Graduate competencies | ХАІ
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Graduate competencies

Integral competence:

Ability to solve complex specialized and practical problems associated with the creation of structures of aerospace and rocket technology from composite materials, which involves the use of theories and methods of mechanical engineering, and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions.

General competencies (GC):

GC 1. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity.

GC 2. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.

GC 3. Creativity, initiative, entrepreneurship and the ability to work in a team.

GC 4. Ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of work performed.

GC 5. Predicting the consequences of their activities from the standpoint of unacceptable deterioration of the environmental situation and the emergence of danger to human health.

GC 6. Internal need for purposeful improvement of professional knowledge and skills during training and professional activity.

GC 7. Practical use of modern Ukrainian in the field of business and professional (scientific and technical) communication.

GC 8. Practical use of a foreign language in social and professional spheres of communication.

Professional competencies (PFC):

PFC 1. The use of mathematical apparatus in solving problems in the design and manufacture of composite structures.

PFC 2. Ability to describe the interaction of bodies with each other, as well as with the gaseous and hydraulic environment on the basis of basic knowledge in the main sections of physics, mechanics, electrostatics, electrodynamics, optics, aero-hydrodynamics.

PfC 3. Ability to set and solve problems of designing parameters of products and processes of their production.

PFC 4. Ability to assess the load on structural elements based on the conditions of their operation.

PFC 5. Ability to calculate elements of aerospace and rocket technology, including composite materials using knowledge in the field of mechanics and strength of materials and structures.

PFC 6. Design the main structural elements of ACT (spars, cladding, ribs, etc.) including composite materials.

PFC 7. Carry out a qualified choice of class of materials for parts and products of aerospace technology on the basis of knowledge of the basics of the structure of metals and non-metals and methods of modification of their properties.

PFC 8. Ability to perform experiments to determine the properties of materials, including pure composites, as well as to describe, analyze and critically evaluate experimental data.

PFC 9. Ability to use appropriate software (programming languages, packages) for physical and mathematical calculations in the field of design and manufacture of composite structures.

PFC 10 Have knowledge in the field of economics and management of the aerospace industry.

PFC 11. Ability to develop typical technological processes for the production of elements of aviation and rocket and space technology, including composite materials.

PFC 12. Develop technical and design documentation for the manufacture of basic elements of ACT (including composites).

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