Love will save the world!
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HomeNewsLove will save the world!


Love will save the world!

The Faculty of International Communications and Training of Foreign Citizens presents a festive Valentine's Day project "Love will save the world!"

We invite everyone who wants to get the most pleasure in a friendly atmosphere of positivity, love and joy on February 17, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. via the link:\

Conference ID:

935 7674 0990

Access code:


Join the celebration of love and lovers!

Only today and with us you will immerse yourself in the fun and educational world of quizzes, music and video information about love and lovers and enjoy the process of communication! And our team will create a festive mood for you and give you unforgettable positive emotions:

Author of the script, director and presenter - Olena Karpenko, deputy dean of the 8th faculty, guarantor of the educational program "Information, library and archival affairs", expert of the National Agency for the Quality of Higher Education, associate professor, Ph.D. ped. of Sciences, associate professor of department 801.

And the most active, creative and talented students of the 8th faculty:

Anastasia Bondarenko - head of the department of cultural, mass and image projects of the professional bureau of the 8th faculty, host

Davyd Grabovsky - music editor, host

Kyrylo Kuraksin - video editor, presenter

Yana Ryuma - head of the department of social protection and educational and scientific work of the professional bureau of the 8th faculty, the host presents the Valentine's Day holiday project "Love will save the world!"

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