Planning of educational work | ХАІ
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HomeStudentDepartments of educational workPlanning of educational work

Planning of educational work

KhAI builds its educational work for the future on the basis of a comprehensive plan of educational work for the year.

The faculties, the department of educational work, plan their educational work for the semester.

The student group curator also develops a work plan for the semester, taking into account the individual interests and abilities of students.

Work plans of the student club, student government, are also developed for the semester.

The educational function of the learning process and the educational potential of the learning process is provided by the content, forms, technologies of learning and the nature of communication between its participants.

Individualization of the educational process requires the formation of new pedagogical technologies of interaction "teacher-student", the growing role of the teacher as a carrier of knowledge and culture, the establishment of a humanistic style of relationship between teacher and student.

The main link in the system of educational process is the mentor of the academic group - the curator. The work of curators is regulated by the "Regulations on the curator of the academic group". Deans appoint as curators the most authoritative, professional and nationally conscious teachers, whose worldview, knowledge, culture of behavior could be an example. Curatorial hours are planned in the schedule for effective work with the group.

In the organization of educational work, the curator of the student group implements the tasks defined in the "Concept of educational work", "Comprehensive plan of educational work", "Regulations on the curator of the academic group" and plans for educational work in the group.

Organization of the educational process outside of school time

Educational work carried out at the university outside the classroom, provides an update of theoretical knowledge, directs them to the practical plane, draws young people's attention to the most acute social problems of today, forms their social maturity. For this purpose it is necessary to involve young people in labor, patriotic, charitable actions, to organize excursions to the enterprises, tourist trips to historical places, visits to museums, exhibitions, theatrical performances, etc.

There is a student club at the university. Various interest groups have been formed and are operating, such as a photo studio, a vocal studio, a student theater, dance groups, an Art-hub project, an intellectual games club, etc. The traditions of holding thematic evenings of rest, competitions, festival of student amateur art "Student Spring" have been formed. The main task is to diversify clubs by interests, create conditions for the development of creative abilities of young people, increase the level of cultural events.

Physical education is an integral part of the general culture of the individual. It is carried out both during school hours and outside classroom time. This work is regulated by the schedule of classes, the schedule of work of sports sections, plans of sports and improving actions. It is necessary to constantly improve the forms of physical activity of students, to work towards the creation of additional sports sections, the diversification of sports and recreation activities on weekends.

Educational Activities in hostels

The main goal is pedagogical guidance of students' life, organization of self-service and observance of internal rules, creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate, conditions for comfortable living. In the process of organizing educational work among students of dormitories, its main directions are implemented, taking into account the specifics of the sphere of life. The organization of educational work in dormitories is taken care of by deputy deans of educational work together with the director of the campus, heads of dormitories at active involvement of student councils of dormitories.

The main events - the organization of competitions for the best dormitory and the best room in the dormitory, the rotation of teachers, lectures and talks, evenings of rest. Under the new conditions, the individual work of teachers and curators in dormitories should improve. It is necessary to create conditions for independent work of students in dormitories. It is necessary to significantly increase the role of student councils in resolving settlement issues, maintaining order, and ensuring that students comply with internal regulations. Measures on the organization of meaningful leisure at the place of residence, the organization of sports and mass and improving actions should be more various.

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