Cyber Resilience of Industrial Systems and IT-Infrastructures | ХАІ
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ГоловнаНаукаНаукові монографіїCyber Resilience of Industrial Systems and IT-Infrastructures

Наукова монографія
"Cyber Resilience of Industrial Systems and IT-Infrastructures"
колективу авторів під керівництвом Харченко В. С.

Серія, де планується видання монографії (уточнюється), варіант:

Seria “Studies in Systems, Decision and Control”

Назва монографії

Cyber Resilience of Industrial Systems and Critical Infrastructures: Drone Fleets and Internet of Things

Редактори(уточнюється третій редактор)

Vyacheslav Kharchenko + Andrzej Rucinski, University of New-Hampshire, USA;

Структура(сформована, чаптери можуть додаватися. За узгодженням з редакторами Springer можливе видання двотомника з різними назвами) 

Volume 1.  Drone Fleets (16 chapters/sections, 16-20 pages per chapter)

Part I. Resilient Information and Control Systems with Multi-Objective Maintenance (MOM)

Methodology of Multi-Objective Maintenance for Resilient Systems

Multi-fragmental Models of Resilient Systems with MOM

Multi-phase Models of Resilient Systems with MOM

Simulation of Resilient Systems with MOM

 Part II. Resilience and Resilient Critical Infrastructures with Cloud Systems

Assessing & Assuring Availability & Resilience of Cloud Systems for Critical Infrastructure

Safety & Security Block Diagram for Assessing Critical Infrastructure with Cloud Systems

Safety Block Diagram Based Assessment of GMDSS for Maritime Critical Infrastructure

Reason-Consequence Chain Based Assessment of Critical Infrastructure with Cloud Systems

Part III. Reliable Drone Fleets for Resilient Monitoring of Critical Infrastructures

Methodology of Drone Fleet Based Monitoring Systems of Critical Infrastructure

Models of Reliability of Drone Fleets for Resilient Monitoring

Models of Survivability of Drone Fleet Based Monitoring Systems

Li-Fi Drone Based Communication for Resilient Monitoring Systems

Part IV. Planning of Resilient Drone Fleet Application for Monitoring of Critical Infrastructures Using Big Data Analytics

Architecting of Big Data Analytics Based Crisis Centre for Monitoring System

Methods of planning drone fleets application I

Methods of planning drone fleets application II

Methods of planning drone fleets application III

Volume 2 Internet of Everything (16 chapters/sections, 16-20 pages per chapter)

Part V. Resilience of Industrial Systems Internet of Things

Integrated Information Model of Enterprise and Cybersecurity Management System: from Data to Activity

Digital Twins Based Manufacturing IoT Systems: Safety and Security Issues

Standards Review and Cybernetic Based Approach to IoT Safety and Security Assurance

 Part VI. Simulation of Resilient Industrial Internet of Things

Models I

Models II

Models III

IMECA Based Assessment of Internet of Drone Cybersecurity

Models of Availability of Physical Security Systems I

Models of Availability of Physical Security Systems II

Part VII. Assessment of Human-Machine Systems Quality and Resilience 

Methodology of Profile Based Assessment of Software Quality and Resilience

Methods and Models I

Methods and Models II

Interactive Assessment of Human-Machine Systems Quality and Resilience

Part VIII. Safety and Resilience Assessment and Assurance of NPP Instrumentation and Control

Expert Methods of NPP I&C Safety and Resilience Assessment

Models of Safety and Resilience of Reactor Trip Systems Considering CCF

Method for Assessment and Choice of Diversity for NPP I&C


KhAI 503: 12 lecturers and PhD-students

Ukraine: colleagues from universities (Kyiv, Kharkiv, Khmelnitsky, Lviv, Odesa)

EU&USA: A.Rucinski (USA), Z.Minchev (Bulgaria), Nikos Bardis (Greece), A.Gorbenko (UK)…

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