Regulations on the dual form of education | ХАІ
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Regulations on the dual form of education
at National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»

Approved by:
Academic Council
of National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» 
Protocol No. 4 from 
November 25, 2020

Put into operation: Оrder No. 506 from November 26, 2020

СУЯ ХАІ-НМВ-П/004:2020

Date of introduction November 26, 2020

Edition № 2

1. General regulations

1.1 Regulations on the dual form of education (hereinafter - Regulations) were established in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 15.10.2019 № 1296 as well as on the basis of the experience gained during the dual form of education within the ILO pilot project of Ukraine.

1.2 Regulations determine the basic principles of organization and implementation of the dual form of education (hereinafter - DFE) at National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» (hereinafter - the University).

1.3 Requirements of the Regulations are mandatory for all participants in the educational process involved in organizing and providing the dual form of education including students.

1.4 The dual form of education at the University involves the education of full-time students by combining studying at the University with training in the workplace at enterprises, institutions and organizations (hereinafter - employers) to acquire a certain qualification on the basis of a contract.

1.5 The purpose of introducing the dual form of education is to improve the quality of professional training of students.

The main tasks of studying in the dual form of education:

- strengthening and improving the practical component of the educational process while ensuring the achievement of learning results defined in the relevant educational standard and educational program;

- ensuring the interconnection, interpenetration and interaction of different systems (science and education, science and industry or the public sector) to implement important changes aimed at improving the quality of education;

- improving the quality of training in accordance with the real requirements of the labor market and providing the national economy with qualified specialists;

- strengthening the role of employers and professional associations in the system of training qualified personnel from the formation of the content of educational programs to the evaluation of learning results;

- modernization of the educational content in order to meet the requirements of the labor market;

- increasing the level of the University graduates’ competitiveness under globalization and promoting the growth of youth employment;

- reducing the period of graduates’ adaptation to professional activity;

- increasing the students’ motivation to learn.

1.6 Rights and obligations of students, the University and employers during the organization of the dual form of education are defined in the laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", "On Professional Higher Education", "On Employment", the Labor Code, the Concept of training specialists in the dual form of education and other regulations.

1.7 Terminology in the Regulations has the following meanings:

The coordinator from the Universityis an employee of the University who is responsible for the organization of the dual form of education and is appointed by the University Rector.

The coordinator from the employeris an employee who is responsible for the organizational and methodological support of the dual form of education and is appointed by the head of the enterprise, institution, organization.

The supervisoris a pedagogical and scientific employee of the University, who monitors the implementation of the individual curriculum of the student and the practical on-the-job training program in the dual form of education and is appointed by the University Rector.

The training officeris a qualified employee of the employer who monitors the implementation of the individual curriculum of the student in the workplace in accordance with the practical on-the-job training program and is appointed by the head of the enterprise, institution, organization.

Other terminologies have meanings defined in the Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education" and other regulations.

2. Organization of the dual form of education

2.1 The University decides on the introduction of the dual form of education based on labor market research and determines the list of educational programs for which dual education is appropriate.

2.2 Both the University and employers can initiate negotiations on the organization of learning in the dual form of education. Students can facilitate cooperation between the University and employers.

2.3 Under the mutual agreement of the initiative on cooperation in the organization of the dual form of education, a relevant bilateral contract is concluded between the University and the employer. The contract must specify the coordinators from the University and the employer.

2.4 Employers who have sufficient material and technical base and human resources to provide practical on-the-job training for students under the relevant educational program are involved in the organization of the dual form of education. The decision on the sufficiency of resources available to employers is made by the University.

2.5 The relationship between the University, the employer and the student of the dual form of education is governed by the relevant tripartite contract on the dual form of education, namely Regulations, other contracts and legislative acts.

2.6 In order to ensure the organization of the dual form of education and effective communication between all stakeholders, the tripartite contract shall determine the supervisor of the dual learning and the training officer (training officers).

2.7 The dual form of education is carried out in accordance with the educational programs of the University, according to which educational activities are conducted and in compliance with the methods and evaluation criteria defined in them.

2.8 The educational load of the student is distributed between studies at the University and in the workplace depending on the specifics of the educational program.

2.9 Features of the organization of the educational process in a dual form are reflected in the students’ individual curricula.

2.10 The following models are used to organize the dual form of education:

- integrated model: a model of a split week (several days during the week spent in an educational institution, the rest of the week spent in the workplace);

- block model: training in an educational institution and in the workplace by blocks (2 weeks, a month, a semester);

- partial model: part of theoretical learning is covered by learning in educational and practical centers;

- others.

2.11 On-the-job training is part of the educational program and is calculated in ECTS credits (should be between 25% and 60% of total credits).

2.12 Control over the implementation of the individual curriculum and evaluation of students’ learning results in the dual form of education is carried out by the University and the employer in accordance with the Regulations on the organization of the educational process at the University and the requirements of the educational program.

2.13 Certification of students studying in the dual form of education is carried out in the form stated in the educational program. The theme of the qualification work or the list of questions for the certification exam is agreed with the employer. Employer's representatives may be included in the examination commission of the University.

2.14 Information on obtaining education in the dual form must be displayed in educational documents (diploma supplement). The University may issue other documents certifying the obtained education in dual form in accordance with applicable law.

2.15 The University organizes studying in the dual form of education for full-time students who have expressed a personal desire and have been selected by the employer.

2.16 The procedure for selecting students for education in dual form is agreed by the employer and the University.

2.17 Transfer to the dual form of education is made by the relevant order of the University Rector.

2.18 When transferring to the dual form of education, the student retains the source of funding, scholarships and benefits, if any.

