Online meeting of the administration of the Humanities and Law Faculty with student representatives
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HomeNewsOnline meeting of the administration of the Humanities and Law Faculty with student representatives


Online meeting of the administration of the Humanities and Law Faculty with student representatives

On November 29, 2022, an online meeting of the administration of the Humanities and Law Faculty with student representatives took place. Acting officers were present. and deputy deans, elders and foremen of student groups.

The agenda was formed by collecting topical questions from students. They were summarized and divided into conditional thematic blocks: questions about the organization of the distance learning process in the conditions of military operations and power cuts, about financial and scholarship support for applicants, methodological, communicative issues, etc. The discussion lasted for an hour and a half, but it took place in a relaxed and positive atmosphere. Students received answers to questions, as well as useful advice on the organization of scientific activities, working with scientific and methodical literature, peculiarities of faculty and university life, receiving feedback and cooperation with teachers and the dean's office.

We look forward to the next meetings with the student body, during which everyone will be able to get answers to their questions, share feedback and suggestions.

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