Scientific Activity of the Department | ХАІ
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Scientific activity
of the Department of Composite Structures
and Aviation Materials Science
of the Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The scientific school of KhAI in the field of engineering of composite structures is completely independent.

Knowledge accumulated by employees is a highly liquid product in the market of innovations and high technologies. The high level and demand of our achievements demonstrates the interest of foreign representatives in our participation in various international projects. Our school is constantly developing. This is facilitated by several reasons: high competition on the international engineering market, the need for further development of selected directions in the field of design, manufacture and testing of composite structures in various fields of technology.

Scientific areas of work of the department:

- research of methods of creating modular structures based on spatially reinforced power structures and the possibility of their application in various branches of transport engineering (head: associate professor, candidate of technical sciences, Gagauz);

- calculation of the adhesive joint under conditions of alternating sign and high-speed load (head: associate professor, candidate of technical sciences, Krivenda);

- smart structures from composite materials (head: associate professor, candidate of technical sciences, Vambol);

- assessment of the economic costs of the composite structure and decision-making about its manufacturing technologies (head: associate professor, candidate of technical sciences, Shevtsova);

- adaptive technological equipment for forming composite structures (head: associate professor, candidate of technical sciences, Purgina).

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