Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic | ХАІ
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Scholarship program Nikola Šohaj (1 semester)
from the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Are you studying for a master's degree and you have a great desire to continue your project in the Czech Republic, as well as enroll in Czech language courses? Do you speak English at the B2 level?

We are happy to announce that you have the opportunity to receive the Nikola Šohaj scholarship, which is for 3 months (36,000 Czech crowns) and covers basic living and transport costs.

The student should choose a project that interests him and contact directly the manager of this project. Once approved, he will be sent application forms and instructions. Projects can be viewed on the website of the university.

You do not need a visa if you have a biometric passport. If your studies will last more than 3 months, you will need to apply for a student visa.

You can get more detailed information on the scholarship on the website of the Czech Technical University, and also choose what interests you, the project and contact the international department of the university.

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