Integrated technologies for aerospace engineering development | ХАІ
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ГоловнаНаукаНаукові монографіїIntegrated technologies for aerospace engineering development

Наукова монографія
"Integrated technologies for aerospace engineering development"
колективу авторів під керівництвом Крицького Дмитра Миколайовича

Title of the monograph: Integrated technologies for aerospace engineering development

Technical editor:Dmytro Krytskyi

Purpose of the book: The book is devoted to the use of integrated technologies in tasks aimed at the development of aerospace technology. Other vehicles and systems are also used as examples to perform analysis, compare results, etc. 

For more information, please contact: [email protected]

Template for publishing design:

Submission at

15.07 submission deadline

15.08  information on the acceptance of materials for publication

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