Contacts of the Association of KhAI | ХАІ
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HomeUniversityAlumni AssociationContacts of the Association of KhAI


President of the Association, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine

in the field of science and technology, doctor of technical sciences, professor of KHAI.



secretary-referent, accountant of the Association.


61070, Ukraine, Kharkiv, street Chkalova, 17, room 326a (main building)


 +38 (057) 788-47-47, +38 (057) 788-40-96.

Bank details:

Public organization "International Association of Alumni of KHAI"

USREOU 25473018

IBAN / Current account:

UA823003460000026005018724801 in JSC "Alfa-Bank" Kyiv

Purpose of payment: charitable contribution.

Indicate the name of the payer or the name of the legal entity-payer and the purpose of the contributions.


"International Association of Alumni of KHAI is always glad to meet you!"