Scientific Activity of the Department | ХАІ
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Scientific activity
of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation
of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The scientific activity of the department is devoted to research and modeling of the influence of financial mechanisms on the efficiency of production in the aerospace industry. On this topic, the state budget topic and research work of teachers, graduate students and students are carried out annually according to individual plans. The main directions are the development of economic risk assessment methods, improvement of budgeting processes at enterprises; problems of investment and innovation activities.

According to the results of scientific research, 10 monographs were published, devoted to the calculation and regulation of investment processes, innovative development of regions, evaluation of the efficiency of the movement of goods in retail trade, modern problems of regional development, financial risk management in commercial banks, and others. The authors and co-authors of these monographs are prof. Bozhko, Associate Professor Matyushenko, Associate Professor Stolyarchuk, Associate Professor Isaeva, Associate Professor Krakos, Associate Professor Didenko, Associate Professor Tofanyuk, Associate Professor Fursova. Every year, 3-4 candidate theses are defended at the department, more than 20 scientific articles and 50 abstracts of reports at scientific conferences are published. Students take an active part in scientific research, the best of them (Rohova, Bulatov, Korotchenko, Kozhina, Degtyareva, and others) were prize-winners of all-Ukrainian student conferences.

The volume of training at the department of foreign students is expanding. Currently, associate professors Tofanyuk, Fursova, Tatar and others teach their disciplines in a foreign language.

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