Testimonials | ХАІ
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Valentyna Ostapchuk  (Senior Lecturer of Department of Composite Structures and Aviation Materials)


Mobility program: Erasmus+  Exchange Program- Teaching Staff

Period of mobility: 03/06/2023 – 11/06/2023

Comments: ADANA ALPARSLAN TURKES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY (ATU), based in the metropolitan city of Adana, aims to quality the global leaders of tomorrow. ATU wants to educate students who are open-minded, who appreciate intercultural differences, who possess global awareness and who are responsible for sustainably developing and enhancing their community, the society as well as the World. ATU strives to include national and international researchers and professionals into its research activities to value-addingly contribute to the advancement of knowledge, improving the World for everyone and future generation.

International Relation Office of ATU has organized an interesting and rich Training Staff Mobility Program. The meetings were attended by academic staff from various universities such as BSU (Azerbaijan), ZAWIA (Libya), LPNU (Ukraine), KhAI (Ukraine). Academic staff reported on the educational, scientific and international activities of their universities. After delivering reports, the following issues were discussed - the main directions of scientific research, the expansion of international cooperation between universities and the application of progressive teaching methods.

Meetings were held with researchers and students of such units of the university - Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Department of Aerospace Engineering. We also visited the laboratories of the university, which are equipped with modern equipment and where communication took place with students and teachers. The main topics for discussion were - modern materials that are used in the production of aircraft, features of the design and manufacturing of composite structures, methods of determination characteristics of materials and finished products. Students talked about the areas of scientific research, demonstrated the different types of unmanned aerial vehicles they had made, and tested a self-balancing drone.

It should be noted that the academic staff of the university were interested in news about the situation in Ukraine and expressed support for our university and the entire country.

Thus, the Staff Mobility Program will contribute to the application of modern teaching methods and the expansion of the field of scientific research.

Svitlana Purhina (Associate Professor of Department 403)


Mobility program: Erasmus+  Exchange Program- Teaching Staff

Period of mobility: 03/06/2023 – 11/06/2023

Comments: During my internship at the ADANA ALPARSLAN TURKES BILIM VE TEKNOLOJI UNIVERSITESI there were scientists from technical universities from Azerbaijan, Syria and Ukraine, who also used the Eramus + program. The event was prepared in such a way that each group of scientists presented their university and department. This made it possible to discuss the features of teaching and research not only with colleagues from the University of Adana. Two days were devoted to work in related departments and laboratories. Several meetings were organized with staff and students of the Department of Rocket Science. My experience and recommendations have allowed them to rethink the methods of manufacturing light aircraft from composites. I also participated in testing a self-balancing drone developed by students of the laboratory. The most valuable for me was the discussion of the problem of online learning and the preparation of attractive practical material for students. In addition, the actual difficulty is the involvement of students in research and engineering activities. In the discussions, suitable methods were found to solve these problems. This internship made it possible to compare educational systems, make sure that the chosen topics for study are correct and focus on modern methods of presenting information.

Olena Betina (Associate Professor of Department 401)


Mobility program: Erasmus+  Exchange Program- Teaching Staff

Period of mobility:29/04/2023 – 07/05/2023

Comments: ADANA ALPARSLAN TURKES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY is a really young university, which is developing rapidly and, literally, is being developed right now: some of the buildings have already been put into operation, and some are still under construction. But, regardless of this, the faculty, which I visited during my internship, has already allocated premises for student and research laboratories.

During this time, I had the opportunity to communicate both with teachers and faculty management, and with students. A really wide range of issues were discussed with the teachers: from online, offline and hybrid teaching methods to a comparison of the social status of teachers in Ukraine and Turkey, from various methods of designing aircraft to promising areas of scientific and research cooperation. Communication with students was also fruitful and interesting. Among other things, they demonstrated self-made unmanned aerial vehicles and a light rocket. In this case, it was the high level of funding of student projects that impressed me.

As for the city of Adana, in which the University is located, it is quite an interesting, very lively, contrasting city. I would especially like to note the kindness of local residents, who sincerely tried to help tourists who do not know their way around the city, despite the fact that no one there speaks either English or Ukrainian.

