Department of Higher Mathematics and System Analysis | ХАІ
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Department of Higher Mathematics and System Analysis
of the Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The Department of Higher Mathematics and System Analysis carries out educational activities related to the training of professionals from the field of knowledge "12. Information technologies" in the specialty "124. System analysis" (educational program System analysis and management), as well as teaching mathematical disciplines for a wide circles of other specialties of higher education.

The main goal of the teaching staff of the department is the training of specialists who are able to develop and apply methods and tools of system analysis to solve complex problems, regardless of the field of their professional activity. The high level of qualifications of teachers is ensured through continuous professional development, as well as through postgraduate and doctoral studies.

The content of specialist training meets the most modern requirements of the regional and national economy as a whole. Adaptation of applicants to the needs of the modern labor market is achieved through various types of internships, which are conducted at the educational and scientific base of the university and at enterprises and IT companies. Together with enterprises and institutions of various forms of ownership, the department works to promote the employment of graduates of the "Systems Analysis" specialty.

The department maintains scientific relations with institutions of higher education and scientific centers of Ukraine, namely: IPSA at NTUU "KPI" (Kyiv), the Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics named after Pidstryhacha of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Lviv), Dnipro, Lviv and Odesa National Universities. The analysis of the results of studies of higher education graduates in the specialty "Systems analysis" shows the unabated interest of a wide range of schoolchildren in it, and the results of the employment of graduates - the stable demand for specialists of this specialty on the labor market.

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