Department of Geoinformation Technologies and Space Earth Monitoring | ХАІ
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HomeEducationFaculties and departmentsFaculty of Rocket and Space EngineeringDepartmentsDepartment of Geoinformation Technologies and Space Earth Monitoring

Department of Geoinformation Technologies
and Space Earth Monitoring
of the Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The Department of Geoinformation Technologies and Space Earth Monitoring has two directions of its work. The first is the provision of fundamental training of bachelors and masters in all directions in the field of geodesy, land management, GIS technologies, earth sciences, and the second direction is the training of bachelors and masters in the specialties "193. Geodesy and land management" and "103. Sciences of Earth", and educational programs "Geoinformation systems and technologies" and "Space monitoring of the Earth".

More than 130 students study at the department.

Training is conducted by highly qualified teachers of the department: 2 doctors, 11 candidates of technical sciences, of which 6 are associate professors and 1 senior researcher. Students of the department participate in international projects (HERE, Secondary Cities) based on the results of which they undergo internships in the EU.

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