Business Forum: "Rapid Recovery of Ukraine"
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HomeNewsBusiness Forum: "Rapid Recovery of Ukraine"


Business Forum: "Rapid Recovery of Ukraine"

The delegation of the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", consisting of Rector Mykola Nechiporuk and Head of the Department of International Relations Olena Agapova, took part in the Luxembourg Business Forum: "Rapid Recovery of Ukraine"

Political leaders, Ukrainian and Luxembourg ministers, members of the board of the European Investment Bank, scientists, academics, foreign investors and well-known enterprises took part in discussions on the rapid reconstruction and renewal of Ukraine.

The forum was chaired by Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel, President of the European Investment Bank Werner Heuer, Minister of Economy of Luxembourg Franz Fayot, CEO of ArcelorMittal CIS Vijay Goyal and others. Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal, First Deputy Minister of Education of Ukraine Andriy Vitrenko, Deputy Minister of Economy Denys Kudin and other political figures of Ukraine spoke about common interests between Luxembourg and Ukraine in matters of rapid recovery and financial support of various spheres of activity of our state.

Mykola Nechiporuk opened the second round table "Cyber security, high technologies and startups". The rector of KhАІ made a speech: "The future of the aerospace industry of Ukraine", in which he revealed the role of the aerospace sector for the recovery of Ukraine and emphasized the opportunities for partnership in this area. Speakers emphasized the importance of sharing information on access to the startup ecosystem, specialist training and cybersecurity issues. 

We are sincerely grateful to the organizers for this productive and unique event.

Glory to Ukraine!

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