Week of the specialty 029 "Information, library and archival work"
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HomeNewsWeek of the specialty 029 "Information, library and archival work"


Week of the specialty 029 "Information, library and archival work"

From November 28 to December 2, 2022, the Department of Document Studies and the Ukrainian Language invites everyone to the Week of the specialty 029 "Information, library and archival work".

We are spending this week in a very difficult time for our country, in very difficult conditions for everyone.

Yes, war..

Yes, our teachers and students were scattered all over Ukraine and Europe...

Yes, light, communication, warmth can disappear at any moment.

But the war is not a reason to destroy the traditions of KhАІ.

And the week of specialty 029 at KhАІ is already a tradition of our university!

You can familiarize yourself with the program of the week of specialty 029 "Information, library and archival work" at the link.

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