Presentation of educational programs "Aviation and transport education" | ХАІ
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HomeNewsPresentation of educational programs "Aviation and transport education"


Presentation of educational programs "Aviation and transport education"

Dear high school students and future applicants! National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" invites you to take part in the presentation of educational programs "Aviation and Transport Education".

From February 21, 2023 to February 23, 2023, starting at 4:30 p.m.

You will learn:

- on the development and maintenance of aviation equipment in conditions of total computerization;

- what does an aircraft testing, strength and certification specialist do;

- about the principles of building intelligent unmanned vehicles;

- what latest technologies are taught to specialists in the design and production of aircraft engines;

- about navigation complexes for unmanned aircraft systems and ground transport;

- where specialists in the field of maintenance and repair of aircraft work;

- on the design of automobile equipment and transport infrastructure objects.

1 day: 21.02.2023 Faculty of Aircraft Engineering

134 "Design, production and certification of aviation equipment"

134 "Intelligent unmanned vehicles"

Day 2: 22.02.2023 Faculty of Aircraft Engines and Faculty of Aircraft Construction

134 "Aviation engines and power plants"

131 "Dynamics and strength of machines"

3rd day: 23.02.2023 SULA Faculty and Aircraft Engineering Faculty

272 "Intelligent transport systems"

272 "Maintenance and repair of aircraft and aircraft engines"

274 "Cars and automotive industry"

Just an hour of your precious time, which will help with the most important choice in life - YOUR FUTURE.

If you want to familiarize yourself with the educational programs in advance - Assistant for admission to KHAI (

To receive a link to the meetings, register in the GOOGLE form or join the Telegram channel 

We are waiting for YOU

Do not delay, join!

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