Maiorova Kateryna (Head of Department 104)


Mobility program: Erasmus+  Exchange Program- Teaching Staff

Period of mobility:29/04/2023 – 07/05/2023

Comments:During staying in Adana Alparslan Tukes Science and Technology University (Türkiye), Head of Dept 104 Associate Professor Maiorova Kateryna have attended several departments of Adana Aerospace engineering faculty.

Turkey is a warm and energetic country that combines many cultures from Syria, Iraq, Georgia, etc. Almost none of them know English, but you can communicate with them by gestures and everyone tries to help you. Currently, Turkey is recovering from the earthquake and therefore studies are conducted in a blended format, but more online. The teachers work at their workplaces in the university and have all the equipment for this. Each professor has a personal office. By agreement with the group, the class can be completed offline.

The university ATU is new and not fully rebuilt (two buildings are under construction). The situation is the same with laboratories that need to be equipped with models and equipment. However, this situation did not prevent the implementation of the internship and the exchange of experience among the teaching staff. In particular, a tour of the department's laboratories was organized: the production of rocket carriers, drones and unmanned aerial vehicles. A modern catapult is shown.

Students of Adana Aerospace engineering faculty were given lectures on the technology of manufacturing aircraft parts based on reverse engineering. Based on the results of the visit, directions for further cooperation in education and science were determined.

Volodymyr Lukin (Head of Department 504)  and Sergiy Abramov (Associate Professor of Department 504)

Host University: West-Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin Poland

Mobility program: Erasmus+  Exchange Program- Teaching Staff

Period of mobility:15/04/2023 – 24/04/2023

Comments: During staying in West-Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin (Poland), Head of Dept 504 Professor Volodymyr Lukin and Associate Professor Sergiy Abramov have attended several departments of Electrotechnical Faculty.

In particular, an excursion has been organized for several auditoria of Dept of Signal Processing and Multimedia Engineering. Modern studio for multichannel sound processing has been shown.

In the Center of electromagnetic wave engineering and microwave technologies, the laboratory of microwave measurements for studying electromagnetic compatibility has been visited.

Our tutors have given several lectures on digital processing of multichannel remote sensing images to Polish students. As the result of the visit, directions of further cooperation in education and science have been outlined.

Yaroslav Kulesha

Host University: Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Mobility program: Erasmus+ Student Exchange Program

Period of mobility:05/02/2018-15/06/2018

Comments:Istanbul Technical University is the best engineering university in the Republic of Turkey and the third oldest engineering university in the world.

Every autumn and spring, KhAI International Relations Department conducts competitive selection of candidates for studying under Erasmus+ mobility program. For participation at the program, you must have a good English knowledge, be a diligent student and have the motivation to learn.

After I was selected as a finalist, it was necessary to sign some documents, select classes that will be studied in Istanbul and pack luggage. All documents were signed fairly quickly, almost all classes were same with classes at KhAI, and those that didn't match, my department allowed to re-pass.

At ITU, I immediately noticed for myself that studying abroad is different from ours. They don't have common groups for each major and if you don't attend classes or cheating on exams you might get kicked from the university. Students don't have much time for partying and stuff, there is a lot of homework in engineering majors, but it's still worth it.

In general, studying at Istanbul Technical University is very different from studying at KhAI. and is more similar to the American system. I've noticed many things both about the university and student life, and Turkey itself with its beautiful culture and nature. But for a story about everything one comment isn't enough. However, I'm always available for all of the questions about studying in Turkey. Set your goals, don't give up, and you'll certainly succeed.

Andriy Tavrin

Host University: University of Trento, Italy

Mobility program: exchange program Erasmus+ ICM – bachelor

Period of mobility: 10/09/2019-10/02/2020

Comments: University of Trento gives a huge amount of opportunities for your academic and professional career. Flexibility in choices of your future subjects makes you manage your priorities and concentrate on the courses that you need the most in terms of your preferences. University staff and facilities are awesome and any exchange student is going to have everything to feel comfortable to reach their goals.

Apart from the University it’s hard to omit the fact that an upcoming student will for sure fall in love with the beauty of Sudtirol and South of Italy. What can be better than seeing Italian Alps from the window of your classroom or make a short break and visit Innsbruck or Venice on a weekend? The region has perfect location, culture, history and places to see that you will find hard to visit all during only one Erasmus period.

