Plasma ion accelerator | ХАІ
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Plasma ion accelerator

The plasma ion aspirator (Kaufman accelerator) has a number of unique qualities that make it an indispensable and universal tool for the implementation of various tasks for the modification of the surfaces of machine parts and mechanisms:

- the possibility of obtaining beams of both ions and neutral atoms;

- the possibility of smooth regulation of the energy of particles in the beam within very wide limits;

- high uniformity of the current density across the cross section of the beam, which allows you to clearly observe the specified processing mode over the entire surface of the part being processed;

- possibility of smooth adjustment of beam current density within wide limits.

This allows you to perform the following types of operations using a plasma ion accelerator:

- cleaning and activation of the surfaces of machine parts and mechanisms before coating them;

- removal of defective coating fragments from the surface of parts during their repair;

- changing the roughness of the parts' surfaces (ion polishing); - ion implantation.

KHAI has at its disposal a full range of technologies and equipment that allows the production of PIUs with ion-optical system (IOS) diameters of 50, 100, 140, 200 mm.

At the request of the customer, the Department of Ion-Plasma Technologies and Equipment can develop and manufacture plasma ion accelerators with a smaller or larger beam cross-section. We also accept orders for the production of spherical ion optics for this type of accelerators with a diameter of 50, 100, 140, 200 mm.

Plasma ion accelerator PIU-140

Plasma ion accelerator PIU-200


Technical characteristics of the plasma ion accelerator

Working gas:

- cathode node

Ar, XeAr, Xe

- gas discharge chamber

Ar, Xe, N2Ar, Xe, N2
Beam current, A0 – 1,20 – 2,2
Particle energy, eV0 - 25000 - 2500
Working pressure no more, Pa4*10-24*10-2

Предметні олімпіади у форматі НМТ