Scientific Activity of the Department | ХАІ
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Scientific activity
of the Department of Radioelectronic and Biomedical
Computerized Means and Technologies
of the Faculty of Radioelectronics, Computer
Systems and Infocommunications
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

On June 24, 1959, the Department of Aircraft Equipment Production was organized at the Radio Engineering Faculty of the KhAI, which provided design and technological training for students in the specialties of "Aircraft Automatic Control Systems" and "Aircraft Radio-Electronic Equipment". In 1962, the department became a graduate department in the specialty "Design and production of radio equipment", therefore it was renamed the department of design and production of radio equipment.

From the day of its foundation until 1969, the department was headed by the Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Kasharnovsky, a well-known specialist in the field of mechanical engineering technology.


Associate Professor Kasharnovsky

On his initiative and under his leadership, in 1960, a branch research laboratory was created at the department in the direction of "Automation of technological processes based on computers and modern optimization methods." This was the beginning of the development of the scientific school "Automation of technological processes based on computers and modern optimization methods", in the development of which Akulov, Associate Professor Kasharnovsky, young teachers and graduate students Alokhin, Shchipelev, Melnyk, Kulyk, Samoilenko, Babii, Firsov, Khabusev, Reznichenko took an active part in the development , Fateev.

Several scientific research works were carried out with the leading enterprises of Kharkiv. The staff of the department took an active part in all-Union scientific and technical conferences

Since 1970, the activities of the branch research laboratory have been adjusted in the direction of microelectronic technologies in radio and apparatus engineering. The department intensively equipped its laboratories with microelectronic technological equipment and equipment (electron microscope, devices for physical and chemical analysis of superconducting structures, equipment for manufacturing hybrid integrated circuits).

At that time, the scientific school "Microelectronic Technologies in Radio Equipment Construction" was successively managed by the heads of the department, Associate Professor Zenin and Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Malikov.

Associate Professor Zenin

Associate Professor Malikov

Leshchenko, Derkach, Fedorenko, Associate Professor Zenin, Kulish, Oliynyk, and Misheva were involved in scientific research.

Design and technological work was carried out with the Elektropriladoboduvannya Design Bureau, Komunar plant, UFNDIT, technological laboratories were modernized and a microelectronics laboratory was created, new disciplines were introduced into the educational process: "Design of special-purpose microcircuits", "Physical foundations of microelectronics", "Technology microcircuits".

Scientific research continued in the direction of creating microelectronic devices for the rocket and space industry. In particular, fruitful creative connections were established and several design and technological works on the development of cryoelectronic transducers for space surveillance systems were performed with the FTINT of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.

In the 1980s, the scientific school "Spatio-temporal processing of signals of various physical nature and creation of devices for such processing" was formed at the department.

This scientific school was headed by a graduate of the Radio Engineering Faculty of the KhAI, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ponomaryev, a specialist in spatio-temporal signal processing, head of the department from 1983 to 1999. This focus was successfully combined with the topic of the interdepartmental GNDL on optimal methods of signal processing, which began function at the faculty under the leadership of professors Falkovych and Ponomarev. The design and technological part of this work consisted in the development and research of receiver-transducers of signals based on high-temperature superconductivity.


Professor Ponomaryev

In 1986, the department received funding from the State Committee for Science and Technology (SCST) of the USSR on the topic "Superconducting materials of IR radiation". Within the framework of this topic, several works were performed with FTINT of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.

The department's scientific focus on unification of signal processing tasks and hardware design and technological implementation of their processing algorithms made it possible to apply existing experience and work in the field of creating and researching medical equipment.

In 1987, the Computer Medical Systems and Technologies Research Center was opened at the department, which was headed by Sharonov. This can be considered the beginning of the development of the modern scientific and educational direction "Biomedical Engineering" at the department.

The following research topics were determined: "Development of a computer cardiograph and electroencephalograph" and "Development and application of thermal imaging technology for the study of the functional state of biological objects." Subsequently, the scientific and technical center of radio-electronic and medical devices and technologies (STC REMPT) was organized on the basis of the GNDL as a structural unit of the faculty, which is successfully functioning to this day. Within the scope of this topic, the department has been training specialists in the current specialty "Biotechnical and medical devices and systems" since 1994. In the same year, a laboratory of diagnostic medical devices and systems was created.

Since 1988, a group of scientists led by Babakov began working within the scientific school, specializing in the creation and experimental research of polarimetric remote sensing systems. The group performed several topics commissioned by the ministries of defense, the radio and aviation industry of the USSR, the Buran Research Institute (Kyiv) and the State Scientific Research Institute of Ukraine.

In 1992, on the initiative of Associate Professor Horb, the Navigation Geodetic Center (NGC) was founded, on the basis of which active study and implementation of works to improve the accuracy of determining the location of objects based on GPS technologies began.


