Characteristics of the educational and scientific program | ХАІ
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Characteristics of the educational and professional program

Description of the subject area:  

Objectives of study: the emergence and problems used with the stages of creation of composite structures of aerospace and rocket technology.

The purpose of training-acquisition of competencies, a sufficient number to combine specialized and practical tasks used for the development and production of production composite structures of aerospace and rocket technology.

Theoretical content of the subject area: the concepts and principles of physical processes, mechanics of deformed solids, technical mechanics, hydraulics, aerodynamic gas dynamics, thermophysics and electrical engineering.

Methods, techniques and technologies: analytical, numerical and experimental methods of research of tasks of the subject area, integrated computer technologies, techniques and technologies used with the stages of discovery and production of composite structures of aviation and rocket and space technology.

Tools and equipment:laboratory equipment with measuring instruments, use of hydraulic stands, wind tunnels, equipment for the study of power materials, stress-strain state of structures; training laboratories for the study of aircraft structures, equipment used for the production, assembly and testing of composite structures of aircraft and rocket and space technology; computers with information and specialized software, computer calculation systems, geometric modeling, finite product analysis, integrated design and manufacture of aircraft and rocket and space technology.

Orientation of the educational and professional program:

The educational-professional program of bachelor's training is designed for students who aspire to become specialists in the field of design and production of composite structures

Main focus of the educational and professional program (specialization):

The educational-professional program establishes qualification requirements for social and production activities of graduates of higher education in the specialty 134 "Aviation and rocket-space technology" educational degree "Bachelor" and state requirements for the properties and qualities of a person who has obtained a certain educational level. educational and professional program "Design and manufacturing of composite structures".

Features of educational and professional program:

The educational program is aimed at studying the calculations of composite materials and on their basis structures, the creation of technological processes for the production of composite structures, the development of structural solutions for aviation equipment from composite materials, using information and additive technologies.

The practice is carried out at enterprises that manufacture structures from composite materials, including the aviation and missile industries

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