Code of Ethics | ХАІ
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Code of Ethics
at National Aerospace University
«Kharkiv Aviation Institute»

Approved by:
Academic Council
of National Aerospace University
«Kharkiv Aviation Institute»
Protocol № 13 of June 20, 2019

Date of introduction June 21, 2019

Edition № 1

1. General regulations

1.1. Aware of its important socio-educational function, National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» (hereinafter, the University) recognizes the basic principles and ethical values that underlie educational processes and scientific and technical research and are divided between the national educational and scientific communities.

1.2. The university promotes the level of institutional and individual social responsibility. Ethical and responsible behavior is considered as a fundamental value for achieving institutional goals, continuous improvement, exchange with national and international educational and scientific communities, creating a professional environment, open dialogue, mutual respect in interpersonal relationships and protection of all aspects of personal values.

1.3. Based on this Code of Ethics (hereinafter, the Code), the University requires that its entire community, each within its role and tasks, adhere to the principles set out in the Declarations and Conventions on Human Rights at the international level; the Law of Ukraine "On Education"; the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education"; Methodical recommendations for higher education institutions in support of the principles of academic integrity, contained in the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №1/9-650 dated 23.10.2018; Charter of the University.

1.4. The Code is based on the fundamental principles of the Grand Charter of Universities, the IAU-MCO (International Association of Universities and the Magna Charta Observatory) guidelines on the institutional code of ethics for higher education, the European Charter for Researchers, the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in Science and Humanities, Bucharest declaration of ethical values and principles of higher education in Europe.

2. Scope

2.1. The Code defines the core values of the university community and the rules for avoiding all forms of discrimination and abuse, as well as the regulation of conflicts of interest and intellectual property. It is one of the reference documents that provides an ethical framework for internal and external relations of the University, and is a declaration of principles adopted and disseminated among professors and researchers, management and technical and administrative staff, students and all those who enter into relations with the University.

2.2. The Code is designed to stimulate the formation of an academic atmosphere in which each member of the university community can engage in individual activities in conditions of mutual respect.

2.3. The Code is not intended to resolve all disputes related to dishonesty, but it lays the groundwork for such situations to be resolved in the light of the University's mission.

2.4. Adoption and observance of the provisions of the Code may in no way contradict and violate the laws of Ukraine.

2.5. The procedure for checking and reviewing ethical violations is determined by the Regulations of the University "On Academic Integrity".

2.6. In this Code the following concepts and terms are used:

- Business etiquette. It is the order of interaction and behavior of the University staff and participants in the educational process of the University in the process of joint action, including business correspondence, employment, appeals to management, etc.;

- Academic ethics (integrity). It is a set of ethical principles and rules defined by law, which should guide the participants of the educational process during studying, teaching and conducting scientific (creative) activities in order to ensure confidence in learning outcomes and/or scientific (creative) achievements;

- University community. It is University staff and participants in the educational process.

3. Mission and fundamental values of the University

3.1. The University fulfills the mission of forming a high culture of behavior of participants in the educational process and other employees of the University through the implementation of educational and research activities.

3.2 In carrying out its activities, the university community must adhere to the following core values:

- honesty;

- collegiality and respect for human dignity;

- anti-discrimination;

- responsibility;

- academic freedom;

- responsibility for the use of property and resources of the University, respect for the environment. 


Members of the university community adhere to academic integrity and actively apply their principles in studying, teaching, research, and other educational and advisory services.

Academic dishonesty in any form is unacceptable at the University (data falsification, fraud, theft, plagiarism, bribery, purchase and sale of works, presentation of works by other authors as one's own, unjustified co-authorship, cheating during exams and other dishonest behavior).

Members of the university community must act fairly and lawfully, performing their activities both inside and outside the University, solve problems in accordance with laws and other regulations.

Members of the university community should communicate favorably with international partners.

Collegiality and respect for human dignity

Members of the university community are guided by the principles of academic cooperation and fair competition, performing research, organizational and professional responsibilities.

Tolerance and respect for human dignity are one of the basic principles of communication in the university environment.

