Department of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship | ХАІ
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Department of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship
of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The Department of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship is an important structural subdivision of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business of KhАІ. This department specializes in the training of highly qualified specialists in the fields:

"076. Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity" at the bachelor's and master's levels of education;

"281. Public management and administration" at the bachelor's and master's levels of education.

Thanks to the modern educational and methodological base and experienced teaching staff, the department provides high-quality theoretical training, effective organization of independent and individual work of students, all types of practices and distance education. Teachers actively use modern pedagogical technologies, which contributes to the analytical orientation of education and the development of students' practical skills.

Scientists of the department conduct actual research within the framework of the scientific topic "Economic-theoretical and socio-economic aspects of the economic mechanism" (0117 U005478), which meets the modern requirements of economic development.

Students of the department have the opportunity to take part in All-Ukrainian contests of student scientific works and Olympiads, where they regularly win. The department also operates a scientific group "Brain fitness - a start to the future!", which promotes the development of scientific abilities of students and the formation of skills for successful professional development.

Scientific and methodical seminars are regularly held at the department, where teachers and students discuss current issues of research development in the fields of public administration and entrepreneurship, as well as directions for improving the scientific activity of the department.

The teachers of the department constantly work on improving their qualifications, visiting faculties of postgraduate education of leading higher educational institutions, seminars, conferences and trainings. This allows them to stay abreast of modern trends in education and science, which contributes to improving the quality of the educational process.

Thanks to the broad direction of the department's activities and the simultaneous combination of all forms of educational, practical and scientific work of the student, the continuity of the process of the student's creative mastery of the entire complex of knowledge and skills necessary for solving real problems in the conditions of the transformational economy is ensured.

Thus, the Department of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship of the KhАІ plays an important role in training highly qualified specialists who will be able to work successfully in the conditions of the modern market, ensuring the sustainable development and competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy.

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