Associate Professor Horb

Over the years of existence of the NGC, extensive experience has been accumulated in the installation and adjustment of modern geodetic and navigation GPS systems of the best global manufacturers. The NGC works productively even today, maintaining educational and scientific ties with the department.

Since 1999, the department has been headed by a graduate of the Radio Engineering Faculty of KhАІ, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ilyushko, a specialist in the field of system analysis and project management.


Professor Ilyushko

Scientific research of this period was carried out in the following areas:

– system analysis and synthesis of hierarchically complex and multifunctional systems and complexes;

- development and experimental research of on-board radar remote sensing devices;

- quality assurance systems Professor of microelectronic equipment;

- development and research of GIS technologies and tools;

- development of modern spectral means of medical and biological application.

It was the symbiosis of the scientific opinion of specialists of that period that formed a new scientific school "Development of theory and methods of creating intelligent computerized systems and technologies for objects of aviation and rocket and space technology".

The implementation of scientific research in these directions made it possible to perform several works commissioned by the Ministry of Defense, the National Space Agency and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The formation of a strong team, which worked on the most important issues of science, and the accumulated experience determined the vector of further development of the department in the direction of research into the state of biological and technical objects.

It was this direction that became a modern continuation of the work of all previous schools, and since 2013, the scientific school received a new name - "Systems of remote research of the state of biological and technical objects".

From 2013 to 2017, it was headed by the head of the department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kortunov, a specialist in the field of radio-electronic control systems, and from 2017 by the Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Babakov.


Professor Kortunov


Professor Babakov

The following are the promising areas of research within this scientific school today:

- creation of the theory and principles of building promising multi-channel remote monitoring systems in the optical, infrared and radio ranges of electromagnetic waves;

- application of remote research methods to solve practical tasks of ecological monitoring of the environment and the state of biological and technical objects;

- development of methods of remote information-wave therapy and its implementation in clinical practice;

- creation and research of highly informative UAV equipment.

The research of the scientists of the scientific school is supported by scientific and research laboratories of remote sensing, biomedical devices and systems, unmanned systems, which are equipped with modern biomedical complexes and means of remote sensing (mobile radars, radiometers, ultrasonic sensors, etc.), modern measuring and computing equipment.

Scientific research with high-precision experimental measurements is carried out in a unique anechoic chamber of centimeter and millimeter radio wave ranges. Remote studies of technical objects and ecological monitoring of the environment are provided by unique equipment and unmanned aerial vehicles of various types (planes, quadcopters, rotorcraft, etc.).

In connection with the creation and implementation of the electronic health care system (E-health) in Ukraine, as well as the need to train new personnel who are able to develop, maintain and intensively use the informational component of health care.

In 2019, the scientific school "Information technologies in biology and medicine" was established at the department. It was founded and headed by Olena Vysotska, a graduate of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute, head of the department, doctor of technical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Applied Radioelectronic Sciences.


Professor Olena Vysotska

The priority aspects of the development of the scientific school "Information technologies in biology and medicine" are as follows:

- development and implementation of information systems that ensure the automation of the main activities of medical institutions (MIS, GIS, PACS), and the creation of various electronic services based on them;

- development of information systems for forecasting dangerous situations, which are based on the analysis of the dynamics of pathological processes of a biological object;

- development, implementation and support of systems for remote monitoring of patients' conditions, which ensure the implementation of mobile health care (m-Health), support of public health care practice using pocket personal computers, mobile communication devices and remote monitoring of the state of health of patients, etc.;

- development of medical decision-making support systems for timely and high-quality diagnosis (diagnostic visualization and storage of graphic information, etc.), selection of treatment tactics, rehabilitation, disease prevention, fertility preservation.

Scientific research works on the development and implementation of medical and biological information technologies and systems are carried out within the scientific direction "Information technologies in biology and medicine".

Based on the results of scientific research, a master's degree was opened for the first time in Ukraine under the educational program "Information Technologies in Biology and Medicine".

One of the important events for the development of the direction "Information technologies in biology and medicine" was the holding of the annual International scientific and practical conference "Information systems and technologies in medicine", as well as the creation of a laboratory of biomedical devices and systems, equipped with modern medical hardware and software complexes and a computer technique.


Plenary session of the International scientific and practical conference "Information systems and technologies in medicine (ISM-2019)

The informatization of health care in Ukraine, the creation of a single information space led to the continuous improvement and development of the scientific school "Information Technologies in Biology and Medicine".

Today, scientific research works are carried out with leading domestic and foreign medical institutions and universities, several cooperation agreements have been signed.


Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between KhAI and La SAPIENZA University of Rome in the field of medical information

Students of the department take an active part in the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific papers in the specialties "Micro- and nanoelectronics", "Electronic devices and systems", "Acoustic engineering", "Electronics", "Micro- and nanosystem engineering", "Biomedical engineering", "Radio engineering " and others, as well as in the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the fields of "Radioelectronic devices", "Automated complexes of radioelectronic production" and "Biomedical engineering".

Problem-based scientific research laboratory