Наукова монографія
"Statics and Dynamics of Layered Thin-Walled Structures"
колективу авторів під керівництвом Куреннова С. С.
Influence of lamination defects in composite elements of rocket structures on the dynamic stress-strain state (Borys Zaitsev, Tetiana Protasova, Natalia Smetankina (1), Dmytro Klymenko (2), Dmytro Akimov (2))
(1) A. Podgorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
(2) Yuzhnoye State Design Office
Design of Laminated Composite Aircraft Elements Based on a Two-Level Optimization Procedure (Natalia Smetankina, Alyona Merkulova, Dmytro Merkulov, Oleksii Postnyi, Serhii Misura (1))
(1) A. Podgorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Study of the dynamic response of materials and structures to shock loads (Oleh Kravchenko, Sergey Ugrimov, Natalia Smetankina (1), Leopold Kruszka (2), Vladimir Yareshchenko (1))
(1) A. Podgorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
(2) Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Dynamic Stress in an Adhesive Joint. Goland and Reissner Model(Sergey S. Kurennov, Olexandr Poliakov (1))
(1) National Aerospace University
An advanced analytical model for interlayer stresses in double-lap bonded joints (Sergey S. Kurennov, Olexandr Poliakov (1))
(1) National Aerospace University
A simplified two dimensional model of the adhesive joint. Shear load (Sergey S. Kurennov, Olexandr Poliakov, Konstantin P. Barakhov (1))
(1) National Aerospace University