Contacts | ХАІ
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Contacts of the Department of Descriptive Geometry
and Computer Modeling
of the Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Our address:

Kharkiv, str. Chkalova, 17, Ukraine, 61070

KhAI, faculty No. 4, main building, 2nd floor

Tel .: +38 (057) 788-44-06

Як до нас доїхати:

From the "Universitet" metro station: trolleybus No. 2, buses No. 202, 65, 278

From the "Pivdenny Vokzal" metro station: buses 302, 278

From the "Heroiv Prati" metro station: buses #17, 55, 215, 240, 247, 263, 271

Предметні олімпіади у форматі НМТ