Members of the university community protect confidential information related to the academic activities of the University and personal data of the community; however, the requirement of confidentiality cannot preclude the consideration of cases of academic dishonesty or possible violations committed by University departments or government agencies.

Complaints and applications received by the University are considered objectively, impartially, transparently and in accordance with the established terms.


The University recognizes the equal dignity of all persons and rejects all forms of personal or social prejudice. The university community does not allow any form of direct or indirect discrimination of individuals or groups of persons on the grounds of gender, age, characteristics, personal status, territorial origin, personal beliefs or orientation and any other discriminatory factors determined by applicable law, and also avoids favoritism, harassment, sexual harassment, abuse of power. Members of the university community adhere to the principles of equality, justice, equal opportunities.


Members of the university community, implementing the principles of ethical behavior, create not only a personal reputation, but also standards of professional integrity and a positive image of the University.

Members of the university community in carrying out their activities must take into account the needs of the state and society, be socially responsible, maintain open access to knowledge and information, publicly announce the results of their research.

Every member of the university community uses polite language, especially in public speeches (including online publications, blogging, posts, comments, etc.).

Every member of the university community expresses respect for colleagues, maintaining a proper appearance. The university does not impose restrictions in the form of a single standard, however, the bold appearance of both students and faculty and staff is unacceptable.

The university community adheres to the principles of social responsibility, the principle of equal access to higher education, and the exercise of human and civil rights.

Members of the university community recognize the importance of the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

Members of the university community in relations with foreign partners, developing international cooperation projects, represent and defend the interests of the University.

Members of the university community have no right to use the name of the University in circumstances that adversely affect its prestige, protect their own reputation and the public reputation of the University.

Academic freedom

The University in its activities embodies the principle of freedom of expression of views on education, research and opinion.

Members of the university community are obliged to strive for true knowledge, to spread their experience and acquired knowledge.

Members of the university community promote the development of critical thinking, freedom of expression, provide opportunities for participation in discussions and debates.

Responsibility for the use of assets and resources, respect for the environment

Members of the university community must:

- properly use and protect the property of the University;

- protect the intellectual property rights of the University and members of the university community;

- use the resources of the University, staff time, equipment, services and funding exclusively for the mission and tasks of the University;

- recognize the principles of sustainable development, responsibly use natural and other resources. 

4. Conflict of interest

4.1. Members of the university community must:

- prevent and avoid conflict of interest arising from personal relationships;

- give priority to scientific and academic activities and commitments to the University; personal business or other interests should not interfere with the fulfillment of employment obligations of the University staff;

- no kind of gratitude that affects the solution of the problem can be accepted by a member of the university community;

- in case of conflict of interests, inform colleagues and immediate superiors;

- due to a potential conflict of interest, a member of the university community must refuse to take action to make a conflict decision.

5. Commission on Academic Integrity

A Commission on Academic Integrity is established at the University, which also considers issues related to ethics. It is a collegial body that decides on the compliance of the actions of members of the university community with the requirements of this Code and considers conflict situations.

In its actions, the Commission is guided by the Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", other regulations, as well as the provisions "On Academic Integrity", "On the Commission on Academic Integrity" and this Code. The provision "On the Commission on Academic Integrity" defines the procedure for its creation, the scope of competence, the procedure.

In case of receipt of an application for violation of this Code, it is considered. In case of confirmation of the violation, the types of liability provided by the laws of Ukraine and local regulations of the University are applied.

The Commission considers proposals for improving this Code, takes initiatives to amend and submits them to the meeting of the Academic Council of the University.

Annually, the Commission analyzes the work done and reports to the Academic Council of the University.

6. Final regulations

6.1. The Code is published on the official website of the University.

6.2 Acquaintance with the Code is carried out by signing a declaration of a member of the university community (Appendix A).

6.3 Changes and additions to the Code may be made by any member of the university community upon submission to the Academic Council.


Appendix A

Declaration of a member of the University community

With this declaration, I, ______________________________________, confirm that I have read the Code of Ethics of National Aerospace University and I’m obliged to comply with its requirements in the process of studying, teaching, research, carrying out organizational, administrative and other responsibilities.

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