AWADE-2018 was held in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) onOctober 14-17. The Workshop was dedicated to 60th Anniversary of the flight of first Chinese jet JJ-1.
AWADE-2018 included work in two areas: Seminar and Student Design Competition.
27 works were presented at the Seminar. The number of authors was 49 from 13 countries
(China, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Romania, Lithuania, USA, Australia, Uzbekistan, Madagascar,
Ghana, Congo and Kenya). During two working days, October 15-16, 4 sessions were held, where 25
reports were heard, including 11 in the format of Skype conference from other universities, one work
was presented in the form of a poster report, one presentation was not held because of the speaker's
The following works were recognized as the best:
Anthony P. Hays (California State University Long Beach, USA). Aircraft Design for
Reduced Carbon Emissions – as the most informative report on the perspective directions of the
future development of aviation.
Professor Valentin Khaliulin (Kazan National Research Technical University, Russia) For a
series of presentations of Design And Manufacture of Power Components of Aircraft from
Composites – which were made with the broad involvement of students.
Professor Stanislav Gorb (Department of Functional Morphology and Biomechanics,
Zoological Institute of the University of Kiel. Germany). Structure and Properties of Dragonfly
Wings: Composite Structure of Fibrous Material Supplemented by Resilin – as the most original
topic aimed at studying the achievements of natural structures
During the 4th session, in parallel with the Seminar, the personal Student Design Competition
(SDC) was held in.
26 bachelor and master students from three universities: NUAA, KhAI (Kharkiv, Ukraine), KAI
(Kazan, Russia) announced their participation in SDC. Each participant received eight questions on five
topics of aircraft design:
Section Maximum points
1. Common terms and topics 5
2. Aerodynamics 10
3. Strength 10
4. Manufacturing 10
5. Design
5.1 10
5.2. 10
5.3. 45
Total: 100
14 reports were presented to the jury. The winners have been:
Name Education Status Place of study Number of points
1. Vladislav Poliakov, bachelor 4 years, KhAI, Ukraine 78.8
2. Allan Dias, bachelor 4 years, NUAA, College of International Education 74.4
3. Hanna Nechyporenko, master 2 years, NUAA, College of Civil Aviation 73.0
The authors of the best works and all participants will be awarded the appropriate certificates.
Chairman of the Technical Committee AWADE-2018
Prof. Anatolii Kretov