Specialties and educational programs of the | ХАІ
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Specialties and Educational Programs
of the Department of Space Technology
and Non-Traditional Energy Sources
of the Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

SpecialtyEducational programEducational degreeForm of study Term of studyTuition fee
134 Aerospace EngineeringSatellites, Engines and Power PlantsBachelor's degree based on complete general secondary educationFull-time3 years and 10 months-
Master's degree, educational and professional program1 year and 4 months-
Satellites, Engines and Power PlantsMaster's degree, educational and scientific program1 year and 9 monthsLink
141 Electrical Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and ElectromechanicsEnergy Management and Energy EfficiencyBachelor's degree based on complete general secondary educationFull-time3 years and 10 months-
Alternative and Renewable Sources of Energy
Energy Management and Energy EfficiencyMaster's degree, educational and professional programFull-time1 year and 4 months
Alternative and Renewable Sources of Energy -
Alternative and Renewable Sources of EnergyMaster's degree, educational and scientific programFull-time1 year and 9 months

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