Educational and laboratory base | ХАІ
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Educational and laboratory base
of the Department of Composite Structures
and Aviation Materials Science
of the Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Laboratory of composite structures

Contains about a hundred samples of composite structures, elements of composite-metal joints, as well as parts of aviation units made of composite materials. The laboratory also has stands for conducting research on determining the stiffness characteristics of composite structures.

Designed for studying disciplines related to the design and construction of composite structures, as well as the mechanics of composite materials and structures.

Laboratory of non-metallic materials

Equipment for researching the properties of polymers, rubbers, fibrous materials, adhesives and sealants is presented.

Intended for conducting a laboratory workshop on the following courses:

- materials science (non-metals),

- chemical bases of polymer production.

Laboratory of metals

It has equipment for heat treatment of metals with subsequent determination of their hardness and microstructure.

It is used for classes in engineering and aviation materials science.

Laboratory of electro-radio materials

It is equipped with special equipment for determining the conductive properties of materials.

Used in electroradioelectronics and therefore used for conducting classes on the electroradiomaterials science course.

Computer class

It is equipped with computing equipment and is used to conduct classes on 3D modeling and calculation of composite structures using the finite element method, as well as to teach engineering programming (PYTON) students.

Laboratory of composite technologies

It is located on the basis of the Problem Research Laboratory of Composite Materials.

The laboratory has the following equipment:

- stoves,

- autoclave,

- laser projector,

- winding machine,

- installation for continuous winding of pipes, for the production of part standards,

- 3D printer,

- breaking machine,

- a video extensometer with a high-speed camera for measuring movements.

Предметні олімпіади у форматі НМТ