Summary, structure and components of the educational and professional program | ХАІ
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HomeEducationInformation Technologies of DesignSummary, structure and components of the educational and professional program

Summary, structure and components
of the educational and professional program
"Information technology design" 

Training of IT specialists is carried out, which includes:

- study of programming (C ++ / C # / Qt / Java), as well as development for Android and iOS;

- web design and programming (HTMI_ / CSS / Bootstrap / JavaS-crypt / Node.js / Ajax);

- creation of databases (MySQL, ORACLE, SQLite) and Data Science;

- automated and manual testing (QA);

- project management and use of version control systems (Git).

Guarantor of educational program:

Овсяннік Віктор Миколайович

 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Information Technology Design

Viktor Ovsiannik

[email protected]


2021 set