Women's hackathon for Ukrainian students "Shebuilds Ukraine Hackathon"
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HomeNewsWomen's hackathon for Ukrainian students "Shebuilds Ukraine Hackathon"


Women's hackathon for Ukrainian students "Shebuilds Ukraine Hackathon"

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine invites you to participate in the SheBuilds Ukraine Hackathon - the first Hackathon for Ukrainian female students, which is organized by the Canadian architectural company WZMH Architects with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada.

The purpose of the event is to unite the talent and experience of Ukrainian female students in various programs to offer innovative approaches to the design and reconstruction of Ukraine using IT, software and any other creative solutions.

The hackathon is open to female students of any Ukrainian institution of higher education.

The prize pool is 5000$ CAD.

Format: Online.

Date: March 3-5, 2023.

You can register until February 24, 2023 at the link: https://www.rebuilduahackathon.com/.

For more detailed information or answers to questions, contact the organizer of SheBuilds Ukraine Hackathon - Olena Bodak, [email protected].

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