ГоловнаНаукаНаукові монографіїArtificial intelligence methods in the tasks of creating technical systems
Наукова монографія
"Artificial intelligence methods in the tasks of creating technical systems"
колективу авторів під керівництвом Крицького Дмитра Миколайовича
Title of the monograph:Artificial intelligence methods in the tasks of creating technical systems
Technical editor: Dmytro Krytskyi, Olha Pohudina
Purpose of the book: The book is devoted to the use of artificial intelligence methods for solving problems in the creation of complex technical systems. Such areas as the use of neural networks in the process of machine learning, computer vision, methods of building maps of the surrounding space, creating routes in a previously unknown space, and more are discussed
For more information, please contact: [email protected]
Template for publishing design: https://ictm.khai.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/splnproc1703.zip
Submission at easychair.org: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aimcts2021