.

8.3 Assistant to the Rector for quality assurance of education is responsible for the implementation and compliance with the system of internal quality assurance of educational activities and quality of higher education at the University.

8.4 The system of internal quality assurance on the proposal of the University is evaluated by the National Agency for the Quality Assurance of Higher Education or its accredited independent institutions for assessing and ensuring the quality of higher education in relation to its compliance with the requirements of the higher education quality assurance system approved by the National Agency for the Quality Assurance of Higher Education.

9. Final regulations  

9.1 The regulations are approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by the order of the Rector of the University.

9.2 Control over the implementation of the Regulations is carried out by officials of the University within its powers established in the official instructions.

9.3 Amendments and additions to the Regulations are considered and approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by the order of the Rector of the University.


Appendix A

Documents on the organization of the educational process

А.1 Programs:  

- Anti-corruption program.

А.2 Rules:  

- Internal regulations;

- Admission rules.

А.3 Methodical recommendations:

- Guidelines for drawing up educational and semester plans;

- Methodical recommendations for the preparation of work programs.

А.4 Procedures:  

- The procedure for issuing an individual curriculum for applicants participating in academic mobility programs.

А.5 Regulations:  

- Typical regulation "On the Department of the National Aerospace University KhAI";

- Regulation "On the Faculty of the the National Aerospace University KhAI";

- Regulation "On the Dean's Office of the National Aerospace University KhAI ";

- Regulation "On the establishment and organization of the work of the examination (attestation) commission";

- Regulation "Procedure for ordering and issuing documents on higher education";

- Regulation "On rating evaluation of students' achievements";

- Regulation "On ensuring the right of students to choose disciplines";

- Regulations "Rating evaluation of the activities of scientific and pedagogical staff, departments and faculties";

- Regulation "On certification of pedagogical workers";

- Regulation "On professional development and internship of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers and industry specialists at the University";

- Regulation "Procedure for transfer, explusion and renewal of students";

- Regulation "On academic mobility of students and postgraduates";

- Regulation "On the procedure for holding a competition for vacant positions, appointment and dismissal from office, extension of the term of work of scientific and pedagogical staff of the National Aerospace University KhAI ";

- Regulation "Rules for the appointment and payment of scholarships to students of the National Aerospace University KhAI";

- Regulation "On the procedure for keeping attendance register and success register of students of academic groups";

- Regulation "On the electronic journal of accounting for academic students";

- Regulation "On the formation of a working program of academic discipline";

- Regulation "On academic leave and re-education of students at the National Aerospace University KhAI ";

- Regulation "On independent work of students";

- Regulation "On the system of ensuring the quality of educational activities and higher education";

- Regulation "On Academic Integrity";

- Regulation "On the Commissioner for the Rights of Students (Student Ombudsman)";

- Regulation "On the Commission on Academic Integrity";

- Regulation "On educational and analytical department";

- Regulation "On educational and methodological department";

- Regulation "On educational and organizational department";

- Regulation "On the Department of Educational Work";

- Regulation "On the Department of Doctoral Studies and Postgraduate Studies";

- Regulation "On the Department of Distance Educational Technologies "Center for Educational Services";

- Regulation "On scientific and technical library";

- Regulation "On the Department for promoting the employment of students and graduates."

А.6 Job instructions for university staff



Appendix B

Methodical and organizational support of the educational process

Methodical and organizational support of the educational process contains:

- educational and organizational documents of the Dean's Office and departments;

- educational and methodological documentation in the specialty;

- educational and methodological documentation for each academic discipline;

- informational support of the educational process (textbooks and learning guides, didactic materials, guidelines and instructions, electronic publications on the websites of NTB, departments, etc.).

B.1 Dean's office documentation:  

B.1.1 Documents of educational and organizational support:

- regulation on the faculty;

- schedules of the educational process in all forms of education;

- schedule of classes in all forms of education;

- semester schedules for applicants of individual semester tasks in academic disciplines in specialties;

- journal of accounting for the success of applicants;

- educational cards of applicants;

- book of issuing information of accounting of success;

- information of success accounting;

- book of registration of call information for students of correspondence form of study;

- book of registration of academic information;

- journals of academic groups;

- orders on the group of students (enrollment, explusion, transfer, renewal, etc.);

- work plan of the faculty in all areas of activity;

- minutes of meetings of the Academic Council of the Faculty;

- order of the Dean of the Faculty on the composition of the methodical commission of the faculty;

- regulation on the methodical commission;

- work plan of the methodical commission;

- minutes of meetings of the methodological commission;

- list of curators of academic groups;

- minutes of scholarship commission meetings;

- copies of documents of beneficiary applicants (persons affected by the Chornobyl disaster; orphans; disabled persons; applicants who have children, etc.);

- lists of applicants who live in campus dormitories;

- journal of prevention of offenses among applicants.

B.1.2 Educational and methodological documentation

- educational and semester plans in specialties / educational programs, relevant levels of higher education and forms of education, which conduct educational activities;

- structural and logical schemes in specialties / educational programs and relevant levels of higher education.

B.2 Department documentation:  

B.2.1 Documents of educational and organizational support:

- regulation on the department;

- staff schedule of the department;

- schedules of the educational process in all forms of education;

- program of development of the department for five years and a detailed work plan for each year;

- data for calculating the volume of educational work of the department for the current year;

- calculation of the volume of training load of the department for the current year;

- plan of educational load of scientific and pedagogical staff of the department for the current academic year;

- report on the implementation of the educational load by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department for the previous academic year;

- individual work plans of scientific and pedagogical staff;

- schedule of professional development of scientific and pedagogical staff;

- schedule of classes of scientific and pedagogical staff;

- schedule of employment of laboratories of the department;

- schedule of consultations of scientific and pedagogical staff;

- minutes of meetings of the department;

- report of the department on work for the previous academic year;

- report on educational work of scientific and pedagogical staff for the previous academic year;

- journal of assignment to applicants of topics of course projects (works) and individual tasks in academic disciplines;

- logs of accounting of individual tasks, done by students, of correspondence form of study and patterns.

B.2.2 Educational and methodological documentation:

- working programs of academic disciplines of the department;

- rating systems for assessing the results of training of applicants;

- diagnostic tools for current, modular and semester control;

- methodological recommendations (instructions) for the independent work of applicants;

- methodological recommendations (instructions) for laboratory works;

- methodological recommendations (instructions) for the implementation of course projects / works;

- methodological recommendations (instructions) for the implementation of individual tasks: calculation (calculation, graphic) works, control works, abstracts, etc.;

- didactic materials for lectures, seminars and practical classes;

- theme of course projects and works on academic disciplines;

- options for individual tasks;

- a set of complex control tasks in academic disciplines for accreditation of the specialty (educational program) and criteria for assessing the level of training of applicants;

- if necessary, other documents by the decision of the department.

B.2.3 Additional educational and methodological documentation of graduating departments:

- standards of higher education in the specialties and levels of higher education, which conduct educational activities;

- educational programs in specialties (specializations) and levels of higher education, which conduct educational activities;

- educational and semester curricula in specialties (specializations), levels of higher education and forms of education, which conduct educational activities (including - for a shorter period of study);

- individual curricula of applicants;

- programs (work programs) practices;

- programs of examinations (if any) and evaluation criteria in 100-point scale;

- orders on approval of topics and managers of qualification works of higher education applicants;

- methodological recommendations (instructions) for applicants to perform qualification works and evaluation criteria in 100-point scale.

Предметні олімпіади у форматі НМТ