Department of Structures and Design of Rocket Technology | ХАІ
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Department of Structures and Design of Rocket Technology
of the Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The department of structures and design of rocket technology was formed in 2014 by the merger of the department of rocket and space engines and power plants and the department of design of rocket and space vehicles.

Students are trained in specialties 134 "Aerospace Engineering" (educational programs "Rocket Engines and Power Plants", "Missile and space systems", "Unmanned aerial systems").

The department has a developed material base, which allows training specialists of the most modern level.

Students study in specialized classrooms and laboratories, where they model and design various units and structures for aerospace and defense purposes. Providing a high level of fundamental and special training of students, the department pays great attention to the study of modern integrated computer technologies. Students master the skills to create and practically use modern software that allows automating the work of developers of rocket and space technology and other modern technology. The level of training of graduates allows them to work successfully in any field of modern industrial production and in the field of small business. The department conducts fruitful scientific work in the framework of cooperation with domestic and foreign enterprises and research institutions.

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