Oleh Subotin

Host University: University of Trento, Italy

Mobility program: exchange program Erasmus+ ICM – bachelor

Period of mobility: 11/09/2019-10/02/2020

Comments: It was a great chance for me to get European education at University of Trento due to Erasmus+ Exchange Program. Personally for me this program was full of exchanging experience with other guys from all over the world. We could discuss different engineering problems with students from Italy, China, Spain, Honduras, Chile, Mexico.

All professors are so responsive and high qualified. They are ready to share their knowledge. Certainly, possibility to travel around Europe is pleasant bonus for each student. So, it was amazing experience, which is able to broaden the horizons.

Anna Fedorenko

Host University: University of Trento, Italy

Mobility program: exchange program Erasmus+ ICM – bachelor

Period of mobility: 11/09/2019-19/02/2020

Comments: Erasmus in Trento is the best thing that could have happened to me. These 5 months were extremely interesting, full of events and trips around Italy.

I really enjoyed my stay in Trento. University provides students with comfortable accommodations and free circulation pass. Staff of International Mobility Office is very attentive and helpful. One should note here that it is necessary to know that you have someone to turn to for help while being in a foreign country.

Education level and standards of teaching at the University are undoubtedly very high.

As for me, probably, the most important aspect among all was meeting new people from all over the world. I had neighbors from Italy, Mexico, India, Philippines, Brazil etc. The atmosphere in our block was cozy, friendly and multicultural. We often had parties or made dinners together.

Sofiia Skripka

Host University: Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Mobility program: Erasmus+ Student Exchange Program

Period of mobility: 05/02/2018-15/06/2018

Comments:I was an exchange student at Istanbul Technical University, for one semester and the experience was simply fabulous.

Everything about ITU was different from my home university and I made the most of this opportunity by taking some really cool classes and working alongside some excellent professors.

Also, a good thing to note is that the campus is huge and a little bit isolated and it was not in the heart of the city center. They have their own gym in the common area, study rooms, libraries, and some canteens that have good quality food, for very low prices. I felt that Turks in general and the campus community in specific are very welcoming and friendly, which helped me to feel at home very quickly. 

Istanbul is a perfect city for student life, there is no way to get bored, it offers so many places and attractions you can visit and nicely spend your free time. Although Istanbul is considered to be a Turkish/Asian city it is actually really European. I spent about four months there but I still didn’t have time to visit everything on my sightseeing list. Also worth mentioning that my student ticket allowed me to save lots of money with student discounts for different tourist sights which is very nice.

Being an exchange student has been an important chapter of my life. It is something that you would definitely not want to miss as a part of your university life. I am very glad that I took part in the program and I would like to say a big thank you to the International Relations Office of both Universities and program Erasmus.

Yaroslav Kulesha

Host University: University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Mobility program: MITACS Globalink Research Internship

Period of mobility: June 2018 - October 2018

Comments:Before studying in Turkey under the Erasmus+ student exchange programme, I submitted documents to the MITACS Globalink Reserach Internship, which I found on the KhAI International Relations Department page on Facebook. And in the summer, after finishing with Istanbul Technical University I successfully flew to Canada. First of all, I want to talk about the process of submitting documents.

The submission wasn't difficult, but the search for projects was. There are a lot of projects you can apply if you're an engineer. But during the search I came across with a topic related to my research at KhAI. That was the thing, I chose the topic as my first priority and then had more sureness that I'll be accepted.

After an hour-long interview with the host professor, I was accepted into a program with a topic related to plasma technology. A week later, another professor from different university with my second priority topic called me, but conversation with him lasted only about 15 minutes. I told him that I had been already accepted with different professor. We wished each other good luck and never talked again.

I've been with plasma technologies since the end of the first year of studying at KhAI. This is a narrow topic and I didn't expect that I'd find something similar from MITACS. The Canadian professor, by the way, knows the head of plasma laboratory at KhAI by his articles, which came as a surprise to me. The world is small!

I hope that the internship in Canada will bring not only a good point for a future career, but also future cooperation between UofS and KhAI in terms of electric rocket engines.

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