DiCoMi | ХАІ
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Project of the EU Framework Program
"Horizon 2020" - DiCoMI


The DiCoMI project aims to bring together leading innovators to develop a new method of producing composite material parts with optimized fibre directionality. The consortium will develop innovative equipment for 3D printing of aeronautical and other components using directional fibre-reinforced polymer material. It will be a truly novel composites manufacturing system capable of producing parts with increased accuracy, enhanced functionality and reduced cost. Project works are implemented in the frame of the research and innovation staff exchanges, so-called internships of 1 month + duration.


from February 1, 2019 to January 31, 2023.


- Loughborough University, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


Loughborough University, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic;

FH Aachen – University of Applied Sciences, Federal Republic of Germany;

National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Ukraine;

Sabancı University, Republic of Türkiye;

5AxisWorks, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

FIBREX, Romania;

Gühring, Federal Republic of Germany;

Carboline, Ukraine;

Kordsa, Republic of Türkiye;

BIZZCOM, Slovak Republic;

Intelligentsia Consultants Sarl, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg;

Vaal University of Technology, Republic of South Africa;

- Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute, Arab Republic of Egypt;

Scion (Crown Research Institute), New Zealand. 

Responsible unit:

Department of composite structures and aviation materials science.

Project website:



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