Master Programs | ХАІ
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HomeMaster Programs

Department of airplane and helicopter designing

Airplanes and helicopters

Technology of aircraft manufacturing

Aircraft maintenance

Aircraft and rockets manufacturing

Department of aircraft structural strength

Testing and certification of aircrafts

Dynamics and machines strength

Department of aerospace heat physics

Heat physics

Department of aerohydrodynamics

Applied hydromechanics and mechanotronics

Department of information design technologies

System design

Information technologies of design

Department of aircraft engines theory

Gas turbine plants and compressor stations

Department of aircraft engine manufacturing

Technology of aviation engines and power plants manufacturing

Department of aircraft control systems

Control systems of aircraft

Computer control systems and automation

Systems of aeronavigation service

Department of informational control systems

Informational control systems and technologies

Department of aviation devices and measurement

Quality, standardization and certification

Metrological provision of testing and quality of production

Department of design of rocket-space apparatuses

Rocket and space complexes

Department of power engineering and electrical engineering

Non-conventional and renewable power sources

Department of aircraft's signal transmission and processing

Design and manufacturing articles from composites

Department of computer systems, networks and cybersecurity

Computer systems and networks

Specialized computer systems

System programming

Software engineering

Department of applied linguistics

Applied linguistics

Department of document science

Document science

Department of psychology


Department of finances and audit

Finances and credit


Department of economics and marketing

Economics of enterprise

Department of management

Corporate management

Project management


Management of foreign economic

Chair of signal processing, transmission

Technologies and means of communications

Informational communication networks

Department of informatics

Applied mathematics

Department of machine building

Combustion engines

Automobile transport

Department of theoretical mechanics, machine building, robotic systems

Machines and packaging tools

Department of aircraft structural integrity

Robotic systems and complexes

Engineering of logistic systems

Department of chemistry, ecology and expert technologies

Ecology and environment

Expertise of goods and services

Department of aerospace engineering and non-conventional sources of energy

Power management

Rocket engines and power plants

Aircraft engines and power plants

Department of electrical engineering and mechatronics

Computer integrated technological processes of production

Department of computer science

Social computer science

Mathematics and computer simulation

Department of power management

Power engineering

Department of production of aircraft radio electronic systems

Geoinformation systems and technologies

Biotechnical medical apparatus and systems

Space monitoring of earth

Department of design of aircraft radio electronic systems

Radio electronics devices, systems and complexes




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