Educational and laboratory base | ХАІ
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Educational and laboratory base
of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation
of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The educational base of the department is located in the building of the Faculty of Economics and Management and consists of classrooms where lectures are given, practical and seminar classes are held:

416 auditorium of the impulse building - teaching, tel. 788-46-72;

418 classroom of the impulse building - teaching, tel. 788-48-14;

420 auditorium of the impulse building - reading room at the methodological office, tel. 788-48-14;

422 auditorium of the impulse building - methodological office and archive, tel. 788-48-14

503 classroom of the impulse building - teaching, tel. 788-46-72;

505 auditorium of the impulse building - educational laboratory, tel. 788-43-69;

505A auditorium of the impulse building - office of the head. department, tel. 788-46-04;

507 auditorium of the impulse building - postgraduate and scientific group, tel. 788-42-16;

511 classroom of the impulse building - educational computer class.

The educational computer class is equipped with 18 modern personal computers, which are connected to the cathedral and university network with access to the Internet.

The department has a methodological office, which contains more than a thousand titles of textbooks, monographs, study guides, and periodicals necessary for the study of financial and economic and accounting disciplines, as well as samples of course, final and diploma theses. The methodological office is equipped with educational and methodological and normative and reference literature on all studied subjects, as well as on course and diploma design. There are about 1,500 copies of economic literature from central publishing houses in the catalog of the method cabinet, as well as more than 11,000 copies of the department's educational and methodological manuals. A reading room with 25 seats is equipped for independent studies of students at the method office.

The department attaches great importance to progressive teaching methods, develops new forms of educational activities (business games, business situations, workshops, presentations).

Much attention is paid to the implementation of computer technologies in the educational process. The teachers of the department have developed computer training programs based on the use of standard and original products for financial calculations. Software tools for distance learning are being developed.

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