Department of Applied Linguistics
of the Humanities and Law Faculty
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"
The department of Applied Linguistics prepares linguists-translators of scientific and technical literature, graduates of the department speak English and German, have skills in working with computer editors, are able to create web pages, etc.
The Department of Applied Linguistics pays great attention to the optimization of the educational process, the rational combination of acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field, and the use of computer technologies in education.
The purpose and task of the educational and methodological activity of the department is the training of specialists in the field of philology, translation studies and information technologies using modern effective teaching methods in higher education.
The scientific output of the department is related to both purely philological research and research in the field of solving practical applied problems.
The department prepares bachelors and masters in the following specialties: "035. Philology"