Department of Theory of Aircraft Engines | ХАІ
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Department of Theory of Aircraft Engines
of the Faculty of Aviation Engines
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"


The Department of Theory of Aviation Engines is an educational unit of the Faculty of Engine Engineering, focused on training highly qualified specialists in the design of gas-air tracts of gas turbine engines and vane machines, which are part of it, using modern methods of mathematical modeling.

The Department of Theory of Aviation Engines is a graduating department that prepares fax workers by specialty.

"142 - Power Engineering". The department prepares highly qualified engineering personnel in the field of gas turbine engineering, who are able to design, develop and operate gas turbine engines of various purposes, used in the aviation energy, gas transport industries, as well as in water and railway transport.

Students studying in the educational programs of the department have the opportunity to take part in Ukrainian and international science Olympiads. The educational base of the department includes not only 2 computer classrooms, but also laboratories with operating small gas turbines and experimental stands.

In the more complex research laboratory of the department, work is carried out on the order of the leading enterprises of the aviation industry of Ukraine, in which students are involved.

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