Turku UAS (Finland) | ХАІ
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Erasmus+ mobility program
urku University of Applied Sciences,
Turku, Republic of Finland

In accordance with the cooperation between KhAI and Turku UAS, Finland a mobility program is operating within the framework of the Erasmus+ project.

Application deadlines

- For the autumn semester / full academic year - 15th of April for all incoming students

- For the spring semester - 15th of October for all incoming students 

Required Documents

As a nominated student you will be asked to submit the following documents:

- Online Application Form

- Copy of international passport  

- Recent transcript of records

- Copy of English language certificate (minimum requirement: B1 level)

Grants for students:

1150 EUR per month (900 EUR per month + 250 EUR top-up per month) + travel support 

Courses in English 

Turku UAS does not have own dormitory for students, but Turku Student Village Foundation (TYS) offers apartments for students of educational institutions. TYS has around 5000 apartments for around 7,000 people in 18 housing locations around Turku.  Turku UAS collected information about housing, TYS and other housing providers on web site Accommodation. Also important information for students arriving to Finland and Turku can be found here.

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