Online seminar on the creation of a German-Ukrainian center of excellence in Kharkiv
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HomeNewsOnline seminar on the creation of a German-Ukrainian center of excellence in Kharkiv


Online seminar on the creation of a German-Ukrainian center of excellence in Kharkiv

On January 27, 2023, as part of the AvioCore4.0 project, an online seminar was held on the creation of a German-Ukrainian Center of Excellence (CoE) in Kharkiv (Ukraine) to conduct research and development on digitalization for aviation and other industries.

The organizers of this initiative - National Aerospace University "KHAI", The Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (Fraunhofer-IFF), Magdeburg - presented their achievements, discussed with key enterprises of the Ukrainian industry technological and scientific achievements, in particular, in artificial intelligence and machine vision , robotics and the Internet of Things, image processing and augmented reality, cyber security and nanoengineering.

Ukrainian manufacturers who drive and implement the concept of Industry 4.0 were represented by the Association of Industrial Automation of Ukraine, PJSC "FED", JSC "Motor Sich", COMPANY "ANTONOV", Metinvest Digital, "Interpipe", etc., provided information about their experience and high-tech achievements in digitization and new urgent tasks.

The participants of the seminar were greeted by representatives of Deutsche Messe AG.

Thanks to the discussion, a common vision of a viable concept of long-term, stable and effective work of the CoE, promising directions of research to increase the efficiency, flexibility and stability of Ukrainian companies in wartime and recovery times, and to strengthen their competitiveness on the world market is being developed.

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