West Pomeranian University of Technology | ХАІ
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Erasmus+ mobility program
in West Pomeranian University of Technology,
Szczecin, Republic of Poland

In accordance with the cooperation between KhAI and the West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Republic of Poland, a mobility program is operating within the framework of the Erasmus+ project.

Basic requirements for students:

- knowledge of the English language at a high level (level B2);

- high score in studies. 

According to the program, students will study during the spring or autumn semester at a Polish university and will receive a monthly stipend of 850 euros (+ travel grant). 

You can familiarize yourself with all available courses on the university website by following the link.

To register, it is necessary to contact the International Relations Department (321 h.k.) to take the English language test, which will consist of 3 sections:

- reading,

- listening,

- speech.

Successful candidates will be recommended for a mobility program within the Erasmus+ project.

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