Mykola Maslennykov | ХАІ
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Mykola Maslennykov

Rector of Kharkiv Aviation Institute


Mykola Maslennikov paid primary attention to the material and technical base of the institute, the construction of new buildings, dormitories, and sports facilities. Thanks to him, a recreation center appeared in the Crimea. In May 1966, the rector demanded that the institute be included in the list of the most important buildings and among the 25 basic higher educational institutions of the USSR, which were directly subordinated to the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR. And this gave huge advantages and opened new horizons for the development of universities. In a short period of time, a new competition of the radio engineering faculty was put into effect, the construction of dormitory No. 4 (1962), dormitory No. 5 (1963), dormitory No. 6 and house of young specialists No. 1 (1964) was completed. In 1965, a kitchen factory with 318 seats was opened, the construction of a sports building with a swimming pool was completed (1969), an impulse building (1973), dormitories No. 7, 8, 9, No. 10 (1974), the first (1967) and the second (1974) sleeping buildings in the sports and health camp of the Khai in the village of Fishing in the Crimea.

But the real pride of the rector was the supersonic aerodynamic laboratory (1973). This unique building has become a national treasure of Ukraine.

To improve the educational process and increase its efficiency, the following were created and put into operation: a laboratory of technical teaching aids (1967), an editorial and research department (1967), a computer center (1969), a printing house (1969). The necessary conditions for creative initiative among students are created, the work of the student design office, scientific circles in the departments, in scientific laboratories is intensified. Attention is paid to the aesthetic education of students in the weekend student club, and a corresponding optional course is introduced into the curriculum.

The new status of the university gave impetus to the development of science. State budget and problem laboratories (1962 and 1963), branch laboratories of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR were created. The institute's scientific base attracts the attention of other ministries. In 1966, a specialized Academic Council for the defense of candidate's theses, and in 1969 - doctoral theses, began working at Khai Khai. Mykola Maslennikov himself was actively involved in scientific activities. The list of his inventions of scientific and methodical works exceeds 70 items, including 9 textbooks, 21 articles.

Mykola Maslennikov made a huge contribution to the development of the Khai, making it one of the most prestigious in the former USSR. KHAI became equal to such educational institutions as the Moscow Higher Technical School named after Bauman. Young people from all over the USSR sought to come to study in Kharkov, at Khai Khai, despite the fact that not everyone could study here - the level of educational and scientific programs was so high and complex.

For the successful implementation of plans for the training of specialists for the national economy, public and labor activities, he was awarded state and government awards: "Badge of Honor" (1961), the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1971), medals "For valiant work in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V I. Lenin" (1970), "For valiant work in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" (1946), certificates of honor and thanks.