Engineering Maintenance of Aircraft and Engines | ХАІ
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HomeEducationEducational programs and componentsEngineering Maintenance of Aircraft and Engines

Profile of the educational and professional program
"Engineering Maintenance of Aircraft and Engines"

General information about the educational program

Full name of the higher educational institution and structural subdivision: National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Aircraft Designing Department 

Degree of higher education: Bachelor

Qualification in the diploma: Bachelor in Aviation Transport according to the educational program «Engineering Maintenance of Aircraft and Engines»

The official name of the educational and scientific program: Bachelor in Aviation Transport according to the educational program «Engineering Maintenance of Aircraft and Engines»

Type of diploma and scope of the educational-scientific program: On the basis of complete general secondary education with a term of study of 11 years, the scope of the bachelor's educational program is 240 ECTS credits. On the basis of complete general secondary education with a term of study of 12 years, the scope of the bachelor's educational program is 240 ECTS credits. Based on the undergraduate degree, the scope of the bachelor's degree program is 180 ECTS credits. At least 50 percent of the educational program should be directed to the acquisition of general and special (professional) competencies in the specialty defined by the standard of higher education, as well as 25 percent - at the student's choice.

Availability of accreditation: Certificate of accreditation: Series UD number 21008335, based on the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from No. 1565 from 19.12.2016. Expiration date 01.07.2022

Cycle / level: NQF of Ukraine - level 6, FQ-EHEA - the first cycle, EQF-LL - level 6.

Prerequisites: Availability of complete general secondary education, according to the results of external independent evaluation. On the basis of a junior specialist (junior bachelor)

Language (s) of instruction: The language of instruction is English

Term of the educational-scientific program: Before the introduction of a new educational and scientific program 

The purpose of the educational and professional program:

Training of bachelors who have deep knowledge, as well as basic and professional competencies and are able to correctly independently set and solve problems of scientific and practical and research activities in the field of engineering maintenance of aircraft and engines.

Suitability of graduates for employment

Suitability for employment:Bachelors in aviation transport under the educational program "Engineering Maintenance of Aircraft and Engines" can hold positions in the field of civil aviation at airlines: aviation technician (mechanic) for the operation of aircraft (aircraft systems).

Academic rights of graduates:A person has the right to continue education at the second level of higher education.

Teaching and evaluation

Teaching and learning:Student-centered learning, self-study, problem-oriented learning aimed at the development of critical and creative thinking, learning through laboratory practice, dual, distance education and more. Lectures, multimedia lectures, laboratory works, seminars, practical group classes, independent work on the basis of textbooks and abstracts, consultations with teachers, preparation of a bachelor's thesis project

Evaluation:Written exams and assessments, course projects and works, reports on practices, presentations, current (modular) control, bachelor's thesis project and its defense

Characteristics of the educational and scientific program  Graduate competencies Program learning outcomes

Resource support for the implementation of program Academic mobility List of components

Educational and professional programs Summary, structure and components