Department of Law
of the Humanities and Law Faculty
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"
Department of Law 702 was created on the basis of the Faculty of Humanities and Law, provides training in specialty 081 "Law" and specialty 262 "Law Enforcement". Moreover, the specialty "Law" has a full cycle of educational services: first (bachelor's) - bachelor's; the second (master's) - master's degree; the third (educational and scientific) - doctor of philosophy.
Students can choose to study the following cycles: information law and transport law.
The information law program prepares specialists who ensure compliance with various information regimes, implement electronic governance, prepare and conclude contracts in the field of intellectual property and information activities, and ensure the operation of IT law.
The air law program prepares lawyers for enterprises, institutions, and organizations in the aerospace industry. In particular, in the field of aviation and transport legal relations, etc.
In addition, the department provides training of specialists in technical specialties with basic knowledge of legal competence: jurisprudence, constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, optional it-law course.
On the basis of the department, the Khai Khai Legal Clinic, the Forensic Class, the Hall of Court Sessions, volunteer activities of the student association "Anti-Narcotics Bureau" function.
The teaching staff of the department: 17 teachers, of whom 4 have the degree of doctor of legal sciences, 14 have the scientific degree of candidate of sciences, 11 have the academic title of associate professor, 2 have the academic title of professor. The employees of the department conduct active scientific activities, have rating citations in foreign scientific metrics databases and Scopus Web of Science. Most of them have an appropriate level of knowledge of the English language B2, certificates of international internships and professional development abroad.