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The Internet of Things: a new educational program
for the needs of industry and society (ALIOT)

Project number:


Duration of the project:

from October 5, 2016 to October 14, 2019.

Grant amount of the Tempus program:

€ 816 725. 

Grant recipient:

- Newcastle University, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Project Consortium:

- Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

- University of Coimbra, Portuguese Republic;

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Kingdom of Sweden;

Institute of Information Science and Technologies "Alessandro Faedo", Italian Republic;

National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Ukraine;

Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Ukraine;

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine;

Odesa National Polytechnic University, Ukraine;

West Ukrainian National University, Ukraine;

Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Ukraine;

Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, Ukraine;

G. E. Pukhov Institute of modeling problems in energy, Ukraine;

- IT-Alliance Education Industry Science, Ukraine;

SmartME University, Ukraine;

Ministry of Education and Science, Ukraine. 

The purpose and tasks of the project:

- to introduce a multi-domain and comprehensive educational program on IP for master's students in universities of Ukraine; - to introduce multi-domain and comprehensive IR programs for doctoral students in Ukrainian universities;

- to provide mechanisms for intensive measures to increase the potential of ICT teachers in Ukraine;

- to create a multi-domain network of Internet of Things clusters in Ukraine. This network will provide an environment for the exchange and transfer of knowledge, as well as the mutual development of innovative research ideas and practices between the scientific and industrial sectors in the field of the Internet of Things.

Areas of activity under the project:

- creation of strategic factors for implementation of institutional innovation policy;

- creation of a sustainable structure for innovation support in 6 Ukrainian universities;

- training of qualified personnel to support innovative development processes in 6 Ukrainian universities;

- pilot implementation of 6 innovative offices;

- creation of the national network platform "Universities for Innovation";

- distribution of project results;

- measures to ensure the sustainable development of the project;

- quality control and monitoring;

- project management.

Project goals:

- introduction of a multi-domain and comprehensive educational program on IP for master's students in universities of Ukraine;

- introduction of a multi-domain and comprehensive educational program on IR for doctoral students in Ukrainian universities;

- provision of a mechanism for intensive measures to increase the potential of ICT teachers in Ukraine;

- creation of a multi-domain network of IR Clusters in Ukraine.

Obtained results:

1. A multi-domain and complex educational program on IP for master's students at Ukrainian universities has been introduced;

2. A multi-domain and comprehensive educational program on IR for doctoral students in Ukrainian universities was introduced;

3. A mechanism of intensive measures to increase the potential of ICT teachers in Ukraine has been provided;

4. A multi-domain network of IR Clusters in Ukraine has been created.

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