Requirements for registration | ХАІ
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Requirements for registration

To the editors are provided:

  • two copies of the requirements paper (download)
  • electronic version of the article;
  • expert opinion on the possibility of publication;
  • statement;
  • review;
  • information about the authors.

If the author (s) are not able to fulfill all the requirements for the design of articles it is allowed to submit the material in the form, subject to additional payment of work related to editing.

Each article submitted to the editors, in the presence of the listed documents after passing an external review and with a positive decision of the editorial board, can be printed in the next issue of the journal.

Forwarding articles

1. Regular mail.

Materials are sent or delivered personally to:

      • Country: UKRAINE
      • Index: 61070
      • Address: Kharkiv-70, Chkalov St., 17 kaf.302 Editorial staff of AKTT magazine, room. 510 radio corps
      • Phone: +380 (57) 7884381, +38 (067) 1205222

2. Email.

2.1. Materials can be sent to the email address:

2.2. The remaining documents must be sent by regular mail to the address specified in paragraph 1.

Предметні олімпіади у форматі НМТ