2.19 Other issues related to the organization of the dual form of education are determined by the University and the employer, taking into account the requirements of applicable law.

3. The procedure for students’ enrollment to study in dual form of education

3.1 After confirming the intention of the employer to provide on-the-job training to a specific student, the University prepares a tripartite contract on the dual form of education and together with the student and the employer develops and approves the individual curriculum of the student.

3.2 The basis for the transfer of the student to the dual form of education is the application of the full-time student and the tripartite contract signed as a result of the students’ selection.

3.3 When concluding a tripartite contract on studying in the dual form of education, the employer shall conclude an employment contract with the student.

3.4 Transferring students to the dual form of education is usually carried out before the academic semester begins or within 14 calendar days after it began by order of the University Rector.

3.5 The form and content of the current and final certification of students is determined by the University and the employer in accordance with the requirements of the educational program.

3.6 In case of transferring a student to the dual form of education or premature termination of the contract on the dual form of education, the student retains the source of funding for educational services.

3.7 In case of the student’s enrollment in the dual form of education or premature termination of the contract on the dual form of education, the student retains the right to receive a scholarship and other social guarantees.

4. Features of studying in dual form of education

4.1 For the University:

4.1.1 After deciding on the implementation of the dual form of education, the University appoints a person (persons) to act as a coordinator from the University.

4.1.2 Responsibilities of the person (persons) acting as a coordinator from the University are the following:

- organizes the search and preliminary selection of employers whose activities correspond to the profile of the relevant educational programs and can ensure the achievement of educational program learning results;

- initiates and implements the negotiation process with employers on the joint implementation of the dual form of education;

- prepares and agrees on bilateral contracts on cooperation with employers on partnership in the organization of the dual form of education;

- conducts informational explanatory work among students on the features and benefits of studying in the dual form of education;

- coordinates the organization of selection of students wishing to transfer to the dual form of education;

- organizes discussions with employers on the content of relevant educational programs regarding compliance with professional standards and requirements for the competencies of future professionals;

- controls the preparation and approval of the on-the-job training programs;

- controls the preparation of individual curricula;

- prepares and checks with all parties about contracts on the dual form of education;

- provides continuous communication between all parties to eliminate possible shortcomings in the organization of studying and solves current problems that may arise;

- controls the appointment of a supervisor for each student in the dual form of education;

- coordinates the work of persons acting as supervisors;

- participates in the analysis of results and quality of the dual form of education and makes suggestions for its improvement.

4.1.3 Person (persons) acting as a supervisor:

- prepares an individual curriculum of the student, taking into account the needs of the employer;

- initiates the creation and coordination of the on-the-job training programs;

- provides current control over the implementation of the individual curriculum;

- maintains constant communication with the student and representatives of the employer (in particular, the training officer) in order to timely resolve current issues and ensure the implementation of the educational program in full;

- if necessary, can initiate changes to the individual curriculum during training in the dual form of education.

4.1.4 If necessary, the University provides timely methodological assistance in the organization of the on-the-job training to the employees of the employer involved in the organization of the dual form of education.

4.1.5 The University may apply to employers for internships in its departments of research and teaching staff.

4.1.6 To control the quality of education, the University should hold regular meetings with employers (at least once a year) and provide feedback from students with the participation of the supervisor to determine the relevance of learning results in the workplace to the goals and requirements of the educational program.

4.1.7 The University provides an opportunity to conduct a joint evaluation of students’ learning results in the dual form of education with the participation of employers’ representatives.

4.2 For the employer:

4.2.1 The employer may apply to the University with the initiative to introduce the dual form of education.

4.2.2 The employer may make proposals to change the content of educational programs and update curricula, initiate the creation of new educational programs.

4.2.3 The employer enters into tripartite contracts on the dual form of education and agrees on an appropriate individual curricula.

4.2.4 The employer appoints a coordinator to provide organizational and methodological support for the dual form of education and effective communication with the University.

4.2.5 Coordinator from the employer:

- is responsible for cooperation with the University on the coordination (creation, revision and improvement) of the educational program, which will be taught in the dual form of education and individual curricula;

- participates in the selection of students wishing to transfer to the dual form of education in the relevant educational programs;

- accompanies the student's on-the-job training in accordance with the requirements of the educational program and the individual curriculum;

- provides continuous communication with the University;

- monitors the distribution and timely mobility of students in the structural units of the enterprise, institution, organization;

- participates in the analysis of the results and quality of the dual form of education and makes suggestions to the management to improve it.

4.2.6 The employer appoints a training officer from the most experienced and qualified specialists.

4.2.7 Training officer:

- supervises the training of students in accordance with the on-the-job training program and individual curriculum;

- promotes the adaptation of the student to the workplace;

- participates in the evaluation of students’ learning results in accordance with the program of the practical on-the-job training together with the authorized representatives of the University;

- may undergo special methodological training to guide the on-the-job training of students, including on the basis of the University.

4.2.8 The employer creates conditions for raising the professional level of training officers.

4.2.9 The employer provides the students with the necessary items and materials, uniform.

4.2.10 The employer provides the necessary safety and health instructions for the students in the workplace.

4.2.11 The employer may provide internships for pedagogical and scientific employees of the University.

4.2.12 The employer may offer the students in the dual form of education the conclusion/extension of an employment contract after graduation.

5. Financial support

5.1 Dual education funding is carried out in accordance with current legislation.

6. Final regulations

6.1 Regulations are approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by order of the University Rector.

6.2 Control over the implementation of the Regulations is exercised by the officials of the University within the limits of their powers established by the job descriptions.

6.3 Changes and additions to the Regulations are considered and approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by order of the University Rector.

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