St. Pölten University (Austria) | ХАІ
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Erasmus+ mobility program
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences,
St. Pölten, Republic of Austria

In accordance with the cooperation between KhAI and St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria a mobility program is operating within the framework of the Erasmus+ project. 

Required Documents

As a nominated student you will be asked to submit the following documents:

- Online Application Form

- Copy of international passport  

- Recent transcript of records

- Copy of German language certificate (minimum requirement: B1 level) OR Copy of English language certificate (minimum requirement: B1 level) if you choose courses in English 

Courses in English 

Language of education

English, German 

Incoming Student Guide

Предметні олімпіади у форматі НМТ