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Project of the EU Framework Program
"Horizon 2020" - EVAL


The goal of the EVAL project is to create a demonstrator of a passive cooling system (using loop heat pipe technology) for effective thermoregulation of the valves of the exhaust system of an aircraft engine with an ultra-high level of double-loop (UHBR) that are under the influence of high temperatures.

EVAL is a project funded by the Clean Sky 2 joint initiative. The Clean Sky 2 project is curated by Liebherr, a leading European manufacturer of thermal control systems for the aviation and space industries. The results of the EVAL project will be used by Liebherr and integrated into a real-life UHBR aircraft engine demonstrator for passenger aircraft being developed as part of the Clean Sky 2 initiative.

EVAL's innovative passive cooling system will ensure the reliable and efficient operation of next-generation passenger aircraft engines during the entire period of operation. Thus, the implementation of the EVAL project will contribute to the achievement of the global goals of the Clean Sky 2 program.

This project received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Initiative under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program of the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 886615..


from June 1, 2020 to November 30, 2022. 


- Science and Technology Center in Ukraine, Ukraine.


National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Ukraine;

- Allatherm, Republic of Latvia;

- Science and Technology Center in Ukraine, Ukraine. 

Responsible unit:

Department of Aerospace Heat Engineering. 

Project website:


Concept of the project:

The project aims to create a cooling solution based on a loop heat pipe (LHP) - a reliable, miniaturized two-phase heat exchange device used in electronics, aviation and aerospace.

The innovative concept of the EVAL cooling system will consist of a combination of:

- new working fluids that are able to meet the requirements for cooling the valves of the gas sampling system and, at the same time, meet aviation standards;

- the patented technology of the Allatherm (ALTOM) evaporator-reservoir modular unit, which allows you to create compact, light, reliable and cost-effective thermoregulation systems with excellent thermal characteristics;

- innovative technology of filling the contour heat pipe with working fluid in field conditions.

Key advantages of the EVAL solution over an active two-phase cooling system:

- minimum weight, absence of heavy elements, such as a pump;

- compact and flexible design, ALTOM's modular design can be easily adapted to an aircraft engine;

- high reliability, confirmed by a large number of applications;

- without power supply, completely passive system.


Project Technical Leader:

Prof. Pavlo Gakal, Head of Department Aerospace Thermal Engineering department (205) of the National Aerospace University “KhAI”. [email protected]. +380 057 788 42 05.

Адміністративний координатор проекту:

Mr. Mykola Lubiv, Science and Technology Center in Ukraine, [email protected]. +380 44 490 7150 (Ext. 769).. 769)

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