Educational support staff | ХАІ
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Educational support staff
of the Department of of Strength of Aircraft
of the Faculty of Aircraft Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Утіралова Оксана Миколаївна

Oksana Utiralova

Head of the laboratory of PNDL "Strength"


Phone: +38 (057) 788-43-28

E-mail[email protected]

Ковалевська Вікторія Олександрівна

Victoria Kovalevska

Head of the educational laboratory 


Phone: +38 (057) 788-40-71


Olexandr Kaplun

Olexandr Kaplun

Senior Engineer


Phone: +38 (057) 788-43-28


Бочко Анатолій Володимирович

Anatoly Bochko

Engineer of the 1st category


Phone: +38 (057) 788-44-69


Рубан Татьяна Тихоновна

Tatyana Ryban

Engineer of the 1st category 


Phone: +38 (057) 788-45-27


Єгорова Тетяна Іванівна

Tatyana Egorova

Senior laboratory assistant


Phone: +38 (057) 788-45-27


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